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Thailand may acquire the Indian BrahMos supersonic cruise missile

The Ronin

Mar 24, 2017
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Thailand is currently in talks with India over importing BrahMos supersonic cruise missiles, The Hindu has reported. If the sale materialises, it will be the first export of the BrahMos missile by India.

According to the Hindu, “Negotiations are on. It may not happen this year, but most likely next year,” diplomatic sources said. While Thailand expressed interest in the missiles some time back, discussions picked pace after the visit of Royal Thai Navy Chief Admiral Ruddit to India in December last year.

In May this year, an Indian defence official confirmed that several southeast Asian countries had shown interest in the missile. The first missile export contract is awaitng a government-to-government approval, he added.

India's military has been using the BrahMos missile across the various service branches as a strike and anti-ship weapon.

The missile can be launched from submarine, ships, aircraft,or land and travels at speeds of Mach 2.8 to 3.0, which is being upgraded to Mach 5.0.

Who is Thailand up against? o_O
Brahmos is not indian missile. Its Russian.

I like Brahmos though. Its lethal in absence of any strong Missile defence (as is the case with Pakistan for now).

Pakistan has it's own hypersonic cruise missiles like CM-400 integrated with JF-17 Thunders but we have never seen the test footage. Hopefully one day we see the launch and test footage of CM-400s hitting targets precisely at hypersonic speeds
Pakistan has it's own hypersonic cruise missiles like CM-400 integrated with JF-17 Thunders
Dont know why Pak members feel the need to mention CM400 every time whenever brahmos is mentioned.

but we have never seen the test footage.
Also this, and yet everyone is so sure that missile is there. Just like how everyone is sure that Ababeel is MIRV capable and yet there is no official word of video regarding that.
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ok how many CM-400 does pakistani frnd have, India has over 1000 brahmos easily as being manufactured from past 15-16 years locally

Lol, I don't think the number of missiles are released that often in indo-Pak.

Source for 1000 Brahmos btw?
1000 might b smwht conservative... as india russia is manufacturing them from last 15 years so even by 5 missile per month thats on low end the missile number shud be 1000


cambodia ?? seriously who do they threaten ?

Thailand and Cambodia has land dispute and it become border conflict several time even using artillery fire with some are killed. Latest dispute in 2011 forced Indonesia to mediate the coflict. You can start googling to find out.

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