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The 2time PM Nawaz Sharif continues to shy away from independent media.


Aug 15, 2009
Reaction score
Politically Incorrect
Amir Mateen

The two-time Prime Minister, Mian Nawaz Sharif continues to shy away from independent media.

He is yet to appear in a single public appearance, media audience or a lecture where he could be asked about foreign or economic policies, important national issues or his vision for the future of this country.

He has definitely improved his oratory in public meeting. But then it’s mostly rhetoric and usually revolves around one theme about his glorious past and the great development schemes that he will accomplish if given another chance. For many, it’s shallow verbosity and is becoming out of fashion by the day.

At least Shahbaz Sharif is better in articulating party policy and can also handle harsh questioning reasonably well. But big brother Nawaz, who thinks he is all set to become the Prime Minister third time, remains hidden from the inquisitive media that wants to know more about him. After all, if he becomes the Prime Minister he has to deal with the foreign and defence policies, the issues of terrorism and religious extremism, the civil and military relations. Gone are the old days of training-on-the-job, where a few loyalist babus were enough to guide you through complicated lanes of policy matters. If he is serious about not relying on the establishment on policy matters, he better have his own. So far, we do not know if he has any bright ideas on how he wants to have better security by spending less money; how he wants to curb the growing monster of terrorism; how he would like to deal with the Afghanistan imbroglio, curtail budget deficit and inflation and raise taxes or reform systems and corporations. His compatriots might say that it’s all written in the manifesto but then we would like to hear this from the big leader himself in a more detailed way. Also, the manifesto was written largely by people who were with Musharraf and have hardly any credentials that this time it will be different.

Not much is known about what Nawaz Sharif may have learnt or changed in the last 14 years when he was in power.

Yes, the public gets to see him taking questions occasionally in press conferences. Recently, he launched his party’s manifesto. But then it’s difficult to have a profound discussion in a Press conference. And if you ask him a difficult or a harsh question either he laughs it off or will accuse you of being somebody’s agent as he did recently in Quetta. He was ruthlessly critical of Pervaiz Musharraf but when a journalist pointed out that he was flanked by people who were all part of the dictator’s Cabinet, he shot back angrily, “I think you have come here after being briefed by somebody.”

He rarely gives interview to journalists. In most cases, it is to selective group of people who are either known to be sympathizer of PML (N) or are ready to oblige it for some material or political reasons. Journalists, we are told, are made to share questions before the interview. Some also do a rehearsal with him and suggest the politically correct answers. During interviews Nawaz is always surrounded by a protective team who are found more loyal than the king and will not miss an opportunity to flatter him by coming to his rescue. A TV anchor was recently stopped in the middle of his interview by a side-kick, almost shouting, “you can’t ask that question.” The anchor was professional enough to protest and carried on with the interview uninterrupted. Nawaz is also known to stop the interview when he is asked either a difficult question or it is about something he was not briefed about earlier.

Nawaz is yet to deliver a single lecture to a select group of audience on slightly technical foreign and economic policies in years. He continues to refuse even Pakistan Radio which has started a series of interviewing party heads. PTV too has been refused an interview in a neutral caretaker set-up. Benazir was the best orator that we ever had and Asif Zardari can handle himself well but he is curtailed by legal restrictions to talk about party policy. This leaves them at much disadvantage before Imran Khan who does not miss an opportunity whenever he could get free time to propagate his manifesto. He was readily available to ARY recently to deliver a ten minute lecture on foreign policy and shared his views extempore. He was much criticized for his views by the expert but nevertheless the public got to know about his views.

Why is Nawaz Sharif shy of media even after 35 years, one may ask. Many say that he remains a naturally shy person. Others think that since he is not the reading kind he is not confident about his grasp over policy matters, especially about foreign, economic and security policies. He depends on his eyes and ears on these issues. But still others blame the very eyes and ears for not letting him trust his abilities as this will curtail their influence on him.

Nawaz League continues to practice the trademark PML (N) practice of depending on hired columnists and media advisors. Other parties may also have their adherents writing for them on op-ed pages, particularly in Urdu Press, but the PML (N) beats everybody hands down in the race for their paid workers posing as independent columnists. The biggest Urdu newspaper is known for obliging about half a dozen columnists by publishing them on its op-ed pages. Most of them work for PML (N) media centre and shamefully misuse the name of journalism.

PML (N) desperately needs to get out of this cocoon and let Nawaz Sharif come in the open to share his vision. Otherwise, we may be justified to think that he lacks one.

The Spokesman Pakistan - Nawaz Sharif hides from media

for those who dont know Amir Mateen his one of most famous media person in Pakistan
Nawaz Sharif doesnt know 2 $HITS of how Pakistani political system works or how even his own party works.

He is his fathers "laadla" and a spoiled kid
You think this jaali degree person would risk his dignity coming on a talk show & debating?
Nawaz Sharif doesnt know 2 $HITS of how Pakistani political system works or how even his own party works.

He is his fathers "laadla" and a spoiled kid
You think this jaali degree person would risk his dignity coming on a talk show & debating?

NS has been selected as PM twice. Public knows whats best for them. NS is the only statesman left in pk.
He was on with Kamran Khan on Thursday...

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:cheesy: the only Staticman.

he and his party supported by terrorists.

What terrorists? Don't blame him for terrorists carefully created by our favorite uncles in PA. Our uncles have created a phenomenon which NS is merely trying to contain.
Please rate ASWJs relationship with Zia ul Haq:

1- Bad
2- Satisfactory
3- Good
4- Inseparable
5- Caught in bed :woot:

I'll select 5 :P

Rate Nawaz Sharif's relationship with Zia?

6. Born out of his loins!

Again, what is the point of comparing something 30 years ago, Nawaz Sharif is supporting ASWJ NOW.
Well why wouldnt he, the guy is a corrupt sob. He & his gangster party will never show there haram a** openly.
2 time prime minister lol ya... still hiding behind some one since SHER KA SHAKARI is on hunt in Lahore.......

NS has been selected as PM twice. Public knows whats best for them. NS is the only statesman left in pk.

As topic says a full live interview or do a debate show were public can ask question as IK has done many time. Shabaz Sharif tried once after treatment he got he will never do it again either.

He was on with Kamran Khan on Thursday...

Who is gave ticket to SSP ? who put head money on Salman Tasser from NA 178 and who is giving ticket to LeJ Khotli brother from Gujrat ? These are few names u all known and seen how PML.N supported these groups in last 5y. Maybe thats reason NS never went to Karachi Quetta when Hazaara were killed ? And now ppl names in killings has joined PML-N in quetta as asked by journalist in Quetta which made Nawaz mad before running away he called journalist U ARE HERE ON SOME ONES BREIFING.

What terrorists? Don't blame him for terrorists carefully created by our favorite uncles in PA. Our uncles have created a phenomenon which NS is merely trying to contain.
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2 time prime minister lol ya... still hiding behind some one since SHER KA SHAKARI is on hunt in Lahore.......

As topic says a full live interview or do a debate show were public can ask question as IK has done many time. Shabaz Sharif tried once after treatment he got he will never do it again either.

Who is gave ticket to SSP ? who put head money on Salman Tasser from NA 178 and who is giving ticket to LeJ Khotli brother from Gujrat ? These are few names u all known and seen how PML.N supported these groups in last 5y. Maybe thats reason NS never went to Karachi Quetta when Hazaara were killed ? And now ppl names in killings has joined PML-N in quetta as asked by journalist in Quetta which made Nawaz mad before running away he called journalist U ARE HERE ON SOME ONES BREIFING.

NS is the clear winner and it shows, PTI desperately trying to turn the tode using social media :coffee:

Rate Nawaz Sharif's relationship with Zia?

6. Born out of his loins!

Again, what is the point of comparing something 30 years ago, Nawaz Sharif is supporting ASWJ NOW.

Haha point being if ASWJ is Zia's creation you want NS to do a Mushy and drag country into another civil war. NS will defang and eliminate these sectarian groups, wait and see. Dude I thougt you were currently a Khaki, its no fun if you are not :P
you guys must have seen sharif's leaked offair video footage of interview with Talat Hussain, if not go see it you will understand what aamir mateen is talking abt.
you guys must have seen sharif's leaked offair video footage of interview with Talat Hussain, if not go see it you will understand what aamir mateen is talking abt.

thx for reminding of that...

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