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Tesla's China sales hit record high in March

I think restrictions on petrol cars happened long before Tesla. It was due to new energy policies, the plan is to use Tesla to export to other markets, they produce Teslas 30-40% cheaper in China.

Well anybody can hope China collapses, but what did we learn from this current virus crisis? Lol
Its hard to export Telsa cars cos its just like Iphone, stupid but expensive and only can sell well in CN.

Telsa car simply can not compete wt German, JP petrol cars. Even CN cars, planing to sell in VN also have to make a plan to build some factories in VN to reduce the cost to compete wt JP cars, so let alone useless but expensive Telsa car. It simply have No chance to export
Model 3 interior is really terrible.

People buys this car because of price to range ratio.
Its hard to export Telsa cars cos its just like Iphone, stupid but expensive and only can sell well in CN.

Telsa car simply can not compete wt German, JP petrol cars. Even CN cars, planing to sell in VN also have to make a plan to build some factories in VN to reduce the cost to compete wt JP cars, so let alone useless but expensive Telsa car. It simply have No chance to export
I guess you don't know the largest market for Tesla and IPhone is not China? Electric cars is the future my friend. You can keep on using petrol all I care.
I guess you don't know the largest market for Tesla and IPhone is not China? Electric cars is the future my friend. You can keep on using petrol all I care.
But I can bet that without CN market, Telsa-Iphone will go bankrupted.

Even when electric car is the future, but ppl will not buy Telsa cars made in CN, simply, the price is too high due to high labor cost. Just like CN car, if they wanna compete wt JP car in ASEAN, then they have to build the factories in VN or Thailand to reduce the cost.
I am going to make a prediction here.

China's auto makers sucks. They are dominated by inefficient state owned companies (with the possible exception of BYD). When finally they allowed new start ups like NIOs, XPeng, etc. Those companies are dynamic and efficient. All of them are coming out with exciting cars. But they are way too young. In one year, they can go out and compete with any traditional auto companies such as BMW, Ford, Toyota, etc.

But they are only 2-3 years. They have good design. But they don't have the manufacturing process figuring out yet. Most of them still don't have enough money to even own their own factory.

Now, Tesla is coming in. They will dominate. Tesla is building a super cheap "World Car" in China. When that car come out. All Chinese auto companies will be in mortal danger.

I will come back in 2 years (that will be 4/10/2022) to revisit this post.
The battery is by far the most valuable part of an electric vehicle, accounting for up to 45 per cent of the cost of its components.

According to an analysis by BloombergNEF, in early 2019 there were 316 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of global lithium cell manufacturing capacity. China is home to 73% of this capacity.

There is a REASON why Tesla moved to China.

Because the supply chain is there.

Haven't even mentioned rare earths yet, which are VITAL for electric vehicles.
The battery is by far the most valuable part of an electric vehicle, accounting for up to 45 per cent of the cost of its components.

According to an analysis by BloombergNEF, in early 2019 there were 316 gigawatt-hours (GWh) of global lithium cell manufacturing capacity. China is home to 73% of this capacity.

There is a REASON why Tesla moved to China.

Because the supply chain is there.

Haven't even mentioned rare earths yet, which are VITAL for electric vehicles.


But on a global scale, Tesla is just one player among many. In 2018, the li-ion battery production capacity of the United States (attributable almost exclusively to the Gigafactory) accounted for less than 10 percent of the global market, with China claiming 61 percent of global capacity (the rest of Asia, mainly South Korea and Japan, added another 21 percent), according to MacroPolo, the Paulson Institute’s think tank.

By comparing production with consumption figures—the United States holds 20 percent of the global electric vehicle stock, while China has 47 percent—it becomes even more apparent that America punches way below its weight.

The picture gets even worse for the United States when one considers the midstream inputs used to assemble the final battery cells. Of the four main components in a li-ion battery, China manufactures 65.7 percent of the anodes, 64.3 percent of the electrolytes, 44.8 percent of the separators, and 39 percent of the cathodes. U.S. companies, however, barely register.

Further upstream in the supply chain, the United States is virtually absent from the mining and refining of key raw materials—such as cobalt and lithium—necessary to manufacture these inputs.

I am going to make a prediction here.

China's auto makers sucks. They are dominated by inefficient state owned companies (with the possible exception of BYD). When finally they allowed new start ups like NIOs, XPeng, etc. Those companies are dynamic and efficient. All of them are coming out with exciting cars. But they are way too young. In one year, they can go out and compete with any traditional auto companies such as BMW, Ford, Toyota, etc.

But they are only 2-3 years. They have good design. But they don't have the manufacturing process figuring out yet. Most of them still don't have enough money to even own their own factory.

Now, Tesla is coming in. They will dominate. Tesla is building a super cheap "World Car" in China. When that car come out. All Chinese auto companies will be in mortal danger.

I will come back in 2 years (that will be 4/10/2022) to revisit this post.

I don't agree with this assessment. I think Tesla is a solid company but China has many electric vehicle companies and is the primary market for EV's while Tesla is really the only American EV focused company. I think Tesla will succeed but other companies in China will also thrive. However, many of the weak ones will crash and burn.
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