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The Country That Makes Saudi Arabia Look Good


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Photographer: Karim Sahib/AFP/Getty Images

The Country That Makes Saudi Arabia Look Good

3 Mar 12, 2014 10:35 AM ET
By Jeffrey Goldberg

Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, the emir of Qatar, met secretly in Kuwait last month with foreign ministers from five neighboring countries, including Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates. According to two people with direct knowledge of this meeting, the five foreign ministers had a simple message for the emir: Cut it out -- we know what you’re doing.

Qatar is a tiny country -- a mole on the back of Saudi Arabia -- yet one that makes its presence felt in disproportionate and often destructive ways. It hosts the forward headquarters of U.S. Central Command, but also provides material support to the Muslim Brotherhood, to Hamas (the Palestinian branch of the Brotherhood), and to radical Sunni outfits in Syria, among others. After the new emir took over the management of Qatar last June from his father (Qatar, like other Gulf states, is a privately held family business), there was some hope that he would cease Qatar’s meddling in the region’s various wars and insurrections and focus on such domestic concerns as his family’s pharaonic building campaign in advance of the 2022 World Cup. (I describe this construction campaign as pharaonic not because it is resulting in grand and beautiful buildings but because so many oppressed
foreign workers are dying in the course of building those buildings.)

After a few encouraging signals, the Qataris have returned to form, and even expanded their portfolio of meddling in regional uprisings, providing support to Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels. The support for the Houthis was too much for Saudi Arabia, which engineered the ultimatum delivered last month.

The reaction of the emir was predictable: He denied everything, according to my sources. Qatar is not supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, not supporting the al-Qaeda-influenced Nusra Front in Syria and not supporting the Houthis. The foreign ministers provided the emir with direct evidence, but the denials continued until the meeting broke up.

After this meeting, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and the U.A.E. all recalled their ambassadors from Qatar, commencing a new stage in this Gulf cold war. Qatar has shown no sign that it is willing to stop its support for radical groups; no sign that it will stop using its television network, Al Jazeera, to cause problems for its neighbors (while scrupulously avoiding criticizing Qatar itself, of course); and no sign that it will prevent the region’s most important Sunni cleric, the radical and radically dyspeptic Yusuf al-Qaradawi, from using Qatar as a base to foment outrage on behalf of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and elsewhere.

Qatar has achieved something remarkable, in my book, at least: It has made me relatively sympathetic to the Saudi regime. (Please, if you don’t mind, focus on that “relatively.”) The Saudis, for their many, many faults (ranging from their abhorrence of democracy to their abhorrence of women), have in place a foreign policy that is far more mature than that of Qatar.

The fight between Qatar and Saudi Arabia (and its allies) is in many ways a proxy battle over the future of Egypt. Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E. see the vanquishing of the Muslim Brotherhood, and the re-emergence of Egypt as the linchpin in the moderate Sunni alliance battling Iran, as existentially important. This has led them to support the various excesses of the military junta currently ruling Egypt, including the cruel jailing of Al Jazeera journalists. But it also leads them to call out Qatar for its obvious hypocrisies and double-standards, such as providing Qaradawi, who is an
extremist’s extremist, with a megaphone for his views. (Qaradawi represents a breathtaking example of Qatar’s hypocrisy: The same country that hosts U.S. Central Command also hosts an Islamist cleric who called for the killing of American soldiers in Iraq.)

Qatar is very rich, but its money has not helped it integrate into the international order in a clever or foresighted way. Unlike the U.A.E., the Gulf country that is the most open culturally and economically, and the one with the most straightforward and constructive politics, Qatar believes that it can play all sides of any conflict and stonewall when it’s found out. The message of the meeting in Kuwait is that Qatar's neighbors are no longer going to play by the rules it tried to establish. The Saudis, and their friends, have decided that the stakes are too high: A resurgent Iran; a U.S. ally that is slowly withdrawing from the Middle East; and a chance to put away for good an organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, that threatens their existence, have conspired to make life just a bit more difficult for the new emir than it was for his father.

To contact the writer of this article: Jeffrey Goldberg at jgoldberg50@bloomberg.net.
Too funny, Israel speaking bad of it own friends

Looks like the bad character in the movies betraying everybody
Another stupid Jewish extremist article which plays games just because Qatar gave some economic aid to Palestinians.

No sane person should read this agenda inspired Jewish articles.
All countries in the region have started to get fed up with the MB-supporting, Hamas-supporting Qatari state.

The GCC will apply sufficient pressure on Qatar to change course and the Iranian pariah state will be the only one supplying terrorism in the region.

That pariah state will fall eventually.
Another stupid Jewish extremist article which plays games just because Qatar gave some economic aid to Palestinians.

No sane person should read this agenda inspired Jewish articles.
Usually I dont trust islamists but in this instance I have suspicion that you might be right.
Usually I dont trust islamists but in this instance I have suspicion that you might be right.

It comes as Qatar is falling out with Saudi and other GCC nations over its support to the MB - so this article is spot on.
Usually I dont trust islamists but in this instance I have suspicion that you might be right.

I'm glad that you've woken up, Israel was never anti Qatar and is usually anti Saudi when Saudi Arabia supported Arab allies in Israeli/Arab wars and sent donations to Palestine. However, now that Israel is anti MB and anti Palestinian you can see they're praising Saudi Arabia as if Qatar and Palestinians are epitome of evil because they sent 400m economic aid to the Palestinians in Gaza. Had they not done this Jewish media could care less about current affairs in the Arabic world as long as they don't have an impact on them.
It comes as Qatar is falling out with Saudi and other GCC nations over its support to the MB - so this article is spot on.
its well known that qatar has fallen out of favour but this is an opinion piece and it paints qatar as super villian.

I'm glad that you've woken up, Israel was never anti Qatar and is usually anti Saudi when Saudi Arabia supported Arab allies in Israeli/Arab wars and sent donations to Palestine. However, now that Israel is anti MB and anti Palestinian you can see they're praising Saudi Arabia as if Qatar and Palestinians are epitome of evil because they sent 400m economic aid to the Palestinians in Gaza. Had they not done this Jewish media could care less about current affairs in the Arabic world as long as they don't have an impact on them.
I have never slept ... he he.
just that I want to have an open mind rather than having a black vs white . good vs bad idea about ME... one should be very careful about consuming information.
The more I learn more nuanced my views will be.
its well known that qatar has fallen out of favour but this is an opinion piece and it paints qatar as super villian.

Well, as it stands it's becoming increasingly isolated and will soon be the Arab version of Iran.

This has nothing to do with 'palestinaians' - they support all terrorists and extremists, hence they will sleep with Iranian Mullahs and Muslim Brotherhood. They are the whores of the region, so no one is ever surprised by them.

Also in the wikileaks it was revealed that Qatar was not being cooperative with regards to fighting terrorism.

So yes, Qatar is starting to stick out like a sore thumb.
It absolutely has everything to do with Palestinians, if Saudi Arabia had supported the Palestinians you'd be calling them sponsors of 'terror'.
It absolutely has everything to do with Palestinians, if Saudi Arabia had supported the Palestinians you'd be calling them sponsors of 'terror'.
Jordan 'supports' the 'palestinans'

I don't refer to them as sponsors of terror.

Being a little terrorist 'palestinian', the only support you view as genuine support, are weapons - because you love conflict and killing.

Whereas support come in all sorts of ways. The Jordanians support you but in a different way and I don't have a problem with that.
Jordan 'supports' the 'palestinans'

I don't refer to them as sponsors of terror.

Being a little terrorist 'palestinian', the only support you view as genuine support, are weapons - because you love conflict and killing.

Whereas support come in all sorts of ways. The Jordanians support you but in a different way and I don't have a problem with that.

I don't care dude, you can glorify your occupation all you want and refer to people as 'terrorists' all you want and try to censor people abroad from boycotting Israeli settlement products all you want, but, all off that is only going to increase awareness and turn more people anti Israeli. It's your choice if you think this is the right way in the long run.
Israelis GDP growing. More international tech companies coming to Israel.

Countries in Europe are pouring into Israel to emulate the startup nation.

You cannot win because apart from having military might, we have brains and above all, we have right on our side/ And THAT is why you are perennial losers against us and why combined Arab forces cannot defeat us.

Good triumphs over evil and this is what we have done time and time again.
In your world that is good. In reality you're on the side of the unjust. Now, I could care less about you anymore. Choose your path yourselves.
In your world that is good. In reality you're on the side of the unjust. Now, I could care less about you anymore. Choose your path yourselves.
How many times do you have to be defeated and abandoned to realise you are on the wrong side of history?

60 years in camps and you still don't get it.

Act like humans and you'll be treated as such. Terrorise all your neighbours and you'll be treated as pariahs with the only nation supporting you being the most prolific state sponsor of terrorism in the world.
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