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The British Criminals Moving to Pakistan to Make a Killing from Heroin

Maybe we are jahils but it atleast we can defend our selves not like you pussies.
mirpuris dont run pakistan, who runs pak why is paks in such state?.
Pakistan has 60 years of randi rulers but hey guess what they were not mipuris.

In the US dynamics for Pakistanis are different but I agree many are Libcucks tbh
where the fcuk are the mods, cant you waste of time people do your job? how bout dealing with this racism.
Must be the Mirpur Jahil khandaans. Their parents were Jahil and now their kids are Jahil.

read it, this is what you wrote.

But this isn't racist?... Aren't we all of the same race? Pakistani first? I love Mirpur and all part of Pakistan.

Here are a few stats Mirpur British Pakistanis:
1. The British rape gang of pimps which violated 1,000s of Native White British girls
2. The highest number of ethnicity in British jails
3. Mostly blue collared workers - fish ''n chips and cabbies - including their delinquent 2nd and 3rd generation
4. Really poor English speakers - speak a broken weird lowbrow English
5. And now the proud achievement of Heroin Drug Importers of not-so-great Britain.

I don't say this with malicious intents. I love you guys as we are one family. You are just embarassing the rest of us especially here in America. We are here to help you. A support group to help the more underprivileged Pakistanis of Britain.

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If these a///sholes were caught in Iran oh boy they will be hunged and shot too bad Pakistan does not put scums to death
Pakistani law for 1000 grams and above is life sentence or death.Amount of drug flow from Afg to Pak is very high.
Pakistan should follow SE Asia's lead and declare it a capital offence i.e. hanging. That will stop these 'gangsters'.
It won't help,the amount of foot soldiers,they are getting is infinite.
Can't they sell decent stuff like mdma and lsd?
Heroin destroys lives.
Afghan coke is very high quality too.
Methylenedioxy meth amphetamine a.k.a MDMA is as dangerous as heroin.
Afghans don't produce coke.

What is the sentence currently for hard-drug peddlers? Khan admin should look to make it life imprisonment at a minimum (no matter the amount).
Three types depending on amount of drugs.
A- 1 to 100 gram (imprisonment which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both)
B- 100 to 1000 gram ( imprisonment which may extend to seven years and shall also be liable to fine)
C- 1000 to >> (death or imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for a term which may extend to fourteen years and shall also be liable to fine which may be up to one million rupees)

Amount of drug flow from Afg is very high.
Pakistani law for 1000 grams and above is life sentence or death.Amount of drug flow from Afg to Pak is very high.

It won't help,the amount of foot soldiers,they are getting is infinite.

Methylenedioxy meth amphetamine a.k.a MDMA is as dangerous as heroin.
Afghans don't produce coke.

Three types depending on amount of drugs.
A- 1 to 100 gram (imprisonment which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both)
B- 100 to 1000 gram ( imprisonment which may extend to seven years and shall also be liable to fine)
C- 1000 to >> (death or imprisonment for life, or imprisonment for a term which may extend to fourteen years and shall also be liable to fine which may be up to one million rupees)

Amount of drug flow from Afg is very high.

Thanks mate. Honestly it should be anything 1 gram and more and you get life imprisonment....given just cpl grams (esp if badly cut) is all it takes to kill people...and if not kill, get them hooked till they do.

At what (lower than now) level capital punishment becomes option, should be also looked at.

You need harsh punishment to deter people....given the serious consequence on society from hard-drug abuse.

But focus also should be on first expanding the efficacy of the current law implementation (detection + interdiction network).
Thanks mate. Honestly it should be anything 1 gram and more and you get life imprisonment....given just cpl grams (esp if badly cut) is all it takes to kill people...and if not kill, get them hooked till they do.

At what (lower than now) level capital punishment becomes option, should be also looked at.

You need harsh punishment to deter people....given the serious consequence on society from hard-drug abuse.

But focus also should be on first expanding the efficacy of the current law implementation (detection + interdiction network).
That won't help,due to poverty foot soldiers are lot.Main dealers won't even touch.
Narcotics departments of both India and Pakisan are over stretched.Local police has almost no knowledge about drugs other then Hash,opium and heroin.Rise of NPS is a serious challange.
lol, you've got to admire the initiative. It's a shame thier selling heroin rather than something else.

It's easy to look down your nose at lads like this, they are after all scumbags but we should be thankful for the education, opportunities and guidance of our parents - otherwise we might have become them too.

I know plenty of guys, relatives even living this life. Some of them chose it, others fell into it and can't get out. When you have no prospects in life and your making £5000 a week cash, you need real resolve to swap it for £250 a week. You need ilm, morals and a decent upbringing to do that. Most of these boys lack that.

In the UK educated Kashmiris and Pakistanis are finding it hard to get decent jobs so in desperation they go for quick money selling drugs. I blame the UK gov and their extremist policies of economically repressing Muslims and more specifically Pakistanis/Kashmiris.
You have no other option but to strengthen and expand anti narcotics department. There will have to be new laws passed and just like terrorism courts there will have to be narcotics courts.
Don't hate the players, hate the game.

People are a product of thier environment. The UK government participates in social engineering to keep immigrants from thriving. The children from poorer backgrounds and poor white people can't go to the successful state schools (which are located in the rich white suburbs). In the rich neighbourhoods police will be around to check out the slightest infractions, meanwhile in poorer areas drug dealers operate with impunity, street drinking is permitted, there aren't increased police patrols and anti social behaviour is not challenged. Outside of your doors the world is criminal openly and very successful for it.

As for all the BS generalisations about Mirpuris, 10 times as many of us are successful as those there are unsuccessful.

You laugh at taxi drivers either because you are foolish, jealous or both.

In the UK the brothers who drive taxis buy nice houses in the richer suburbs, all thier houses are extended, they have villas in Pakistan too and thier wives drive Audis.

My father was a Taxi driver, his children are doctors, pharmacists and me (who is a computer scientist).

My parents were illiterate. Neither of them finished matric. They were refugees who didn't have food to eat, shoes to wear and grew up in a single room belonging to strangers. My father was working as a child and came to the UK alone at 15. His first wage in a factory wasn't even an adult rate. He bought lands, he built houses, he married off his siblings, he bought them land and built them houses. He did all this as a labourer.

My mother's family have been made refugees 3 times in 70 years. First at partition, then when Mangla dam was built, then again when it flooded during the 90's. They live 20 minutes drive away from a dam which took thier homes twice. Meanwhile they don't get a steady supply of electricity.

We Mirpuris are aware of what "ehsan" the rest of Pakistan has done for us. We are eternally grateful for the corrupt remote control drones you appoint in AJK every few years as our overlords.

Keep the facts in mind when making judgements.
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Must be the Mirpur Jahil khandaans. Their parents were Jahil and now their kids are Jahil.

read it, this is what you wrote.
In the UK educated Kashmiris and Pakistanis are finding it hard to get decent jobs so in desperation they go for quick money selling drugs. I blame the UK gov and their extremist policies of economically repressing Muslims and more specifically Pakistanis/Kashmiris.

I do not think there is ever any excuse for turning to crime. It is always easy to blame others. It is high time pakistani-British community started to take personal responsibility.
I do not think there is ever any excuse for turning to crime. It is always easy to blame others. It is high time pakistani-British community started to take personal responsibility.

I agree. At the end of the day, there are people who are working day and night in low paying jobs but doing so to earn halal. The drug dealers are happy to ingore the law of Allah and the law of the land all in order to earn haram.
I agree. At the end of the day, there are people who are working day and night in low paying jobs but doing so to earn halal. The drug dealers are happy to ingore the law of Allah and the law of the land all in order to earn haram.

Then their families and life are destroyed by selling drugs
you think it is easy to struggle you dont know struggle. you dont know how jhard some people have hard it i know people that worked all thier life and still cant afford to eat properly. you will realise when your women gets off with another man.


Don't hate the players, hate the game.

People are a product of thier environment. The UK government participates in social engineering to keep immigrants from thriving. The children from poorer backgrounds and poor white people can't go to the successful state schools (which are located in the rich white suburbs). In the rich neighbourhoods police will be around to check out the slightest infractions, meanwhile in poorer areas drug dealers operate with impunity, street drinking is permitted, there aren't increased police patrols and anti social behaviour is not challenged. Outside of your doors the world is criminal openly and very successful for it.

As for all the BS generalisations about Mirpuris, 10 times as many of us are successful as those there are unsuccessful.

You laugh at taxi drivers either because you are foolish, jealous or both.

In the UK the brothers who drive taxis buy nice houses in the richer suburbs, all thier houses are extended, they have villas in Pakistan too and thier wives drive Audis.

My father was a Taxi driver, his children are doctors, pharmacists and me (who is a computer scientist).

My parents were illiterate. Neither of them finished matric. They were refugees who didn't have food to eat, shoes to wear and grew up in a single room belonging to strangers. My father was working as a child and came to the UK alone at 15. His first wage in a factory wasn't even an adult rate. He bought lands, he built houses, he married off his siblings, he bought them land and built them houses. He did all this as a labourer.

My mother's family have been made refugees 3 times in 70 years. First at partition, then when Mangla dam was built, then again when it flooded during the 90's. They live 20 minutes drive away from a dam which took thier homes twice. Meanwhile they don't get a steady supply of electricity.

We Mirpuris are aware of what "ehsan" you Pakistanis have done for us. We are eternally grateful for the corrupt remote control drones you appoint in AJK every few years as our overlords.

Keep the facts in mind when making judgements.

Us Pakistanis btw. :lol:
you think it is easy to struggle you dont know struggle. you dont know how jhard some people have hard it i know people that worked all thier life and still cant afford to eat properly. you will realise when your women gets off with another man.


That's incredibly innapropriate.

What kind of people do you know? If you can't earn a decent halal living in a welfare state like the UK, you can't do it anywhere.


Us Pakistanis btw. :lol:

Lol your right bro. No place for words that cause division.

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