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'The Avengers' Indian Slum Scenes Draw Criticism from Indians

especially when the person is from west (hollywood):D

Shows your way of thinking ...I guess yr of Slavery and taking order from Your master US has affected ur psychie....

There is medical term for your behaviour

Psychological projection or projection bias is a psychological defense mechanism where a person subconsciously denies his or her own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, usually to other people. Thus, projection involves imagining or projecting the belief that others originate those feelings..

An example of this behavior might be blaming another for self failure. The mind may avoid the discomfort of consciously admitting personal faults by keeping those feelings unconscious, and by redirecting libidinal satisfaction by attaching, or "projecting," those same faults onto another person or object.

projective identification, are commonly connected with primitively organized personalities, such as

Borderline personality disorder
Narcissistic personality disorder
Antisocial personality disorder

Go see a psychiatrist pls:cheesy:
I find nothing wrong with the slum scene other than American speaking slum kid...lol
Indians absolutely love Westerners. Too bad they don't return the favour... whenever any big-budget Western movie comes out, it always depicts India in the same way that Danny Boyle did with the "Slum millionaire" film.

Then the Indians turn around, and boast to the Chinese/Pakistanis/Bangladeshis, that the Westerners love Indians the most.

Show me one instance.

Your self made claims, diatribes and effort to generalize all Indians who contest and weigh every thing with participants from different countries including western countries per contexts shows how much clueless you are. Its a known fact how Chinese youth is influenced by American way of life but trolling here at PDF you guys think the world doesn't know what happens in China.

As far as stereotyping Indians by Hollywood is concern then we recognised this problem but pretending anti west like you guys do doesn't solve our problem. There are slums in India and one can not stop outsider to rant against us on the same unless we fix this problem (which we are gradually).

BTW Indian movies mock whites and their accent more than what Hollywood does. All anti British Raj movies are full of their ridicule, do mockery, stair, sarcasm you name it. Ask any Pakistani they do watch our movies too :lol:.
Indians absolutely love Westerners. Too bad they don't return the favour... whenever any big-budget Western movie comes out, it always depicts India in the same way that Danny Boyle did with the "Slum millionaire" film.

Then the Indians turn around, and boast to the Chinese/Pakistanis/Bangladeshis, that the Westerners love Indians the most.

Sorry, slums are the ony reason India is popular in Hollywood. It's the truth. You guys are so ungrateful. If you want a beter reputation, get rid of the slums. Btw, I saw that scene... Hahahah... :lol:

Not quite true tbh:

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But naturally hollywood is going to like its stereotypes and slums do exist in India, and that is shameful, but at least India acknowledges this and is doin a lot about it. Just because India has had a relatively good economic period for the last 7-8 years doesn't mean all the horror and poverty of the last 60 years is going to disappear overnight but atleast something is being done and in a significant way.
Having been to india, and seen the abject poverty first hand, many of these films do not portray the horrific reality of it.
i cant remember any scene from India in that movie... any idea which scene was that?
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