well, to me (many may not agree to my opinion), the division of india was non-realistic, there should have been atleast 3 countries or maximum 4, (Pakistan including whole jammu and kashmir, India, Bangladesh,Khalistan), this should have been a more realistic division of india, why we forget sikhs all the time? they r neither hindu nor muslims, they are strong enough to maintain themselves as a separate nation, our problem is that we have had some leaders who wanted to live ever after in the memories of their nations by bringing more and more whether or not that belong to their nation, like nehru etc, gandhi however was a bit different, come on men, live and let others live, pakistan is under immense pressure now adays but it doesn't mean it will always remain the same, we will surely come out strong through this crises, the more ur enemies put pressure on you the more they expose their mental filter,tactics,moves to u, if u r a good learner u always learn and use it for the future reference and that we r doing now, as far as war crimes in bangladesh are concerned, if so happened at that scale(which i have doubt about) then its condemnable, and as one of the members said the scale of crime rate doesn't matter one crime is as bad as a thousand, then brothers no army of the world could be free of the charge of war crimes, indian army does it in many states with everyday that passes, US army does it, russians, and it goes on and on and on, just forget about all this and commit yourselves to refrain from such doings in future, whether it be you or me.....