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The drastic decline of Pakistani minorities

soo a programe just for the sake popularity show the drama of conversion which merely got any headlines (cz every one knows the pakistani media drama) & some other news papers share the news to share some popularity of drama, has made the day for indians just to bash Pakistan, i mean rights of minority for god sake these words are coming from indians:D

seems funny & rubbish at the same time.
I have a question for all the Hindis who keep posting stuff which are always against Pakistan, you all happily do it I know that well.
why you being on defensive.does it shame you?If yes then posting such articles is necessary.Shamimng a society is best way to pull it out of morases.

My question to you is its better for you all to worry about your shining India & look what’s going on in your country, what Hindus are doing against minorities over there, just because there is no Indian & foreign media coverage does not mean Indian is clean of sectarian violence, everybody in India is clean like a new born baby & all the fingers must be pointed on Pakistan, Pakistan should be blamed for every single thing that is happening in & out of Pakistan (Pakistani citizen abroad).
well in India at least minority have equal rights to kill majority .If you dont know take the example of recent Assam violence.so i think both majority and minorities are on equal footing killing each other.And nobody claim it here india is clean as new born baby.Hey but even new born is not a clean it has to be cleaned later on.

Indians happily do this because the fact is you all Hindis love to do propaganda against Pakistan, you all love it when Pakistan is hurt & you all love to start a fight in this forum, this is what I have seen & this is what you all have been doing on this forum for a long time.
If you call this as propaganda then i wonder what the reality is?:rolleyes:

Let’s talk about what going on in shining India, there are so many freedom movements in your country, there are no rights for the minorities in your country “NIL”, there is a poor state in your country where they happily take their parents to the Doctors & the Doctors poison them because they are a burden on their children (This is completely legal in India) I am sure you all shining Hindis are aware of it.
Lets take it this way can minorities do rioting in pak?but in shining india they sure can so that this proves that in shining india minorities ave same equal rights to riots as majority.

Sikh’s they want freedom, Dalits they want freedom, State of Assam wants freedom, Muslims well as far as they go half of them sing Hindu tone so that they are not brutalized by the Hindus other live scared etc. so many issues so many problems in India but still Hindis love to point figure at Pakistan, I know what’s in your evil demented twisted Hindi minds.
Hindus love to point finger at pakistan coz for every 1 finger they point at you they get reason to do better on 4 finers of theirs pointed on them.:D

Hindus anywhere in the world will always migrate to India and will be more loyal to India be it in PAK or BD. They naturally stronger bonds with their hindu brethren in India which is a normal human nature and no crime. And India too need this Hindus in a desperate attempt to preserve Hindu majority status if India in the face of ever growing conversions and demographic boom.On top of that fertility rate among hindus and christians in the subcontinent is very low compared to muslims hence this % decline. Minorities in every muslim countries are treated like Kings and that's a fact. No muslim country ever did, does, or will do Injustice to their minorities. We muslims are a model to follow when it comes to minority rights. SO Indians stop whining and trolling and face reality. Stop oppressing and massacring your minorities.
Sorry Tasleem nasreen doesnt agree with you .Btw as an individual like you who call B-words to females can be a worst role-model to be a muslim or even a man.In fact i wont even call u muslim.you bring bad name to muslims.I wonder why Aeronaut thanked you post:rolleyes:

Indians have an ABYSMAL record when it comes to MONORITY RIGHTS. After AYODHYA and GUJARAT, Indians should be ashamed of themselves to even point out fingers at other countries.
Why not mention Assam or you know its not worst example or good example of muslim rights?Or is it your selective reading only.
This is the Video of the incident.

I don't see anything wrong with it. The youth was not forced or coerced to convert to islam. He made his own decision!!!

Nothing wrong with conversions - they happen all the time.

The larger issue is that TV channels resort to such gimmicks for TRP & publicity. Conversion like praying is a personal thing , must it be publicized thus ?.. and to what avail ?

Lastly, wonder what is the age of Sunil .. doesnt look more than 16 -17.

Whats the legal age to vote and consent for Marriage in Pak ? Since his parents / family were not present or shown later , it leads to thoughts ..
This is the Video of the incident.

Hindu (Pakistani) Boy Converted to Islam on Pakistani TV (Maya Khan, July 2012) - YouTube

I don't see anything wrong with it. The youth was not forced or coerced to convert to islam. He made his own decision!!!

The boy looks dazed, confused and scared to me.

Freedom of religion is not the point here. No sane person would go against that. I can give you former boxer's Pierre Vogels youtube conversion video's. No lucid German would have an outburst because of these conversions to Islam.

The main criticism, as I read it , why do it on national television? It's a fair question, giving the delicate position minorities in Pakistan have to contend with.
It is fairly true that some people just do not learn the lessons. Maya Khan, the unprecedented queen of controversial morning shows, quite evidently remains one of them. Whether we talk about her endless stream of crocodile tears shed during the live transmission of her shows or her posse of women running after young couples, Khan certainly knows how to stir up sensation and ratchet ratings.

Khan, popularly known for running after people in the parks, was sacked after a social media campaign was launched against her. However, she was hired by another private TV channel soon for her sensationalism and controversies.

Her recent escapade, which involved converting a Hindu boy on live television, has angered many people. The show revolved around the ritual of conversion and people calling in to congratulate Khan, her team and Sunil, who was later, renamed Muhammad Abdullah.

When asked what motivated him to accept Islam, Sunil responded incoherently about his intentions. Most of his responses revolved around praising Sarim Burney Trust, where he works and supposedly received the courage to change his religion.

I am truly ashamed to have witnessed such a hideous mockery of the two religions. I am appalled to be a part of a society which hails such unjust and unethical practises and deeply saddened to know that minorities are blatantly marginalised on live television while the silent majority lives in denial.

It was ironical to see that not a single caller objected to this ridiculing of religions or safeguarding the rights of minorities living in Pakistan. I am positively sure that at this rate minorities will cease to exist in Pakistan.

It is rather disappointing to see that people such as Khan and Shahid Masood who are best known for gaining popularity through such shoddy tactics are being followed around like deities.

Amazingly, most of us fail to understand that spirituality and religion are matters of personal choices. Advertising and exhibiting religion is neither permissible in Islam nor is recommended by the ethical parameters of any progressive society. The bombardment of Ramazan transmissions featuring religious clerics, public and pseudo-religious scholars-cum-hosts that aim to question and reinforce the concept of faith, are nothing but promotional stunts to fool the public.

When will we learn? Why cannot we see that the only chance of our survival lies in tolerance and coexistence? Why cannot we respect other religions the way we honour Islam? How can a person who disrespects one religion, honour another?

The forced conversions and abductions of non-Muslims living in Pakistan are hushed-up whereas ‘victories’ such as the one we witnessed this week are publicised on national television, further intimidating and isolating minorities.

We talk about atrocities carried out in Indian Kashmir and the Gujrat riots but forget about the minorities who are living in constant fear of their lives, legacies and children. Khan’s show depicted the true picture of people because of whom the non-Muslims population in Pakistan is declining drastically.

Whether the conversion was forced or willful remains arguable, however, we all know how Pakistanis would have responded if a Muslim would have been converted on live television. The ensuing catharsis would have engulfed the entire country in a raging fire; however, the minimal reaction this episode has received just proves that we are a failed society.

Equally if not more, Pakistan’s media ethics are also to be questioned. The code of conduct which is found missing in most of the cases is one of the main reasons why such grotesque shows are approved for broadcast.

Who has given electronic media the right to disseminate such negative propaganda about religion? Is it not more important to address issues related to the suppressed minorities of Pakistan and broadcast messages of peace in harmony during Ramazan?

It is important to understand that unless we learn to live in mutual harmony, we will continue to suffer. The silent majority must rise and reprimand such media houses, producers and anchorpersons who entice masses to laud such medieval practises.

We saw a revolution on social media after Khan’s “chasing couples in park” fiasco and we must continue to raise our voice. The change will take time; however, it will also only be brought about by you.

The drastic decline of Pakistani minorities | DAWN.COM

This writer knows nothing about Islam first Islam is complete system of life it includes economy Laws your social life and Politics therefore Islam is not a personal thing but in Islam you have to be open and deal with openly secondly when declaring Islam you have to declare it openly that is what that boy did MAY ALLAH bless her but as far our secular traitor media is concerned they need to be taught some lesson and I am planning to launch some protests against them really very soon INSHALLAH
Hindus in Pakistan are like a Bakra during Bakrid... ---- waiting to be slaughtered slowly(which according to some people here is 'very humane')
The day they chose to trust Jinnah's words instead of the evident reality in front of them,they marked their graves themselves.

That pretty much ends the story,i can understand some people who could not move to India due to any reason,my sympathies with them but there is nothing much beyond that.They ought to face the bleak future with all their hearts or else move to India.
Indians have an ABYSMAL record when it comes to MONORITY RIGHTS. After AYODHYA and GUJARAT, Indians should be ashamed of themselves to even point out fingers at other countries.

Yeah we know you have Ayodhya & Gujarat talks always.Yes many of us feel ashamed of ayodhya & gujarat but these 2 incidents cant deny success of our secular constitutional governance & 65 years of democracy.

Ashamed should be the country which has TV programs as discussed in OP, where minorities are second citizens and even majorities are not safe because of shia-sunni-ahmedi conflicts.

Hindus anywhere in the world will always migrate to India and will be more loyal to India be it in PAK or BD. They naturally stronger bonds with their hindu brethren in India which is a normal human nature and no crime. And India too need this Hindus in a desperate attempt to preserve Hindu majority status if India in the face of ever growing conversions and demographic boom.

Cut the crap we dont have Hindu UMMAH thing in our minds.Hinduism helps making individual person a spiritual identity it does not binds communal masses under any brotherhood thing unless it is attacked or bullied by external terrorizing/moronic elements

On top of that fertility rate among hindus and christians in the subcontinent is very low compared to muslims hence this % decline.

True on global scale but not for minorities in BD & Pakistan. Good education & literacy implies right or lesser fertility rates. Reasons for % decline are obviously more than fertility rates.

Minorities in every muslim countries are treated like Kings and that's a fact. No muslim country ever did, does, or will do Injustice to their minorities. We muslims are a model to follow when it comes to minority rights.

Yes where christians kings are killed for blasphemy, ahmedis kings are killed for being non-muslims, where princess or daughters of so called kings are abducted, raped, forcefully married & converted.
If every body follows your role models world will get of rid half of its population.

SO Indians stop whining and trolling and face reality. Stop oppressing and massacring your minorities.

OP poster is indian but is just a messenger, news is from Pakistani newspaper probably from a better educated pakistani than you and me are.
So better you stop trolling by dragging Indians here.

What is the Muslim to Hindu conversion rate in the dominant Hindu nation like India? Must be higher than Muslim to Hindus conversion. Islam is a religion while Hinduism is a way of life.. right? :tup:

Nope I am sure muslim to hindu conversion is not higher in India like hindu to muslim conversions are. Dont have right figures to prove my point but neither do you have to prove it wrong.

But atleast we dont make sickened TV programs on it hurting sentiments of our minorities.
Hindus in Pakistan are like a Bakra during Bakrid... ---- waiting to be slaughtered slowly(which according to some people here is 'very humane')

Hindus in Pakistan will see the right path and convert until there is no Hindu left in Pakistan. In Islam there is no such thing as forced conversion. I am sure our brothers in India are doing a good job with converting Hindus.
Hindus in Pakistan will see the right path and convert until there is no Hindu left in Pakistan. In Islam there is no such thing as forced conversion. I am sure our brothers in India are doing a good job with converting Hindus.
Seriously mate. Coming from you. Explain how Hindus converting is "right path". Aren't you advocating that "Hinduism" is wrong one. You also think conversion of Hindus is a good job in India too. Who makes you judge of which is right and wrong path ?

Expected way better than this. Disappointed.
Hindus in Pakistan will see the right path and convert until there is no Hindu left in Pakistan. In Islam there is no such thing as forced conversion. I am sure our brothers in India are doing a good job with converting Hindus.


This is stiff coming from a webmaster.

This post & the one this refers to ( no 37) - both need to be deleted.

Jinnah must have just turned in his grave.
Sir issue is force conversion in Islam no body can be forced to convert the boy willingly has converted to Islam but secular traitor media like always needed something to make their kufr masters happy so they got it here and now they are doing their job for which they are paid for but hindus are also converting to Islam in India in fact Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world not because of births but because of people converting to Islam because they have found the truth the ultimate truth
Indian Girls Convert To Islam by Dr Zakir Naik - YouTube
Seriously mate. Coming from you. Explain how Hindus converting is "right path". Aren't you advocating that "Hinduism" is wrong one. You also think conversion of Hindus is a good job in India too. Who makes you judge of which is right and wrong path ?

Expected way better than this. Disappointed.

There is a reason Hindus in Pakistan are converting, i.e. they believe it is the right path religious vice thanks to the in-depth information available to them and being open minded to learn more about Islam.

If it comes to my opinion i would think the same, but deciding which path is the right path is dependent on individuals.

It is now the duty of Indian Muslims to provide that information to those who are willing to listen and convert as many as possible.
Those who actively convert or proselytise in India should be actively hunted down in India. By the state or the mob. No two ways about it.
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