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Terrorists released by corrupt Judiciary


May 24, 2010
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This guy is very very influential, he was arrested by security forces, and he was the one who prepared suicide waists for Army kids school attacker.
Thank you Imran Khan for the gift of free judiciary... but no thanks.

. .
Great going.
Remind me again why we even have a judiciary?
Wait doesn't this come under ATC? Meaning it will be handed over to the military?
But he was arrested yesterday in North Waziristan, so has he been let go again ?
. .
Great going.
Remind me again why we even have a judiciary?

Like judiciary, all of state institutions have been given one task from politicians... i.e. to keep army busy.
Every govt. employe basically take salary to create work for army.

But he was arrested yesterday in North Waziristan, so has he been let go again ?

Yesterday, he was arrested second time.... he was arrested first time few weeks back, i don't know the exact date.
Check at the facebook page of Ahmed Qureshi.
Funny part is arrest of such terrorists is always kept low profile, had any press reported such a big catch and subsequent release!
Now on no one shall tell me that any Pakistani news agency is neutral.
IMO, zarba e azab should be ended and all news paper offices and houses of judges should be raided, i bet we'll find many leads there, and than start operation 'markhor'.
. .
Wait doesn't this come under ATC? Meaning it will be handed over to the military?

Actually politicians decide, which case go to army court and which goes to civilian court.
Generally, they are passing cases of murders to army court and whenever a terrorist is captured in action, he goes to civil courts.
Don't forget, it was same politicians and judiciary, which has released hundreds of terrorists during the time of last govt.
First they introduced constitutional amendment to provide blanket immunity, and after judges continue to release them quietly.

Army has to decide... how long they like to keep eyes closed.
IMO, all politicians should be put in front of firing squad, however Imran Khan should be, used as 'bullseye' in our next missile test.
This guy is very very influential, he was arrested by security forces, and he was the one who prepared suicide waists for Army kids school attacker.
Thank you Imran Khan for the gift of free judiciary... but no thanks.


I sincerely wish some of a family member of that judge should be killed in some suiside attack and this guy been involved in it.
@haviZsultan You fears turn into reality. He has been released by terrorist judiciary of Pakistan.
I told you. Take Malik Ishaq as a case study. Take the bomber in this video as a case study:

They are somewhat sure they are going to escape jails. Remember what happened to Ataullah, the one who organized the shooting of Malala. He was captured in operation Rah e Rast and then freed. Maliq Ishaq is a champion of escaping punishment from the court even though he threatened to kill shias in filled courtrooms.

Read this:
Targeting terrorism: Only 4% of terror suspects convicted – The Express Tribune

In my paper to defeat terrorism I have highlighted an array of methods and steps that may be of use:
1) Stop preaching jihad and twisted history in schools and colleges.
2) Improve employment in FATA as it is beyond 60% within these regions.
3) Repeal laws like the collective responsibilities act
4) Merge the tribesmen into the national fabric. That means FATA should not be off limits to people.
5) Improve the education situation as it is only 22% in FATA and below
6) Arm the tribes, especially those which are the most hostile to the TTP, like Turis Bangash and Salarzai. I have also noticed a lot of Marwats and Khattaks stand up against terrorism and tyranny.
7) Stop terror funding from Saudi Arabia and at times other gulf countries while also destroy the local funding networks.
8) Support Nazir (can't happen now since he is dead) and break away factions to create divisions within the Taliban. Nazir was ready to wage war against TTP when surprisingly he was attacked by a drone and killed, very typical of the Nek Muahmmed killing. Had he lived TTP and Nazir group would have been at war and the group would be severely weakened.
9) ISI must look for opportunities to create divisions amongst the Taliban.

Here is part of my report to beat terrorism:

20 points for the successful elimination of terrorism

1) Proper intelligence network with intelligence sharing between the various agencies: In this time and age it is a requirement that we have proper intelligence about known militants whereabouts and doings. Pakistani intelligence services should infiltrate each and every militant group in Pakistan. Furthermore they should work to eradicate the TTP which poses a primary threat to Pakistan. The need of the hour is for our intelligence agencies to be pro active not reactive. They have to stop bomb attacks and other attempts to murder or hurt Pakistanis before they even occur.

Pros: Pakistani lives will be saved.

Attacks will be stopped before they occur limiting casualties of innocents in this war.

Intelligence agencies are under severe pressure to perform well because Pakistani lives are at stake. Therefore by gathering proper intelligence the agencies can ensure there is no dirt flinging against them.

Cons: A system needs to be devised that differentiates between true or incorrect intelligence information. Acting on weak or shady intelligence the agencies have made mistakes.

Care is needed to ensure civilians are not affected.

2) Repeal of Anti-Minority laws such as the Hudood ordinance and Blasphemy law. Under the blasphemy law many people are falsely implicated on false charges of blasphemy (The blasphemy law constitutes 95A and 198B of the constitution check again when internet is ok). A case to note is the Rimsha Masih case. Rimsha is a special school girl with Down syndrome and was framed on false charges of blasphemy by Mullah Jadoon. This law has become a tool in the hands of mullahs who morally support the Taliban. Otherwise it is just used to settle disputes. False charges are levelled and the victim has to suffer all kinds of abuse. The Hudood law, now changed still is the cause of many innocent women suffering in jails. These laws created to “guard” Islam have become deathtraps for innocent Pakistanis. These laws should go away to pave the way for a new Pakistan where the state protects its citizens, particularly those as hapless as Rimsha Masih.

Pros: This law can pave the way for building an egalitarian society.

Minorities will feel welcome and secure in Pakistan.

It will forge unity in the country.

Cons: Only a very powerful leader can get rid of the blasphemy law. The conservatives who have an iron stranglehold on Pakistani politics often believe that removing the law is contrary to their dogmatic beliefs. It is hard to explain to them that what is being challenged is a human made law, not the decree of Allah Almighty.

3) Rehaul of the education system and history classes: The Pakistani government needs to improve the countries education system. Not only religious seminaries but schools need a curriculum that is not biased against minorities. A lot of Christians and Hindu children are maltreated in schools and colleges. To build an egalitarian society Pakistanis must teach students about the beauty of having various religions in the country and how diversity proves to be very useful in bridging gaps between societies.Pakistan’s education system according to Christine C Fair “promotes and incites terrorism.” This is a little harsh but Pakistan needs to do much to make sure minorities feel welcome. The biggest victims of the current education system are Hindus. The education system teaches Pakistanis a lot about Muslim Empires and Nations but teaches nothing about Buddhist and Hindu Empires in the region which is now Pakistan. If Pakistan is to evolve into an egalitarian society it must improve its education system. It is clear that schools will have to take a lead to win over younger minds.

Pros: Pakistan will improve its level of education starting from the bottom to the very top.

Pakistan will build an egalitarian society, a haven for peace and understanding between its various people.

Minorities will feel secure.

Pakistan will teach its kids its own regional history, not just the history of foreigners, something which has been a problem with local curriculum.

Cons: Some laggards and conservative folk would not like this change.

4) End of the draconian collective responsibility act of the Frontier Crimes Regulation: FATA is not governed by tribal allegiances, political agents or even tribal elders as the news articles always claim. It is governed by a British era law known as the Frontier Crimes Regulation which is a caricature, mockery of a justice system. The collective responsibilities act of this law holds an entire tribe responsible for the actions of a single tribesman. For example if a single Maseed tribesman turns out to be a militant his entire tribe is considered punishable by this law. It is the reason why the main market in Makeen has been destroyed more than 9 times. This law has resulted in the establishment of a tribal structure in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas where people are at times more loyal to their tribe than anything else. While it has failed in creating a National spirit too many tribesmen hold on to tribal bonds more than anything else.

Pros: Pakistan will win over its tribesmen.

There will be one law in the entire country instead of differing laws for various parts.

Civilian institutions will have a chance to operate in the tribal areas.

Cons: Some tribesmen favor their independence more than anything. They may not like being told what to do and how to act from the central government.

5) Development through education programs: Improving the basic lifestyle of the local inhabitants through education. Each child at the age for primary school should be sent to school if possible. A law should be enforced that ensures all children of a particular age must go to school.

Pros: Education can be a tool to fight militancy. Children armed with knowledge can be a determining factor in finishing off the militancy, at least starting from homes.

Cons: Very difficult to implement in a land where laws clearly exist but are rarely adhered to.

6) Teach tolerance and inter-faith harmony through courses in the school level: It would be useful to introduce new courses in schools and colleges that promote National unity, inter-faith harmony and tolerance, whether tribal, sectarian or religious.

Pros: Pakistan will save its younger generation from the scourge of terrorism.

We will give birth to more liberal and tolerant students.

7) Build the regions structure centered around the local culture. A) The police force should be called and trained as a Lashkar. B) Improvement of the security forces and the police C) Incorporation of the Jirgas (also the frontier constabulary) as a bulwark against terrorism. The tribal police has to take a step forward in the fight against terrorism. But the problem is the police and other such institutions have no space in tribal society where everything is centered around the tribal justice system (Jirgas) and tribal soldiers, known as lashkaris. Currently there is a minor police known as Khasadars in the tribal areas. The Lashkaris can become the police force but they should be graduated from an academy.

Pros: The government needs to respect the local customs and traditions, yet it has to ensure that the writ of the state is maintained. This policy helps both in strengthening the idea of tribal lashkars and jirgas while also establishes a sense of belonging amongst the various Pashtun tribes.

Cultural norms shouldn't be ignored. It is a need of the hour to incorporate these cultural practices so that the government gains some respect rather than being ignored. It will be easier to introduce these laws when they appeal to a local culture.

Will break down the Tribal culture of loyalty to only tribes which is prevalent in some regions.

Cons: There are fears of rights violations if power over villages is handed over to jirgas. This is why Jirga heads and justice dispensers in villages should be trained and brought from academies, and preferably they should be from the same village or town.

The various tribes have separate lashkars. So for example for an area like Kaniguram where there is a collection of both Burkis and Mehsud tribesmen it may be difficult to form a united lashkar or police force which consists of both Burkis and Mehsuds. That does not mean it should not be tried.

8) Targeted operations against the terrorists: Pakistan should undertake operations against the terrorists but they should be targeted only against the terrorists. Some places need clearing. It is just necessary that all is done in these operations to ensure no civilians are harmed. Great care is needed to avoid civilian casualties often caused by artillery shelling and airstrikes.

Pros: Will greatly result in the reduction of civilian casualties in the war on terror.

Innocent people will feel secure as only terrorists will be targeted and innocents left to carry their lives with little or no problems.

Cons: In a land like FATA, where every other person owns and keeps a gun it may be extremely difficult to judge friend or enemy.

9) Elimination of militant commanders through targeted operations: A case to note is Maulana Fazlullah. Almost each operation has failed in eliminating the top leadership of the Taliban. Baitullah Mehsud, Hakimullah Mehsud, Wali Ur Rehman, Qari Hussain and many others

Pros: By attacking militant commanders we can create a vacuum for leadership in the Taliban. By eliminating the top leadership before they have anyone to replace those leaders the army ensures they are always one step ahead of their Taliban opponents.

11) Call for contact between liberals and conservatives: Contact should be established between the people of various ideologies. Regardless of what one thinks Shahbaz Bhatti and Salman Taseer championed the cause of human rights regardless of their moral behavior. Their efforts should be appreciated and hate against them if not eliminated, then controlled by inter public communications.

Pros: Will pave the way to building an egalitarian society.

Fanaticism is drilled into some sections of the population. By calling for debate between the various people we increase inter personal contact and refuse hate

Will build understanding between the liberal and conservative sections of society.

12) Combat terrorism through television and radio ads. Initiate a law that demands television channels and radio channels to play a government message against terrorism to the people of Pakistan.

Pros: No government has as yet used the power of multimedia to fight the terrorists. As a result their propaganda reaches the ears of the poor but not the message of progress as a Nation. By placing ads in tv's and radios and even in newspapers against the terrorists the government will take a step forward in defeating terrorism.

The government's message will get across throughout the country instead of militant propaganda.

Cons: Media channels may be targeted by the militants.

13) Introduce a government accepted and legal body enforced curriculum to combat terrorism in madrassas and religious schools: Stopping the inflow of terrorist propaganda is extremely necessary. With a government enforced curriculum that is objective and critical Pakistan will do away with biased education policies and will result in a broad-thinking populace.

Pros: Will create some form of neutrality in the education system, this will particularly help minorities.

The government will take a major leap in fighting terrorism by winning off the often poor and weak segment of society, a group from among whom the terrorists are known to recruit.

Cons: The religious schools may become targets of militant outrage and thus young children could be at risk.

14) Mullahs who preach at mosques should be handpicked from an academy where tolerance is preached. Furthermore their sermons should strictly be controlled by a legal body. This is to ensure that no hate is promoted by the various mullahs. The position of theologian is supposed to be better paid and better respected. Therefore mullahs should be trained in an academy and get their licenses to preach from there.

Pros: This will cut down fanaticism and will be a pavement to establishing a secular, tolerant Nation.

Mullahs will not be preaching hatred against anyone and will instead spread tolerance.

Cons: It is very difficult to regulate this. In Pakistan currently the prayer leaders are allowed to give any advice they can.

15) Stop the drone attacks and take charge of fighting this war ourselves, not on foreign behest. Develop strategies to hunt down top commanders of the TTP we need to eliminate instead of targeting the Haqqanis, Nazirs and Hekmatyars and that also half heartedly on foreign behest.

Pros: Pakistan will localize its war on terror and will be able to establish support for it at home

Once cut off from the US it would be easier to explain to the disenchanted masses that we are fighting a war for our own interests against the Taliban which is an intolerant militant group intent on destroying the core of Pakistani ideals.

16) Cut the funding of the Taliban. Eliminate their sources of income and cut off their finances. The Taliban are known to get their money from taking over business ventures, extortion, bank heists among other ways including alleged foreign support.

Pros: By cutting off the militants funding and finding out where it comes from brings us one step closer to eliminating terrorism.

We will be able to stop militant funding by stopping their raids on banks, their extortion and in some cases foreign support.

17) Stop the militants ability to recruit anywhere. Destroy their bastions and eliminate their recruitment bases. Stopping the militants from recruiting requires the reduction of the unemployment, illiteracy and the poverty rate. Literate people are less likely to fall into the pit of despair that is terrorism. The unemployment rate in FATA is over 60%. With no options and nowhere to go some poor tribesmen find themselves to be eager recruits for the brutal Taliban.

Pros: By reducing the Taliban's recruitment base or better, destroying it Pakistan will cut into the very backbone of the Taliban

Cons: Is easier said than done. The first step towards doing this is adopting solution 5 and 18. Those points will play a role in reducing recruitment.

18) End injustice, poverty and unemployment. Injustice provides the militants opportunities to recruit. It is essential that no innocent person is deprived of his right.

Pros: The militants recruit where there is injustice and the living conditions horrible. To stop this the massive amount of unemployment, poverty and injustice need to be stopped.

19) Sparking divisions within the Taliban network. For example make group A fight group B. The authorities don't have to do anything other than watch the Taliban bicker among themselves.

Pros: This will weaken the Taliban. Pakistan can currently take advantage of the divisions between Sajna and Shaharyar Mehsud and pitch the two against each other.

Infighting will weaken the Taliban without the military having to move a finger.

20) Make FATA either a new province or merge it with Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: This has regularly been demanded by the majority of locals in the frontier regions but this demand of the locals has been ignored by each and every government.

Pros: This has long been demanded by the people of FATA.

Will give a message to FATA residents that they are not alone or ignored by the government, something many of them feel.

Cons: A tiny minority of tribal men prefer to be left alone to their own laws and customs. They do not want FATA to become a new province.
The judiciary is nothing but the legal arm of terrorists. The entire lot should be arrested and thrown in prison for years. Those who resist a bullet would put an end to that.

These were the filth marching on Mushy, so basically he was right about them.....
I told you. Take Malik Ishaq as a case study. Take the bomber in this video as a case study:

They are somewhat sure they are going to escape jails. Remember what happened to Ataullah, the one who organized the shooting of Malala. He was captured in operation Rah e Rast and then freed. Maliq Ishaq is a champion of escaping punishment from the court even though he threatened to kill shias in filled courtrooms.

Read this:
Targeting terrorism: Only 4% of terror suspects convicted – The Express Tribune

In my paper to defeat terrorism I have highlighted an array of methods and steps that may be of use:
1) Stop preaching jihad and twisted history in schools and colleges.
2) Improve employment in FATA as it is beyond 60% within these regions.
3) Repeal laws like the collective responsibilities act
4) Merge the tribesmen into the national fabric. That means FATA should not be off limits to people.
5) Improve the education situation as it is only 22% in FATA and below
6) Arm the tribes, especially those which are the most hostile to the TTP, like Turis Bangash and Salarzai. I have also noticed a lot of Marwats and Khattaks stand up against terrorism and tyranny.
7) Stop terror funding from Saudi Arabia and at times other gulf countries while also destroy the local funding networks.
8) Support Nazir (can't happen now since he is dead) and break away factions to create divisions within the Taliban. Nazir was ready to wage war against TTP when surprisingly he was attacked by a drone and killed, very typical of the Nek Muahmmed killing. Had he lived TTP and Nazir group would have been at war and the group would be severely weakened.
9) ISI must look for opportunities to create divisions amongst the Taliban.

Here is part of my report to beat terrorism:

Iran and ANA, are already arming Turis and Bangash from last many years.
These tribes may be the enemies of Taliban, and may have even took part in war against them, and may have even helped Americans and northern alliance in cleaning Afghanistan from kids of Talibans, but our intelligence suggest those ANA supplied weapons, have been found in use with TTP and a bit more.

These tribes you mentioned are not loyal to Pakistan, and should be neutralized at ALL costs.

However, I should not be concerned about the Afghan taliban ghosts, still i would like to hear, what possible supply lines do they have in place! Is it Iran, Turkmenistan or Tajikistan... or some mysterious planes are making airdrops from last 15 years? same as in Iraq!

Terrorism is not a local phenomenon, we have to explore it in wider picture, why it was dormant, until ... let's say 2005!
Why is that such terror outfits are flourishing in regions, which are either controlled by Iran or US or mutually by both of them?

Now lets, discuss foreign funding IN and again OUT to weapon suppliers, quite cheesy but should not be traceless, as in today's world money transfer is all recorded. Unless it is brought in by planes, and taken out by planes with complicity of state. Which is not possible, considering the relationship of Asif Ali Zardari with Saudi Arabia.

Now, i like to point out at recent press conference of ISPR, where India is pointed as funder, mastermind, weapon supplier, trainer and protector of TTP. hence your allegations on Saudi Arabia are in direct conflict with the reports of our intelligence agencies.

FATA was never out of reach, it was disarmed at one point in history, but then again in 90's it was armed by politicians, who think army should be kept busy as much possible.
However, given the limited resources, army has been doing operations in FATA, which has increased opportunities for locals.

Now, i lik eto know... if by any means this terrorist capture, release capture has anything to do with you or your tribe?
Otherwise, no reason to diverge a particular subject to more general.

Now on subject... did GEO reported this drama of recapture?
why is it that security institutions has to take support of public media, to make this otherwise 'hush hush trial' to public.
What's going on?
Military is the only institution keeping this thin fabric together if it were for the politicians and judiciary we would have been lost a few decades ago.

The sources said security personnel raided the residence of the militant identified as Baseer. The militant, the sources said, managed to escape towards a nearby mountain, but the soldiers apprehended him after a chase.
The arrested terrorist was reportedly involved in the attack on the Army Public School in Peshawar. Basheer had prepared suicide jackets used by terrorists during the APS attack.

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Military is the only institution keeping this thin fabric together if it were for the politicians and judiciary we would have been lost a few decades ago.

The sources said security personnel raided the residence of the militant identified as Baseer. The militant, the sources said, managed to escape towards a nearby mountain, but the soldiers apprehended him after a chase.
The arrested terrorist was reportedly involved in the attack on the Army Public School in Peshawar. Basheer had prepared suicide jackets used by terrorists during the APS attack.


who appointed the judge? Zardari ?

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