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The concept of creating a machine able to do faster than light travel


Nov 23, 2013
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The enormous distances in the galaxy make is necessary to develop something that allows "faster than light" travel. The problem is that it is impossible for anything to go faster than light. But there are loop holes found in quantum mechanics that allow to basicly circle around this law.

One is to build a wormhole. The bad thing about a wormhole is that you need many solar masses to achieve the gravitational field that allows the formation of a natural one. You basicly have to create your own black hole.

What is a black hole? In nauture a black hole is basicly an enormous amoutn of mass that generates so much gravitational pull that gravity overcomes all other forces of nature and pulls the mass into an infinite point. Not even light can escape this tidal force field. Black holes are only stable when they have more than 3 times the mass of the sun. If a black hole loses mass, which is possible through hawking radiation, it evaporates violently and dissolves.

So it is impossible for humanity to simply get so much mass that gravity can pull matter into an event horizon.

Several worldclass scientists had the idea to find a solution for this. Schwartzschild, Einstein and Bose thought about the idea to use another force to simply force matter into such a high density that it collapses into a black hole. This artificial black hole is only stable as long the outside force holds it into its shape.

The idea is to catch light in a massive magnetic field. Photons have a mass, so theoretical you can compress light into matter and trap so much light that it collapses into a black hole. This is called a Schwartzschild Kugelblitz.

Carl Sagan thought about a machine that could achieve this and you might this concept from the movie "Contact". Gigantic swirlling Rings create an enormous magnetic field and in its center forms the Kugelblitz.


Until recently it was impossible to "catch" light but new experiemntss howed that this is possible:

German "Institut für angewandte Physik" is leading in this subject and achieved to tryp photons and let it act like matter:

Researchers get trapped photons to act like massive particles | Ars Technica

You need photons the mass of two empire state building to create a Schwartzschild Kugelblitz. That needs enormous energy. The laser that would fire into the magnetic field would consume as much energy as the sun creates in one tenth of a second. In other words, as much as New York consumes in 1000 years. The laser would need to be one billion times stronger than anything we can achieve today.

The Kugelblitz would work in two ways. One would be that it can bring the starship over enormous distances in short time. We could reach our closest neighbor stars within a few days and not tenthousands of years anymore. And it generates enormous amounts of energy.

It would also generate artificial gravity and reduce the bad effects of weightlessness in space

You may think it is stupid that money is put into this research because it will take many decades at best till such a technology is possible but i believe you have to start
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