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The “color” revolution ongoing in Belarus


Mar 11, 2017
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United States
With protests breaking out in Belarus, Putin is at risk of losing allies and former Soviet Union blocs one by one as US/NATO Continue to box Russia in.

I imagine in next 24 to 48 hours US and NATO will call for “democracy” in Belarus and so begins their color revolution playbook.

Bravo Putin, you have no allies in this world. Better align yourself with Iran and China before you are taken off the chess board like your fellow comrades.

I predicted this would continue to happen.
With protests breaking out in Belarus, Putin is at risk of losing allies and former Soviet Union blocs one by one as US/NATO Continue to box Russia in.

I imagine in next 24 to 48 hours US and NATO will call for “democracy” in Belarus and so begins their color revolution playbook.

Bravo Putin, you have no allies in this world. Better align yourself with Iran and China before you are taken off the chess board like your fellow comrades.

I predicted this would continue to happen.

Belarus has pretty powerful military and recently bought Su-30SM. America don't dare invade Belarus.
Belarus has pretty powerful military and recently bought Su-30SM. America don't dare invade Belarus.

No need to invade when you can stow divisions from Inside and make a “puppet” candidate appear as if they are a countryman who rallies the people (see youth) to their cause.

That’s how color revolutions work these days....from within without having to fire a shot yourself
No need to invade when you can stow divisions from Inside and make a “puppet” candidate appear as if they are a countryman who rallies the people (see youth) to their cause.

That’s how color revolutions work these days....from within without having to fire a shot yourself

Lukashenko (or Lushashenka, who the f cares) is pretty cruel man. Unlike Yanukovych, he does not hesitate to kill protestors. He is last dictator of Europe.
With protests breaking out in Belarus, Putin is at risk of losing allies and former Soviet Union blocs one by one as US/NATO Continue to box Russia in.

I imagine in next 24 to 48 hours US and NATO will call for “democracy” in Belarus and so begins their color revolution playbook.

Bravo Putin, you have no allies in this world. Better align yourself with Iran and China before you are taken off the chess board like your fellow comrades.

I predicted this would continue to happen.
If Russia enters into an alliance with China, it will not be because she wants to. Already, Iran is slipping away from Russia and more towards China since the former has absolutely nothing to offer economically (at a time when Iran desperately needs money). A Sino-Russian alliance would make the Russians the junior partner and allow the Chinese to basically dominate all the former Soviet Republics. In short, we are seeing the Russia fading into the background.
Lukashenko (or Lushashenka, who the f cares) is pretty cruel man. Unlike Yanukovych, he does not hesitate to kill protestors. He is last dictator of Europe.
Still better than a dictator in the shadows (ahem Putin)
Lukashenko (or Lushashenka, who the f cares) is pretty cruel man. Unlike Yanukovych, he does not hesitate to kill protestors. He is last dictator of Europe.

Do you think the West cares about who is “cruel” or not? Look at MBS, Sisi, Saddam, Shah, etc. the West will tolerate dictators as long as they follow the West and Zionist agenda.
It seems that Putin was preparing for a possible color revolution already. That's why he sent in Speztnaz who were arrested by the Belarussian government. Now Lukashenko has no choice but to cozy up to Putin and mow down the color revolution with gunfire. NATO intervention would be a massive escalation so they will pay lip service and give covert assistance only.
If Russia enters into an alliance with China, it will not be because she wants to. Already, Iran is slipping away from Russia and more towards China since the former has absolutely nothing to offer economically (at a time when Iran desperately needs money). A Sino-Russian alliance would make the Russians the junior partner and allow the Chinese to basically dominate all the former Soviet Republics. In short, we are seeing the Russia fading into the background.

China has 10 times the population of Russia. Of course, China dominates the coalition. Has there ever been a doubt?
nothing to get excited about. if lukashenko loses power, he will be replaced by a Russian puppet.

Belarus is firmly in Russias pocket and if putin went to the length he did in Ukraine to stop western encroachment, imagine what he would do to belarus, (which is arguably more strategicaly important for Russia)
Do you think the West cares about who is “cruel” or not? Look at MBS, Sisi, Saddam, Shah, etc. the West will tolerate dictators as long as they follow the West and Zionist agenda.
Actually, if we take a full picture of US foreign policy, US love so called DICTATORS to the most as long as they obey Zionist/West agenda.

US overthrown Mosaddegh, installed Shah dynasty.

US overthrown Allende, installed Pinochet in 1973.
1973 Chilean coup d'état

There is no democracy vs non democracy. It's rhetoric, it's all about interest.

By the way, by definition of US and West, India is democracy, but BJP is fascism. Hilter was elected legally that he won in a landslide.

By definition of US and West, China is dictator. But China elites all come from bottom of the society, they prove themselves by performance, accountability, responsibility. There is no Nehru dynasty in China, there is no coup in China. Chinese travel around the world, and come back to their beloved home willingly.

One man one vote has less to do with democracy. Democracy is by the people, for the people, of the people.

US has one man one vote, but
Chomsky: The United States Is Not A Democracy. Imo, it's Kleptocracy, or Plutocracy, kind of Dictatorship.
Nothing gonna happen, this is like 100th or so political protests in Lukashenko's presidency. He is not an idiot like Yanukovich who believed in agreements with th West, gave up the power to terrorists and hours later after he signed agreements with the West he almost was killed and had to save his life in Russia.
Belarus has pretty powerful military and recently bought Su-30SM. America don't dare invade Belarus.

They won't invade. They will use their uesfull idiots to demand democracy, like syria or Libya. The Belarussian leadership must fight these scum.

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