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The Crimean war.


Nov 3, 2013
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United Kingdom

The Crimean War
In Britain, the Crimean War is principally remembered for three reasons: the Charge of the Light Brigade, maladministration in the British army, and Florence Nightingale. However, this war, fought by an alliance of Britain, France, Turkey and Sardinia against Russia, is far more complex.

Many wars have been fought on the grounds of the strategic importance of a region; many wars have been fought over religious differences. The Crimean War was the result of both factors.

The causes of war

During the years leading up to the Crimean War, France, Russia and Britain were all competing for influence in the Middle East, particularly with Turkey. Religious differences were certainly a catalyst in the Crimean War. Control of access to religious sites in the Holy Land had been a cause of tension between Catholic France and Orthodox Russia for a number of years and in 1853, the conflict came to a head with rioting in Bethlehem, which was then part of the Ottoman empire ruled by Turkey. A number of Orthodox monks were killed during fighting with French monks. Tsar Nicholas I blamed the Turks for these deaths.

'The sick man of Europe'
Tsar Nicholas I demanded that the dispute be resolved in favour of the Orthodox Church and sent his representative Menshikov to Constantinople (now Istanbul) with demands on the Porte (the Turkish court). These demands were not met however and Nicholas took the opportunity to mobilise the Russian army against Turkey, which at this point was beginning to lose its grip on its empire. Nicholas referred to Turkey and its weakening empire as the 'sick man of Europe' and historians have argued that he had ambitions of his own in the eastern Mediterranean. The British and French, for their part, were concerned about Russian expansion in the region and the potential threat to their trade routes.

Russia attacks Turkey

Initial Russian operations against the Ottoman empire were conducted in Romania with the Russian army crossing the River Pruth into Moldavia on 2 July 1853. In response Turkey declared war on Russia on 5 October. On 4 November, the Russians destroyed the Turkish fleet at Sinope, on Turkey's Black Sea coast, sinking seven frigates and other shipping. The British and French responded quickly. In March 1854, they declared war on Russia expecting, with their naval supremacy, a quick victory. The allied forces were mustered at Varna in Bulgaria and they prepared for an all-out assault on Russian forces in the Crimea to seize the naval base at Sevastopol.
Ottomans fought well in land. They hold back Russian advance in the Balkans & in the Caucasus. It was the complete destruction of their fleet in Sinop that brought the British & the French in the war.
Ottomans fought well in land. They hold back Russian advance in the Balkans & in the Caucasus. It was the complete destruction of their fleet in Sinop that brought the British & the French in the war.
Of you look at the casualty figures, Ottomans suffered the most casualties despite have the same amount of soldiers as the British and French.
Not everyone knows that in fact fighting were not only in Crimea, but also in the Baltic Sea, Caucasus, the White Sea and the Far East. In all areas except Crimean the anti-Russian coalition was defeated.
Not everyone knows that in fact fighting were not only in Crimea, but also in the Baltic Sea, Caucasus, the White Sea and the Far East. In all areas except Crimean the anti-Russian coalition was defeated.
The main and most important battles where in the Crimea and they where won by the Allies.
The main and most important battles where in the Crimea and they where won by the Allies.
Yes, a few square miles after few years - it is very successful war! At the same time in the Caucasus Russia has moved deep into Turkey territory!
If Tsar Nicholas had not died, then even this small success would not happen.
Yes, a few square miles after few years - it is very successful war!
If Tsar Nicholas had not died, then even this small success would not happen.
Course not.;)
Keep enjoying your propaganda, Allied victory will happen again soon!
An* iPad. Didn't correct it this time?
Why would it correct the spelling for ipad? It's not in the English dictionary but what would a British Muslim like yourself know about high end electronic equipment like that? Probably on benefits while living in a two bedroom house in the middle of Bradford. Now stop posting off topic material unless you want me to humble you again?
Why would it correct the spelling for ipad? It's not in the English dictionary but what would a British Muslim like yourself know about high end electronic equipment like that? Probably on benefits while living in a two bedroom house in the middle of Bradford. Now stop posting off topic material unless you want me to humble you again?
Humble me, damn! hahahah, yes please. You got caught blatantly lying about being on an iPad hahahahhahahahaah
Never got any benefits in my life (apart from child, which everyone gets) and pay all my tax.
If you have these views then express them without hiding.
Humble me, damn! hahahah, yes please. You got caught blatantly lying about being on an iPad hahahahhahahahaah
Never got any benefits in my life (apart from child, which everyone gets) and pay all my tax.
If you have these views then express them without hiding.
There's no correction for Ipad idiot, maybe in your third world homeland but not in normal places.
Course you don't benefit cheating Muslim, you are a big and rich man on the internet.:rofl:
I have expressed them without hiding and many other people have as well, if you have such problems with natives of this country then go back to your glorious homeland?:enjoy:
hahahhahahaha now you're just proving you don't even have an iPad and you try so hard to write "Ipad" pahahahhaha

Put your real flag up Indian.

This is how EDL treats your people and you are promoting them on the internet :lol:


And this is you:


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