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Nov 9, 2009
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By: Shireeen M Mazari | Published: January 20, 2010

ISLAMABAD – A nightmare security scenario for Pakistan seems to be emerging - that of a two-front military conflict. Pakistan is already facing an internal militancy aided and abetted from Afghanistan and is threatened with all manner of likely US boots actually coming into Pakistan. Already, the drone attacks on Pakistani soil have increased. For all these reasons, Pakistan has moved a large chunk of its forces away from its Eastern border with India and along the LoC, and moved them to the Western front along the international border with Afghanistan as well as into FATA.

Now India has upped the military ante against Pakistan after meetings between Indian officials and America’s Holbrooke and Gates. Hence we are seeing the unprovoked Indian military firing at Pakistani forces across the international border, the working boundary and across the LoC, which has resulted in death and injury for Pakistani soldiers. What can possibly be the Indian intent at this time to undertake such military adventurism? Had it been given some go-ahead by the Americans.

This new military provocation comes when there seems to have been a decision made by the British and Americans to give India a major military role in Afghanistan. The two allies are all set to spring this nasty decision onto Pakistan at the international conference on Afghanistan in London at the end of this month when it will be proposed that India train the Afghan National Army - something it is already doing at a small level covertly and on that pretext already has its operatives in Afghanistan. It is these operatives who are conducting the aid and assistance to militants within Pakistan.

In view of these developments, what are the immediate options for Pakistan which will protect its interests as well as signal an effective message to both the US and India?

First and most immediate, Pakistan needs to move its troops back to its Eastern front and cease operations in FATA. We need to distinguish between our militancy problem, which is certainly threatening and very real, but has multiple dimensions, and the misguided US ‘War on Terror’. On the Western front, it needs to realign its forces along the Chaman border area with Afghanistan where it is expected US boots may enter Pakistan on the ground.

Second, it needs to tell the US in no uncertain terms that it will not tolerate these Indian military incitements and may well up the ante also choosing its own time, place and type of response.

Third, Pakistan needs to categorically refuse to participate in the London Conference if the plan to train the Afghan National Army by India is even discussed informally. In fact, under the circumstances, if India participates in the Conference, Pakistan should consider the option of boycotting it. Let us see how far the US and UK get in Afghanistan without Pakistan’s active cooperation!

Fourth, it is time to demand that Indian operatives move out of Afghanistan and Indian consulates in Afghanistan along the border area with Pakistan be closed.
The fact that the Indian aggression has come immediately in the aftermath of the discussions between the Indians and visiting Americans including Defence Secretary Gates, and following on the heels of the visit to Kabul by India’s DG MI, shows only too clearly the Indo-US nexus in terms of presenting Pakistan with a possible two-front threat.
Fourth, it is time to demand that Indian operatives move out of Afghanistan and Indian consulates in Afghanistan along the border area with Pakistan be closed.

If India Demands that the "Non State Actors" aka Terrorists residing in P.O.K be terminated along with the Training Camps being Closed will GoP accept ?

If thats done one can expect a reciprocal gesture else the history has good examples on what really happens in such scenarios.
What is your point?

Exactly This,
" Pakistan needs to tell the US in no uncertain terms that it will not tolerate these Indian military incitements and may well up the ante also choosing its own time, place and type of response".
^^^ Can you please shed light on what the "ante" will be?
Pakistan needs to tell the US in no uncertain terms that it will not tolerate these Indian military incitements -
Who do you think is more likely to be telling fibs, the P.A. and Pakistani politicians whose truthfulness you know, or the Indians who you don't?
Who do you think is more likely to be telling fibs, the P.A. and Pakistani politicians whose truthfulness you know, or the Indians who you don't?

As i said elsewhere, if Pakistan was the guilty party here, it wouldn't have demanded a flag meeting.
" Pakistan needs to tell the US in no uncertain terms that it will not tolerate these Indian military incitements and may well up the ante also choosing its own time, place and type of response".

and how pray may Pakistan up the ante? Go on, indulge in a little speculation for us.......
So the author suggests Pakistan stop fighting the people who are murdering thousands of its women and children to prepare against an imaginary US invasion and to respond to the types of minor border scirmishes that have been happening for years that have 2/3's of the army to prevent already.

If the troops that are there already cant prevent minor Indian incidents will 15,000 more make a difference no.

The US invade pakistan :rofl: with what troops after all they are streched enough as it is. The US has no reason and no hope of invading and controling Pakistan it would be a nightmare when they are trying hard to extract their troops from the two they already have.

So the artical comes down to basically um stop shooting the taliban and withdraw the army while they are winning, the only assumption you can make about the author is he is an idiot or a taliban stooge.
So the author suggests Pakistan stop fighting the people who are murdering thousands of its women and children to prepare against an imaginary US invasion and to respond to the types of minor border scirmishes that have been happening for years that have 2/3's of the army to prevent already.

If the troops that are there already cant prevent minor Indian incidents will 15,000 more make a difference no.

The US invade pakistan :rofl: with what troops after all they are streched enough as it is. The US has no reason and no hope of invading and controling Pakistan it would be a nightmare when they are trying hard to extract their troops from the two they already have.

So the artical comes down to basically um stop shooting the taliban and withdraw the army while they are winning, the only assumption you can make about the author is he is an idiot or a taliban stooge.

All this war is a bullshit. we dont promote Taliban neither we support their brutal acts. But the bottom line is that all this mess in Pakistan is happening because of America.. They only go there where they find resources to boost their economy. Yes our military is fighting against Taliban but we do care about the Good and the Bad. There are alot of Terrorist factors who are gettin direct US/Indian funding and running their nasty campaigns on Pakistan soil against Pakistani citizens. Against all women and children. We are only fighting against them. Why is it important for an American govt to eliminate bad factors from the world and get killed its hundreds of illetrate soldiers???? Why dont they make medicine and health free for US citizens instead of pushing so called democracy in such contries where people dont know about their basic rights. Why dont they give shelter to the people who live in streets in US cities?????
Their basic aim is just to get the world resources to run their govt smoothly. Americans are of no one's ideal. the moment they get out of Asia we will be in deep peace. Rest Indian army can't handle Pakistani invasion (if happen) for more than a day:azn:. Our Army been in practice for last more than 5 years and 90% of army is highly trained over guirella warfare.
UN major donor is US and then UK. They never deploy their peace forces untill they get signal from states and US never give them signal untill everything get mess up. We have exmples and history to look into, Sirea Leon, Liberaea, they have Diamonds and world highest rubber production they let them get screwed up each other. Once all of them destroyed completely the UN peace forces get jumped into keep the peace. All major US campanies get projects for rehabilitations and infrastructure building, they acquired rubber production forms and all diamond zones for diamond extraction.
US havn't gave the green signal to the UN forces to get deployed into Iraq yet because they want more destructions yet.

No US no Cry....... All mess is because of them...

May God bless Pakistan and we have strength to get raise and we shall


God bless Pakistan
If India Demands that the "Non State Actors" aka Terrorists residing in P.O.K be terminated along with the Training Camps being Closed will GoP accept ?

If thats done one can expect a reciprocal gesture else the history has good examples on what really happens in such scenarios.

Start with putting ppl like kernal rohat in Jail who killed 70 Pakistani ppl in samjota express and ppl within goverment killing of Muslims in Gujrat. :bunny:

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