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May 17, 2011
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‘Crusade against Terrorism’

When crusaders started their crusade against Muslims, they obliterated everything which they encountered on their way. They massacred women, children and old without any mercy. Christian crusaders were blinded by religious fanaticism. They laid the foundation stone of what is called in modern times is called, ‘Religious Fanaticism’ and which is strengthened by ‘terrorism’. But still no one talks about Christian crusaders today. When George. W. Bush announced his 'War on Terrorism" he called it a ‘Crusade’. What a dilemma. ‘Crusade against Terrorism’. In other words “Terrorism against Terrorism”. Let us not forget, Western bigots have been preparing the ground for this ‘Crusade’ since long. World Trade Center attack by Osama (no one though proved through a trial that it was he who attacked WTC but then he has already been punished for his unproven guilt) was a watershed event. Western media left no stone unturned to blame Muslims for the act. Fox news of United States of America pasted the caption ‘War on US’ over the TV screen for months altogether. They used to write war in green letters and US in blood red. This implied war on US was declared by green army of Muslims. Slowly and steadily they were successful to change the perception of their people about Muslims and message was clear. Muslims are not any ordinary people but are all terrorists. This was further emphasized by G.W. Bush by his slogan, "Crusade against Terrorism". For him ‘Crusade’ meant holy war and ‘Terrorism’ meant Muslims. However for us ‘Crusade’ meant Terrorism and ‘Terrorism’ meant Muslims. And we tasted that crusade. G. W. Bush managed to slaughter one million 'terrorists' read Muslims in Iraq and still counting. His crusade which started from Afghanistan is going on with venom still today. Thousands of Afghans and Pakistanis have lost their lives and still counting there as well. So, modern day Crusade has achieved far better results for them than the old times crusade. In modern day crusade they did not find any Salah u Din Ayubi to confront them.
But still question remains, How can they justify to their future generations that whatever they did was not terrorism? How can they prove that Muslims were all terrorists or all terrorist were Muslims? Let us leave that to their future generations to question and judge. Let us observe with objectivity and with facts provided by them only, how much role Muslims played in terrorizing them.

Muslims are Terrorists
"All Muslims are terrorists" was the accusation. When the hypocrites who made this statement realized no one in their right mind would believe that all 1.6 billion Muslims in the world could be terrorists, they reversed the statement to sound more objective and fair: Thus they modified it and claimed, “All Muslims may not be terrorists, but almost all terrorists are Muslims.”
Average American will continue to watch the mainstream media day in, day out and see pictures of “Muslim terrorists” flashed across the screen or spoken about for hours on the radio. Here are some hard facts to make it clear that every perception is not a reality.

The Facts
According to the FBI database, there have been 318 terrorist incidents in the US from 1980-2005. That includes 209 bombings and 43 arsons. Out of those incidents, 42% were committed by Latino groups, 24% by Extreme Left Wing groups, 7% by Jewish Extremists, 6% by Muslim Extremists, and 5% by Communists.
A RAND Corporation [funded by the U.S. government] report titled “Would-be Warriors” reveals some very interesting facts:

Not a single U.S. civilian has been killed by Muslim extremists since Sept 11, 2001.
Only 3 out of 83 acts of terrorism between 9/11 and 2009 were done by Muslim extremists. Most were by animal rights and environmental activists.
There was more terrorism in the 1970s than the 21st century. There were over 60 terrorist incidents per year on U.S. soil, most of them being bombings. That’s 15 – 20 times more terrorism than post 9/11.

Europol’s report titled “EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report” showed that 0.4% of terrorist attacks from 2006-2008 were committed by Muslim extremists. That means 99.6% of terrorist attacks were by non-Muslims, most of which were separatists and leftists.

U.S. Terrorist Organizations
If you were asked to name five major terrorist organizations in the US, how many could you name besides al-Qaeda? Most people couldn’t name more than one. So here are some to help you balance the distorted view that the media feeds you with:
Animal Liberation Front: Is known for sabotaging animal testing facilities, etc. The FBI explicitly said that ALF is the “leading domestic terrorist threat.”
Alpha 66 and Omega 7: Cuban exiles opposed to anyone who takes a moderate approach to Castro. They are responsible for many bombings.
Army of God: Anti-abortion and anti-gay. Known for bombing at least two abortion clinics, a lesbian nightclub, and the Summer Olympics in 1996. They believe that Anglo-Saxons are the only true children of God.
Aryan Nations: A white nationalist, neo-Nazi, and Christian Identity group. The RAND Corporation described it as the “first truly nationwide terrorist network.”
Black Liberation Army: They carried out a series of bombings, robberies, and prison breaks.
The Covenant, the Sword, and the Arm of the Lord: Another Christian Identity organization.
Earth Liberation Front: Eco-terrorist group. The FBI in March 2001 said that it is the number one domestic terrorist threat.
Jewish Defense League: Founded by Rabbi Meir Kahane, they executed at least 15 terrorist attacks in the U.S. [more than al-Qaeda] and are responsible for at least 60 bombings.
Ku Klux Klan: A white supremacist, anti-Communist, anti-Semitic, and anti-Catholic group.
Militia Movement: An anti-government movement. One common tactic is to explode pipe bombs at government facilities. They have about 20,000-60,000 members in the U.S.
Phineas Priesthood: Another Christian Identity movement that is against interracial intercourse, homosexuality, abortion, and multiculturalism.
Symbionese Liberation Army: A far left organization.
United Freedom Front: A Marxist organization responsible for at least 20 bombings and 9 bank robberies.
The Weather Underground: A far left organization responsible for at least 45 bombings between 1970 – 1977.
Ejercito Popular Boricua [Boricua People’s Army]: They have been demanding independence of Puerto Rico from U.S. imperialism.
New World Liberation Front: A far-left organization responsible for at least 70 bombings in the Bay Area alone.

International Terrorist Organizations
Of course, terrorism is not only an American phenomenon, but exists worldwide. Here are some examples abroad:
Aum Shinrikyo: Japan. A new religious movement responsible for the 1995 Sarin Nerve Gas attacks in the Tokyo subway.
All Tripura Tiger Force: India. Their goal is to expel all immigrants of Tripura. 90% of members are Hindu and 10% are Christian.
Babbar Khalsa: India/Canada. A Sikh religious organization that blew up a 747 jet in 1985 killing 329 people [including 280 Canadian citizens].
Communist Party of India (Maoist): Prime Minister Singh said that they are “the single biggest security challenge ever faced by our country”. They have killed over a thousand people.
Provisional Irish Republican Army: Ireland. They have killed over 1800 people.
ETA (Basque Homeland and Freedom): Spain/France. They have killed almost a thousand people.
Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK): Turkey. A Socialist/Nationalist party demanding independence.
New Peoples Army: Philippines. A Communist organization.
National Liberation Front of Corsica: France. A separatist organization.
Justice Commandos Against Armenian Genocide: They have been trying to force Turkey to admit to the historical Armenian genocide. Responsible for at least 23 terrorist attacks.

Notable U.S. Terrorist Attacks
The following is a very brief list of terrorist attacks on U.S. soil to make it clear that American terrorism is as American as cherry pie.
1910: Bombing of the L.A. Times Building by James and John McNamara who wanted to unionize the paper.
1920: Wall Street bombing by followers of Luigi Galleani with 100 pounds of dynamite that killed 38 people and injured 400.
1927: Bath, Michigan Bombings by Andrew Kehoe who was angry over taxes. He set off three bombs killing 45 people [including 38 students].
1971: Bombing of the U.S. Capitol Building by the Weather Underground in protest against the U.S. invasion of Laos.
1972: Bombing of the Pentagon by the Weather Underground in retaliation for the U.S. bombing raid in Hanoi.
1975: Bombing of the Department of State Building by the Weather Underground in response to war escalation in Vietnam.
1976: Hijacking of Cubana Flight 455 by CIA-linked Cuban exiles who killed all 73 people on board.
1978-1995: Unabomber Attacks by Ted Kaczynski who sent letterbombs to academics and other influential people.
1995: Oklahoma City Bombing by Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols who killed 168 people.
1996: Centennial Olympic Park Bombing by Eric Robert Rudolph for which President Clinton called “an evil act of terror”. This was the largest pipe bomb in U.S. history.
2001: Anthrax Attacks by Bruce Edwards Ivins.
2007: Virginia Tech Massacre by Seung-Hui Cho who killed 32 people. He likened himself to Jesus Christ and expressed his hatred of the rich.
2010: Austin IRS Attack by Andrew Joseph Stack who flew an airplane into the IRS building because he was mad at the government.
2011: Tucson Shooting of Gabrielle Giffords where Jared Lee Loughner shot nineteen people.
Image is Everything

It is obvious that media gives maximum coverage to ‘Muslim Terrorism’ and usually labels it so and in other cases little coverage is given and the nomenclature is usually confined to ‘terrorism’ only without any prefixes before the word terrorism.The only statistics that are missing is the amount of media coverage per terrorist incident or group. It shouldn’t surprise anyone now that Muslims usually receive the most coverage despite the fact that they are near the bottom of the list when it comes to terrorist activity.

Now that the facts are clear, do you think anyone would dare to rephrase the statement and end with “almost all terrorists are…” Latinos, leftists, environmentalists, Christians, Sikhs or Jews? I doubt it. This twisted logic is only applied for Muslims, not anyone else. No never. It will be considered a blashphemy and anti - semitism. But for Muslims no rules apply. Muslims are still the dreaded terrosits for them despite being slaughtered day in and day our in the name of 'Crusade against Terrorism'. Who wil turn the tables on them and call their criminal crusades, as acts of real terrorism. But then we Muslims do not posses Fox TV and CNN to do that job for us. We possess only collaborators in our ranks and puppets on thrones. Our media is an extension of their media. No one among us is ready to bust their myths. We have only been given a job of pleading not guilty and playing as victims which we actually are. But no one is ready to accept that. Hope our future generations will not take thing in thier stride. Hope they will confront them. Hope !

Statistics and figures taken from the internet.

Koshur Mazloom



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