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The 10 Ig Nobel Prize Winners of 2013


Jul 3, 2012
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1. Beauty is in the eye of ...:This is a doozy. An international group of psychologists discovered a bizarre link between drinking alcohol and perception of beauty. Turns out people who think they are drunk also think they are attractive. The beautiful findings were published in May 2012 in the British Journal of Psychology.

2. Opera for the heart? :A team of scientists won the Medicine Prize for figuring out the effect listening to the opera had on mice who were about to have heart transplants. The study was detailed in the Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery in March 2012.

3. Teary-eyed :Your eyes may well up at this award. The Chemistry Prize went to scientists from Japan and Germany who discovered the biochemical process that causes onions to make people cry is even more complicated than scientists previously thought.

4. Walking on water : Walking on water would be super-cool, right? Leave it to physicists to figure out exactly how this feat could be achieved. The team won the Physics Prize for finding that a person could physically run across the surface of a pond. The catch: The magical feat would only work if that person and the pond were on the moon.

5. Anti-hijacking system : The Safety Engineering Prize went to the late Gustano Pizzo for his invention of an anti-hijacking system for aircraft in May 1972. The electro-mechanical system would drop a hijacker through trap doors, seal him or her into a package before dropping the encapsulated criminal through custom bomb bay doors. The hijacker would plummet, with parachute, to Earth just in time to get picked up by police who would have been alerted of the falling wrongdoer by radio.

6. Dung beetles & the Milky Way
: Dung, dung, dung, dung! This team won the Joint Prize in Biology and Astronomy for their celestial discovery that lost dung beetles find their way home by looking at the Milky Way. Here's how it works: After rolling a perfect ball of poo, the beetles climb on their dung balls and dance around in circles before taking off. The little jig lets the beetles check out the sky to get their bearings, according to Marie Dacke, a biologist at Lund University and her colleagues.

7. Taming the shrew : Who knew archaeology included eating a shrew. Brian Crandall of the Mad Science of the Hudson in New York and Peter Stahl of the University of Victoria in Canada took home the Archaeology Prize after they parboiled a dead shrew, swallowed it without chewing and then meticulously examined their excretions over the next few days. The reason? The duo wanted to find out which bones would and wouldn't dissolve inside the human digestive tract. Yuck.

8. Penile health : The penis took home the Public Health Prize. A team from Thailand received this award for the medical techniques they described in the report "Surgical Management of an Epidemic of Penile Amputations in Siam." Apparently, the team recommends these techniques except when the amputated penis had been partially devoured by a duck.

9. Stop clapping : Let there be peace on the Belarus streets. Yes, the Peace Prize was snagged by Alexander Lukashenko, president of Belarus, who made it illegal to applaud in public, and to the Belarus State Police for arresting a one-armed man for applauding.

10. Timing cows : The Probability Prize went to a team of researchers who discovered the longer a cow has been lying down, the more likely that bovine will soon stand up. It gets better. They went on to find once that rested cow stands up, predicting when the animal will again sit down will prove tricky. The team included Bert Tolkamp of the Netherlands, Marie Haskell of the UK, Fritha Langford of the UK and Canada, David Roberts of the UK and Colin Morgan of the UK.

Winners of 2013 Ig Nobel Awards for Weird Science - ABC News

@desert warrior, @Srinivas, @Indo-guy, @Alpha1, @scorpionx, @neehar, @PlanetWarrior, do any of one believes that these research are really will be helpful to us? If yes How?
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Sometimes the researches are just for the sake of knowlege and No commercial benefit!
@desert warrior, @Srinivas, @Indo-guy, @Alpha1, @scorpionx, @neehar, @PlanetWarrior, do any of one believes that these research are really will be helpful to us? If yes How?

there was a story i learnt in my school..when benjamin franklin found electricity somebody asked what would be its purpose and his answer was this discovery was just a baby now and when it grows it would unleash its real potential about 120 years later edision invented electric bulb!!
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did india get the prize for inventing anti rape panties which also radioed SOS to the police?

Indians do not invent weird techniques, like waging war using terrorists, human bombs etc...etc...
did india get the prize for inventing anti rape panties which also radioed SOS to the police?

No we did not but yes we made some one to discover how to blow himself in our western border.
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