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TF-X Turkish Fighter & Trainer Aircraft Projects

You forget a few things. It was exactly the Russians that created and prompted the PKK during the Cold War as a weapon against Turkey. The YPG opened their international offices in Moscow a few years back and Russia also protects them and Assad whose ideology is based largely on anti-Turkey rhetoric. Russia won’t be happy even a bit if we get closer to our Turkic brothers in Central Asia and Russia itself because that’s a threat to them. On the other hand they are viewing themselves as protectors of all Slavs and Orthodoxy which makes them have an appetite for Constantinople and the Straits etc.

We have clashing interests not only in Central Asia but in Syria, the Caucasus, the Balkans, Crimea, Libya and many other issues. Russian and Turkey are archenemies with the only thing that connects them being their current problems with the West.

Another thing you forget is that Russia is also a country where the Jews have a very strong lobby and hold a huge political and financial power. Our problems with America are mostly due to Erdogan’s attempts to mess with Israel, to build up his image as protector of the Palestinians and leader of the Muslim world. Believe me that if he didn’t go to this path 10 years ago and if Turkey stayed neutral towards Israel now the F-35s would already be in Turkish hands and there wouldn’t be a coalition between Greeks- Israelis- Egyptians and others against us in the East Mediterranean now etc.

Turkey is now reaping the fruits of the disastrous Foreign Policy it’s Government is doing in the last 10 years. Russia will never be good alternative to the West in neither technology nor trade just because we are way too dependent and connected to the West for good or bad.

Most of our issues eith Russia are a thing of the past now. However you are absolutely correct about Erdogan f*cking up badly with foreign policy. Niqqa fcked up real bad. Particularly with northern Syria. It still angers me how he just watched PKK build a statelet and did absolutely nothing to stop them.
the most important thing for turkey to my opinion is picking a side, either Russia or NATO and west. randomly switching side gonna hurt turkey even further, because nether Russia would trust you nor west.
it is not true bro, When the west has bigger enemies like Chine and Russia, they would give up more to hold Turkey..
On the other hand, Turkey enjoy economic advantages from both sides.. which is the most important for Turkey.. Russian tourists, working with Russia for Mediterranean gas, getting PKK/YPG stuck in north Syria and Irag... these are more vital to Turkey..
with Turkish made Hisar missiles plus s400, Turkey willbe very safe for next decade. it can push air force with jet powered drone and Hurjet and invest in TFX
and forget about the TF-X with BAE Systems and GE-F110 Engine
the UK and France also against Turkey in Syria and in the Eastern Mediterranean

Politics doesn't work that way. You can develop joint venture projects (Eurosam and Aselsan Roketsan) or get help(TFX) while you cant agree some other thing.

Turkey can not wait for the TF-X until 2035

So what should we do? Buy another russian system? Best option is hurjet and Özgür upgraded F16 with national aesa radar. And then TFX

far better than garbage F-4 and pathetic F-16
You are right and our air force is so stupid. They used these junks for over 40 years.

On the other hand, Turkey enjoy economic advantages from both sides..

No. Most of our trade deficit comes from russia and china. We only sell 3 billion to russia while we pay them 30 billion. Same for china.

Russian tourists
My relative has a shop in Alanya. He says Russian tourists
are the least money spenders. Most of them come here with a agenda and they dont buy anything like they used to.

working with Russia for Mediterranean gas
Vay, vay, vay... So now even the F-4s and F-16s Turkey has are garbage and junk according to our Copy paste YouTube Warriors. :D

And just a year ago when Turkey was still about to get the F-35s he was praising how strong TuAF will be with them and what a devastating weapon system it was etc. Now it is a junk too and Turkey wins a lot from not getting them, from not being a part of the production and development and from not getting 12$ billion from producing different parts for the program. :D

ps And what will happen with the 1,4$ billion Turkey already spent on the program? They will burn too right but we are cool cuz Turkey has money to waste on nothing.
Politics doesn't work that way. You can develop joint venture projects (Eurosam and Aselsan Roketsan) or get help(TFX) while you cant agree some other thing.

So what should we do? Buy another russian system? Best option is hurjet and Özgür upgraded F16 with national aesa radar. And then TFX

You are right and our air force is so stupid. They used these junks for over 40 years.

No. Most of our trade deficit comes from russia and china. We only sell 3 billion to russia while we pay them 30 billion. Same for china.

My relative has a shop in Alanya. He says Russian tourists
are the least money spenders. Most of them come here with a agenda and they dont buy anything like they used to.


Vay, vay, vay... So now even the F-4s and F-16s Turkey has are garbage and junk according to our Copy paste YouTube Warriors. :D

And just a year ago when Turkey was still about to get the F-35s he was praising how strong TuAF will be with them and what a devastating weapon system it was etc. Now it is a junk too and Turkey wins a lot from not getting them, from not being a part of the production and development and from not getting 12$ billion from producing different parts for the program. :D

ps And what will happen with the 1,4$ billion Turkey already spent on the program? They will burn too right but we are cool cuz Turkey has money to waste on nothing.

If he had a simple idea what He is talking about, He wouldn’t have copied/pasted same things during pages. Troll is just a troll who has nothing in his hand but pretending as net warrior in his wonderland to put so called enemies in his place. That is what is the reason of his availability in here so Do not hope any logic, reasoning or argument in his speeches. Best thing to do is to not care what He is talking and continue the discussion based on +\- of Pentagon’s decision instead of quoting/feeding a troll with wasting your valuable time to show him the correct way. With this way, the actual subject of thread is not drailed into offtopic troll fest environment.

Disadvantages of situation !
  • ~12 billion $ industrial production rights
  • 1,4 billion $ design&development cost paid by Turkey wasted for nothing
  • F-135 engine regional overhauling and maintenance center incomes sacrificed
  • Created operational gap with retired F4 and older generation F16 fighters would have been filled with superior striking and stealth role of F35 throwen to dustbin, while rivals in region is arming with future fighter platforms
  • F35B aircrafts to be purchased for TCG Anadolu become a dream
  • Sister of TCG Anadolu called TCG Trakya will be questioned in this environment
  • The scope of CAATSA sanctions may effect whole defense industry that has some industrial connection with West
  • Engine selection for TF-X on serial production phase may delay the program more.

  • Less dependency on US for aerial platforms, while being more dependant to Russia at the same time
  • Enjoying defensive capabilities of S400 while hoping unknown capabilities of Russian SAM search radar and missile seeker heads against active jamming technics of advanced enemy sensors.
  • Showing force about How S400 will target enemy from a range of 400km, while F35 has kill-switch that can be activated by US...
one thing is for shure if we do not have a capable fighter aircraft than this is the first step of our weakness and the first step for our enemies to take opportunities..

think about it how they weaken Iran no military equipment no fighter jets and lets wait another 10 years or 20 years when the next generation of aircrafts rise the gab is getting worser.. and that is what is important for us to learn..

also we need air superiority fighters TFX should have more focus on that missions.. because we have Greeks, Arabs, and Israelis in the region..

russian aircrafts dont make sence it will take time to get them and it will take time to replace their electronics that should have been decided 10 or 15 years ago.. but then it would have made more sence to get into the eurofighter program..

also 20 years ago 60 f15 together with 30 a10 would also be a good choice but no one cared..

what we need is better planing and foresight
Watch out for Pakistans foreign policy before talking about ours.
Our foreign policy is very simple, we love Turkey and China, and we hate India. So me supporting Turkey is part of our foreign policy mission. :)

Anyway, I think it is the absolute best time (once F35 is cancelled and it won't be cancelled immediately though, they'll drag feet and give false hope to stop you moving on) to join SU57 program. Why? Because they have currently no partners, no customers and have completed all prototypes. There doesn't appear to be any problems, unlike F35 issues. Only issue is the supercruise engine and even if it is not used with the first batch/block, who cares? It won't be a pure 5th gen fighter? So what?

And if it is true that Turkey has some TOT with the S400, then I think that it is encouraging for other projects.

If they don't want to induce 100 planes, no problem. 24 is a great number for a stop gap measure. But the main thing is that there is so much to learn and also building a relationship with another country that is mutually beneficial unlike the one way relationship with the west.

We Pakistani's love our F16s but truth is we would kill to get our hands on SU35. And SU57, we'd fly it into outer space.

Also i'd like to add that Turkey’s level of participation in the SU57 should be similar to the Israeli participation on F35. You need to be able to integrate your own weapons and sensors onto the aircraft.

And for those that say that the Russians produce Junk. These weapons are used by our enemy for decades and the best informed members on this forum will tell you that they have never been junk, just used badly.
very nice, only problem is, it's a piece of poster with dreams on it. I don't know about you guys, but I'm fed up with these posters. I want hardcore results, I want the Atak to be using turkish engine. I want to see hardcore results. I want to see us producing a jet engine for hurjet and then I want it serial produced. First then will I even entertain the idea of TFX coming to exist.

On his homepage, TAI say TF/X has max speed of Mach 2. In the internal bay, how many missiles and of which kind they can carry?

If you compare the illustration with data basics of TFX on official homepage, there is something wrong.

Bro RR already left the TFX project. They wasted our time for 2 years. I'm telling you right now the west won't sell us anything purely because we threaten their "interests".

Although Russia could theoretically play the same games it is much less likely purely because their interests are aligned with those of Turkey.

Ukraine could be the solution.
On his homepage, TAI say TF/X has max speed of Mach 2. In the internal bay, how many missiles and of which kind they can carry?

TF-X max speed updated at Paris Air Show as 1.8 mach.

Ukraine could be the solution.

No they couldn't and they didn't. TEI ceo Mahmut Faruk Akşit said in his speech " We wnat some partner to produce turbin blades but even ukraine didnt help us." Turbin engines , There are ony a few producers
. If you cant do it by yourself no one will help you.

His speech:

Edit1:he didnt mention anything about raw materials and super alloys. Hope these are under development.

Edit2: hell yes. Super alloys and raw materials are under development.
see this:
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2 years from now the first flight is very ambitious.

edit: this is for Hürjet, not TF-X. So maybe thats a bit more realistic then.
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