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Terminology adjustment

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sorry man . my intention is not hurting to you or any one i just highlight what our neighbour are doing. i used afghan because the people who were killed from afghanistan . i never said that its pakhtoon .
I understand but it's time for a terminology change now. Please spreading this around to your friends and household. We Pakistani pakhtoons would greatly appreciate this.
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You are simply confusing yourself and others. Citizen of Afghanistan are called Afghans which is their national identity. Citizens of Pakistan are called as Pakistani which is their national identity. According to modern definition Afghans are people of Afghanistan that include Pashtuns, Tajiks , Uzbeks. Meanwhile Pashtun is a ethnic group which lives both sides of border of Pakistan and Afghanistan (even in Iran). It dont matter what you call those who are living in Afghanistan but these afghan Pahstuns, Tajiks, Hazaras, Uzbeks and other tribes identify themselves as Afghan.

Pashtuns, due to a host of historical and political reasons are divided between two different countries, both of which are home to many other and often rival ethnic groups, have distinct political histories, are confined within separate geographical boundaries and each has its own completely distinct yet extremely complex internal dynamic. Pashtuns might have been addressed by their exonym ‘Afghan’ by their Persian and Arab neighbours until about a hundred years ago, but today they are almost entirely either citizens of Pakistan or inhabitants of Afghanistan. Afghan has lost its traditional meaning and is now locally and internationally used to mean any citizen of the country that is Afghanistan. That's how Afghanistan's constitution defines it, how people perceive it and, on a different note that was also ironically the most desirable outcome envisioned by the Pashtun elite themselves who have sacrificed their Afghanness with the aim of convincing other residents of Afghanistan, like yours truly, to assume the national identity that is Afghan. Without such a compromise people might have most probably renamed it Khorasan or Aryana. Afterall, Aryana is a cool name and Khorasan is a darling of the Arab Islamists who even own the Taliban.

Contrary to some members who have argued that Pashtuns are ethnic Afghans, I think the time for such one-sided labelling of an entire country has long passed. Afghanistan is a mosaic of ethnicities and cultures and I think the time for ethnic and cultural hegemony has long been over. There are no ethnic Afghans, just like there are no ethnic Iranians, or ethnic Pakistanis, or ethnic Indians.

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