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Srikrishna report favours united Andhra, separate Telangana state is 'second best' option

Agencies Posted online: Thu Jan 06 2011, 17:32 hrs

New Delhi : The Justice Srikrishna Committee has recommended that a united Andhra Pradesh with constitutional and statutory measures to empower the Telangana region is the “best way forward” to answer this long-standing demand for a separate Telangana state.
It has also said creating a separate Telangana state can be the "second best" option.

These are the two options among the six given by the five-member committee headed by former Supreme Court Judge B N Srikrishna.

The committee had submitted its report to the Centre last week after holding wide-ranging consultations across Andhra Pradesh since February last year.

Telangana: Read full report

The committee itself found that the other four options made by it -- maintaining status quo, bifurcating the state into Seemandhra and Telangana with Hyderabad as Union Territory and the states having their own capitals, bifurcation into Rayala-Telangana and coastal Andhra regions with Hyderabad as part of Rayala-Telangana and bifurcation into Seemandhra and Telangana with the enlarged Hyderabad metropolis as a separate Union Territory -- are not practicable.

It was also conscious of the possible opposition that may come from different quarters even to its two best options.

The committee recognised that the Telangana statehood demand is an emotional issue in the region and felt that the option of maintaining status quo could give a "fillip to the Maoist movement".

The report, eagerly awaited by the people of the state and elsewhere, was today made public by the Ministry of Home Affairs even as Minister P Chidambaram met leaders of political parties from the state and promised them that the government wants to find a "just, honourable and practicable" solution that has the widest measure of support among all stakeholders.

Recommending keeping Andhra Pradesh united with constitutional and statutory measures for the socio-economic development and political empowerment of the Telangana region, the committee suggested the creation of a statutorily-empowered Telangana Regional Council to be headed by an MLA with Cabinet rank.

"The Committee considers that unity is in the best interest of all three regions of the state as internal partitions would not be conducive to providing sustainable solutions to the issues at hand," the two-volume, 461-page report said.

In this option, it is proposed to keep the state united and provide constitutional/statutory measures to address the core socio-economic concerns about the development of the Telangana region.

"This can be done through the establishment of a statutory and empowered Telangana Regional Council with adequate transfer of funds, functions and functionaries in keeping with the spirit of the Gentlemen's Agreement of 1956."

The committee said the united Andhra option is being suggested for continuing the development momentum of the three regions and keeping in mind the national perspective.

"With firm political and administrative management it should be possible to convey conviction to the people that this option would be in the best interest of all and would provide satisfaction to the maximum number of people in the state," the report said.

It would also take care of the uncertainty over the future of Hyderabad as a bustling educational, industrial and IT hub/destination.

The Telangana Regional Council would provide a legislative consultative mechanism for the subjects to be dealt with by the Council.

Apart from the Telangana Regional Council which will deal with planning and economic development, water and irrigation sector, education, local administration and public health, the committee favoured other confidence building measures like providing adequate political space to Telangana such as positions of chief minister or deputy chief minister and other key ministerial portfolios.

The committee said that although this model is considered to be in the best interest of all people of the state, some segments of the Telangana population such as students and unemployed youth, non-gazetted officers, lawyers and farmers may not feel satisfied and may resort to violent agitations.

"It is possible that the MLAs/MLCs and MPs belonging to different parties in Telangana may be pressurised to resign in order to create a political crisis. It would indeed pose a serious challenge to the leadership to deal with this immediate backlash and the agitations which are likely to continue for a period of time," the report says.

"It is, however, also our anticipation that once the empowerment model as also the advantages of the state staying united have been understood by the people it would be possible for the government to contain and control the agitational activities and take the state towards economic growth and progress," it says.

However, it goes without saying that this option will receive a near unanimous acceptance by the people of coastal Andhra, Rayalaseema and large segments of Hyderabad Metropolis.

"The committee discussed all aspects of this option and while it acknowledges that there will be certain difficulties in its implementation, on balance, it found it the most workable option in the given circumstances and in the best interest of the social and economic welfare of the people of all the three regions of the state," it says.

The report said the core issue being one of socio-economic development and good governance, the committee, keeping the national perspective in mind, is of the considered view that this option stands out as the best way forward.

"This option, thus, suggests a model that carries forward the national goal of deepening and extending decentralisation and of sustaining inclusive growth. It is hoped that the model suggested here would be useful in addressing regional aspirations elsewhere in the country," the report says.

On the second best option of carving out Telangana and Seemandhra with Hyderabad as the capital of Telangana, the committee said in this option there would be a clear division of Andhra Pradesh into two states -- Telangana and Seemandhra -- and in the interim Hyderabad will continue to house both the capitals till a new capital for Seemandhra is created.

For creation of a new capital, a large investment would be required, provision for which will have to be made both by the Union and the state governments, it said.

"This option implies accepting the full demands of a large majority of Telangana people for a separate state that will assuage their emotional feelings and sentiments as well as the perceived sense of discrimination and neglect," the report says.

The committee said its impression gained during its extensive tours of Telangana region indicated that a very large number of people from Telangana were highly supportive of the demand for a separate Telangana; an appreciable segment was found to be neutral; while some sections were not in favour of it.

The implications of this option are that if earlier agitations are anything to go by, this decision will give rise to serious and violent agitations in the coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema regions, where the backlash will be immediate with the key issues being Hyderabad and sharing of water and irrigation resources.

"There will be every likelihood of pressure being put by the general public on the leaders of the political parties of Seemandhra region (MLAs/MLCs/MPs) to resign and fight for united Andhra Pradesh," it says.

The report said the agitation for separation of Rayalaseema from coastal Andhra may also start taking shape sooner than expected.

"Even though water and irrigation issues can be handled by creating autonomous/semi-autonomous structures, the apprehensions of the people of coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema will continue to be voiced and the impact on internal security situation with the anticipated growth of Naxalism and religious fundamentalism," it says.

The report said the division of the state will also have serious implications outside Andhra Pradesh.

"It would not only give fillip to other similar demands but it will be for the first time, after the re-organisation of states, that a political demand for dividing a linguistically constituted state would have been conceded by the Union Government with the creation of two Telugu speaking states," the report says.

The issue requires a most calm and dispassionate consideration of the consequences. The matter should also be seen in the larger context of whether a region can be allowed to decide for itself what its political status should be, as that would only create a demand for a great number of small states resulting in problems of coordination and management, the report says.

The committee is of the view that given the long history of the demand for a separate Telangana, the highly charged emotions at present and the likelihood of the agitation continuing in case the demand is not met (unless handled deftly, tactfully and firmly as discussed under option six), consideration has to be given to this option.

The grievances of the people of Telangana, such as non-implementation of some of the key decisions included in the Gentleman's Agreement (1956), certain amount of neglect in implementation of water and irrigation schemes, inadequate provision for education infrastructure (excluding Hyderabad), and the undue delay in the implementation of the Presidential order on public employment etc., have contributed to the felt psyche of discrimination and domination, with the issue attaining an emotional pitch.

"The continuing demand, therefore, for a separate Telangana, the committee felt, has some merit and is not entirely unjustified.

"In case this option is exercised, the apprehensions

of the coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema people and others who have settled in Hyderabad and other districts of Telangana with regard to their investments, properties, livelihood and employment, would need to be adequately addressed and confidence instilled that their safety and security would get the highest priority from the new dispensation.

"Considering all aspects, the committee felt that while creation of a separate Telangana would satisfy a large majority of people from the region, it would also throw up several other serious problems as indicated above.

"The implications for the other two regions also cannot be ignored. Therefore, after taking into account all the pros and cons, the committee did not think it to be the most preferred, but the second best option.

It said separation is recommended only in case it is unavoidable and if this decision can be reached amicably amongst all the three regions.

As soon as the report was released, Chidambaram today appealed to political parties in Andhra Pradesh to read the recommendations of the Justice Srikrishna Committee on Telangana with an "open mind" and to give "impartial consideration" to them.

He expressed confidence that the report will generate an "informed and mature" debate on the issue.

Handing over copies of the report to leaders of political parties from the state at the meeting here, Chidambaram urged them to give their "most careful, thoughtful and impartial" consideration to the recommendations. He asked them to read the report with an "open mind" and be prepared to persuade or be persuaded by those who hold another point of view.

Chidambaram regretted the boycott of the meeting by TRS, TDP and BJP.

Recalling the discussions on January 5 last year, which he said had showed the way forward, Chidambaram said it is the government's hope that the discussions today will also show the way forward.

"I am sure that besides political parties, people of Andhra Pradesh -- both individuals and groups -- would also make valuable suggestions that will show the way forward.

"You will note that I have repeatedly used the phrase 'way forward'. Today I reiterate the government's intentions to find just, honourable and praticable solutions that has the widest measure of support among all stakeholders," he said.

Referring to the joint appeal made at the January 5 meeting to the people of Andhra Pradesh to maintain peace and calm, Chidambaram said it had a salutary effect.

"It is necessary that peace, harmony and law and order should be maintained in the state. I would request you to join me at the end of this meeting to make an appeal similar to the appeal we made last year," he said.

The Home Minister said it is natural that the parties will require time to read the report and hold consultations within their organisations.

Asking them to participate in today's meeting, he said if the parties agreed, then he would suggest they meet again at a convenient date later this month.

Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Kiran Kumar Reddy, Congress leaders K S Rao, Uttam Kumar Reddy, CPI-M state secretary D V Raghavalu and party leader J Ranga, PRP leader C Ramachandraiah, Akrabdduin Owaisi and Syed Ahmed Pasha Quadri of MIM, K Narayana and G Malesh of CPI attended the meeting.

TDP MP Kishtappa earlier met Chidambaram and gave a letter from the party, saying they were not attending the meeting since the decision has to be taken by the Centre and not state political parties.

Referring to the boycott, Chidambaram said some parties have chosen not to attend the meeting.

"I deeply regret the stand taken by them. It does scant justice to the valuable work done by Justice Srikrishna Committee. Nevertheless, I propose to send a copy of the report to parties who have chosen to stay away," he said.

Nothing less than Telangana acceptable, say TRS, TDP

2011-01-06 17:50:00

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Hyderabad, Jan 6 (IANS) Both the Telangana Rashtra Samiti (TRS) and the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) Thursday were unanimous in their rejection of the Srikrishna Committee report on the Telengana issue, and said nothing short of a separate state was acceptable to the people of the region. The TRS even insisted on Hyderabad as the capital of the new state.

Both the TRS and the TDP along with the BJP Thursday boycotted the all-party meeting in New Delhi called by Home Minister P. Chidambaram to share the Srikrishna Committee report.

Maoist sympathiser, balladeer and Telangana Praja Front leader Gaddar too demanded that the central government immediately table the bill in parliament.

Reacting to the report made public earlier in the day, TRS chief K. Chandrasekhara Rao said Telangana people were not ready to accept anything short of a Telangana state with Hyderabad as its capital.

He urged Prime Minister Manmohan Singh not to dither or dilly-dally on the Telangana issue but table a bill in parliament during the budget session to carve out a separate state.

'I am requesting the prime minister to abide by the statement he made in both houses of parliament on Dec 10, 2009, and the assurance given by the government on Dec 9,' he said.

Voicing their disappointment at the Srikrishna Committee report, Telangana leaders of the Telugu Desam Party (TDP) said 'nothing less than a separate Telangana state' was acceptable to people of the region.

They warned the Congress party, ruling both in the state and at the centre, against playing with the sentiments of the Telangana people and demanded early legislation for creating the state.

KCR, as TSR chief Rao is popularly known, warned the central government against testing the patience of Telangana people. 'Otherwise Telangana will be on the boil and the agitation will continue,' he said while addressing a sit-in organised by the Telangana Joint Action Committee (JAC) at Indira Park in this southern metropolis.

The TRS chief said four crore people of Telangana want their own identity, self-rule and self-respect. 'We want Telangana state as it existed before it was merged with Andhra on Nov 1, 1956. We don't want an inch less or an inch more,' he said.

Rejecting the committee's suggestion to make Hyderabad a union territory, KCR said there was no question of giving up the historic city as it is an integral part of Telangana.

The TRS leader also ridiculed the suggestion that a regional council be formed for development of Telangana. 'We have seen many boards, agreements and assurances during the last 50 years and we can't trust another board,' he said.

He asked Congress MPs and other elected representatives from Telangana to resign if the central government failed to table a bill for a separate state in parliament. 'If you resign and create a constitutional crisis, the government will come down and create Telangana state but if you fail to do this, you will be responsible for its consequences.'

Earlier, TRS legislator and KCR's son K. Tarakarama Rao told reporters here that the only practical solution was formation of a separate Telangana state comprising 10 districts with Hyderabad as its capital.

TDP leaders from Telangana equivocally voiced their rejection of the Srikrishna Committee report and said nothing less than a separate Telangana state was acceptable to people of the region.

'We were expecting that the committee will make straightforward suggestion for formation of Telangana state but it has insulted the people by making various suggestions,' said TDP Telangana Forum convenor Nagam Janardhan Reddy.

'I am warning the Congress party not to play with the sentiments of Telangana people and table the bill in parliament in the next session to carve out a separate state,' the former minister said.

The Communist Party of India (CPI) said the report would only add to the confusion over the Telangana issue. CPI state secretary K. Narayana, who attended the meeting in Delhi, said the central government should not delay the process for formation of Telangana.

Nothing less than Telangana acceptable, say TRS, TDP
what has this to do whit indian defence? mods please move it
in a way I support it, because, the telingana region is not at all developed when you compare with south and coastal Andhra... Its better to divide and Give That region a Separate govt to make that Place equally developed.... But this could have been More peaceful....
Like Tamil Nadu, Telangana will be backward-heavy

Subodh Ghildiyal, TNN, Jan 8, 2011, 03.59am IST

NEW DELHI: A separate state of Telangana will mirror Tamil Nadu as a 'backward class fortress', with OBCs, SCs, STs and minorities forming 89% of the population and will pose a strong challenge to the hegemony enjoyed by upper castes and feudals in the power structure of Andhra Pradesh.

It is a tempting possibility as Reddys, Kammas and Vellammas form the powerelite of AP, riding on socio-economic muscle disproportionate to their numbers. The only state which has managed to make upper castes redundant in the political structure is Tamil Nadu where the SC/ST/OBC/minority bloc is said to form around 90% of the population.

But hopes of political empowerment of weaker groups in Telangana seems far fetched. For, the Srikrishna committee, which explored the prospect of OBCs ending the upper caste hegemony in Telangana, found growing inequity between the rich and the poor, with income growth being true only for the rich.

So much so, the commission said that SCs, STs and minorities in the T-region had suffered a decline in income whereas their Coastal brethern had "gained substantially". The disconnect between the numerical muscle of BCs and their economic growth is seen to put a question mark on their optimism about political empowerment in Telangana.

But the prospect itself is tantalising, as Srikrishna report seems to hint. The strength of dalits, tribals, backwards and minorities in Telangana would go up by 13% vis-a-vis united AP. OBCs number around 50.7% in Telangana. The underprivileged social bloc has not been able to supplant the Reddys and Kammas in so many years because a united AP, with Coastal and Rayalaseema, gives respectability to upper castes numbers. Combined with their financial and social clout, it makes them indispensable for political parties.

Srikrishna panel probed this question and attributed the continued hegemony of upper castes on "politics of accommodation". It said, quoting Ram Reddy, "They have retained their hegemony by negotiating with and giving space to other rising castes while retaining power in their own hands."

However, once AP is divided, the upper caste share in population will drop to near irrelevance in Telangana. This, however, analysts feel, would translate into reality if heterogeneous groups can be mobilised under one banner, like the Dravidian outfits in TN.

But Srikrishna committee marks a serious indictment of the very groups which are leading the statehood movement. Studying the economic growth in Telangana, the panel found it was nowhere near the abysmal levels in social and physical indicators but said the pink figures were largely valid for the rich. The SCs, STs have suffered a decline in income.

Like Tamil Nadu, Telangana will be backward-heavy - The Times of India
Tell me Idune what is your understandings of this issue ?? :tongue:
@ Idune.

No one is less Patriot from telangana or andhra pradesh. is it internal politics.

So you don’t have any chance to score any points. Try hard next time.
Rift between Congress leaders deepens over Telangana issue

Hyderabad: The divide in ruling Congress in Andhra Pradesh over Telangana issue deepened Monday with leaders from Telangana region demanding an unconditional apology from ministers hailing from non-Telangana regions for their alleged comments on the separate statehood demand.

Joining the chorus of criticism from TRS and Telugu Desam, the Telangana Congress leaders slammed the ministers for their alleged comments before Sri Krishna committee that those seeking separate state are traitors of the nation.
"We (Congress leaders from Telangana region) had a meeting at the residence of senior party MLA K Jana Reddy today. The comments of ministers from Coastal Andhra and Telangana are shocking. How can they say that those demanding separate Telangana state are traitors of the nation," K Yadava Reddy, a Congress MLC, told reporters.

He, along with other Congress leaders, was speaking at the state Congress headquarters here, on the sidelines of a function organised to observe the anniversary of `August Kranti Diwas`.

Maintaining that the ministers from non-Telangana regions were testing the patience of Telangana people with their provocative remarks, Yadava Reddy said Telangana Congress leaders would complain to party president Sonia Gandhi on the issue.
State Endowments Minister Gade Venkata Reddy, who made the presentation to the Sri Krishna Committee on behalf of the ministers from Coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema, reiterated his denial about calling Telangana supporters as traitors.


Rift between Congress leaders deepens over Telangana issue
I have been living in andhra from past 16 years, i have seen how much emotionally people are attached to telangana, but the state shouldnt be divided because if it is done, people will demand a harit pradesh from UP, a bodoland from northeast , a vidharbha out of maharashtra, this will only divide people.
in a way I support it, because, the telingana region is not at all developed when you compare with south and coastal Andhra... Its better to divide and Give That region a Separate govt to make that Place equally developed.... But this could have been More peaceful....
I don't know dude. If the big prize is hyderabad then the same problem will be repeated- metro city developed rest not. The ppl hankering for it aren't gonna change and the problems are very fundamental.
@ Idune.

No one is less Patriot from telangana or andhra pradesh. is it internal politics.

So you don’t have any chance to score any points. Try hard next time.
Idune is hoping desperately that this is coz of India's unfair annexation of hyderabad... :)
I don't know dude. If the big prize is hyderabad then the same problem will be repeated- metro city developed rest not. The ppl hankering for it aren't gonna change and the problems are very fundamental.

Make hyderabad a Union Territory....
Before formation of AP HYD is 5 th largest city in INDIA.

HYD is developed similar to other metros.As per SK report also HYD is 5th largest city in India.As India is developing HYD is also developing that is natural phenomenon.
HYD is getting all the water and other necessities come from Telangana districts.We are bearing pollution caused by HYD industries(Pls. check MUSI river info).
Development fruits to others and -ve affects to our people.Telangana has natural right on Hyd.

People are saying Hyd. is developed now.Check the facilities available in Hyd before 1956.

Hyderabad before 1956

The Hyderabad state(consisting of Telangana, small parts of karnataka , maharasthra) was the richest and largest among the princely states of India before Independence. After Independence from Nizams on 17th sep 1948 ,it existed as a separate state till 1st nov 1956 with surplus budgets. Hyderabad city was the fifth largest city of India in 1951 census itself. It is the people of Telangana who have build with their blood right over 400 yrs. Here are the facts about Hyd . Historical figures like Golconda, Charminar, Mecca Masjid, Salarjung Musuem, Falaknuma palace were built before 1956 Nov 1. High Court, Osmania University, Arts College,Nizam College, Osmania University College of Engg, Osmaina Medical College, Gandhi Medical College,Citi College,Women College,big schools like Vivakavardhini & haliya Osmania, big Hospitals like Osmania General Hospital, Gandhi General Gospital, NIMS,Cancer,Niloufer hospitals.Secretariat, Burgula Ramakrishan Bhavan ,Allywyn Industries, HMT, Nizam's Sugar, Azamjahi Mills, Sir Silk Factory, Anthargaon Spinning Mills, Republic Forge and DBR mills Factory all of them were built or established even before 1956 Nov 1. 22 railway stations of Hyderabad city, Kacheguda, Nampally, Secunderabad, Begumpet, Charminar, Falaknuma, Malakpet, Khairatabad, Lakdikapul,Malkajgiri, etc were built even before 1956 Nov 1.Big Markets like Abids, Monda, Mozamzer .24 hrs drinking water facilities from Osman sagar and himayat sagar. Excellent drainage facility which was not there in any part of India at that time. Even today's APSRTC was first established as Nizam's State Rail and Road Corp in 1932 and Gowliguda and Secunderabad golden jubilee bus stations were built even before 1956 Nov 1. Begumpet Airport, Hakimper Air Force Station were built even before 1956 Nov 1 and many more .From 1947 to Sept 17, 1948, when last Nizam wanted to merge Hyderabad in Pakistan Telangana people sacrificed 4,000 lives to save HYD in Telangana Sayudha Poratam.

Tell me the facilities Andhra rulers developed in Hyd after merging in AP.
Actually they have made all the industries bankrupt. Andhra industrialists purchased them as scrap and they got profits from blood of Telangana people. And still continue to suck our blood.

Jai Telangana.
Check fazil ali commission report on telangana
how the telangana merger take place force bully and detail information of fazil ali commission

Andhra Pradesh consists of three regions

Total no. of Districts in Andhra Pradesh=23
no. of Districts in Telangana = 10
no. of Districts in Andhra = 09
no. of Districts in Rayalseema =04

Area wise
Telangana =41.7%
seemandhra=58.3% (rayalseema + andhra = seemandhra)

Population wise
Telangana =40.5%

Telangana known as Hyderabad state existed as a separate state from 17th september 1948 to 1st november 1956.

Andhra state consists of Andhra & Rayalseema regions,formed in 1953 by breaking Madras providency.

Telangana was merged with Andhra state(Andhra + Rayalseema) against its wishes ( only by political influences & for political interest ) to form Andhra Pradesh state on 1st november 1956.Before Andhra Pradesh state formation only we Telangana people know that ,these cleaver and more educated Andhra people will take away our water,jobs,resources etc & we will be treated unequally with Andhra in this big state of Vishalandhra or Andhra Pradesh(clearly mentioned in 1955 SRC report),then keeping this in mind these Andhra rulers gave many safeguards & promises, and these politicians came up with a Agreement called “GentleMan Agreement” which consisted of safeguards to protect Telangana against discrimination by Andhra people or rulers.
This Agreement is totally violated after the formation Andhra Pradesh state.

After the formation of Andhra Pradesh state they taken away our jobs,lands,water and resoures like coal,forests etc against rules(also by violating “GentleMan Agreement”).

we were merged with Andhra state against our will by Center govt
Our leader Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru was against of merging Telangana with Andhra
you can see what Nehru said before the formation of Andhra Pradesh or Vishalandhra
Nehru’s statement on vishalandhra”Vishalandhra is an idea bearing a tint of expansionist imperiatism“(oct 2nd 1953).he was always against formation of vishalandhra ,as a great personality he believed that in future Andhra people will exploit Telangana people in all the ways.He even said “It is like a matrimonial alliance having scope for divorce if it does not work”(on mar 6st 1956),he said to watch the development under united state for some time if it does not work telangana can continue as a separate state.

you can also refer to 1955 SRC report(SRC=State Reorganization Commitee) “... It will be in the interest of Andhra as well as Telangana if, for the present,the Telangana area is constituted into a separate state which may be known as the hyderabad state, with provision for its unification with Andhra after the general elections likely to be held in or about 1961, if by two-thirds majority the legislature of the residuary Hyderabad state expresses itself in favour of such unification”. (SRC Report: Para 386)

The commission further recommended:
“Andhra and Telangana have common interests and we hope these interests will tend to bring the people closer to each other. If, however, our hopes for the development of the environment and conditions congenial to the unification of the areas do not materialize and if public sentiment in Telangana crystallizes itself against the unification of the two states, Telangana will have to continue as a separate unit”. (SRC Report: Para 388)

“One of the principal causes of opposition to Visalandhra also seems to be the apprehensions felt by the educationally backward people of Telangana that they may be swamped and exploited by the more advanced people of the Coastal areas...The real fear of the people of Telangana is that if they join Andhra they will be unequally placed in relation to the people of Andhra and in this partnership the major partner will derive all the advantages immediately while Telangana itself may be converted into a colony by the enterprising Andhras”. (SRC Report: para 378)

“…to reject the theory of ‘one language one state’ which is neither justified on grounds of linguistic homogeneity, because there can be more than one state speaking the same language without offending the linguistic principle, nor practicable, since different language groups, including the vast Hindi speaking population of the Indian Union, cannot always be consolidated to form distinct linguistic units”. (SRC Report: para 163)

Pundit Jawaharlal Nehru made a statement that the Telangana bride, an innocent girl can take divorce at any time from the Andhra bridegroom.(Prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru ridiculed the idea of merging Telangana with the Andhra State, fearing a “tint of expansionist imperialism” in it. Later, he compared the merger to a matrimonial alliance having “provisions for divorce” if the partners in the alliance cannot get on well. Under gentlemen agreement entered into while merging Andhra state with Hyderabad, it was clearly mentioned

so if a married innocent girl called Telangana want to take divorce from a cleaver boy called Andhra ,is wrong , i dont think so and nobody will think so

Hyderabad city was the fifth largest city of India in 1951 census itself. It is the people of Telangana who have build with their blood right over 400 yrs.But these Andhra people are saying that, it is developed by them only.
In Andhra they did not had a suitable place for capital, they have used our readymade capital city for they projects development.

statements by Andhra state leaders
Tanguturi Prakasham(CM of Andhra state): "If Hyderabad comes and joins us, then all our problems will be resolved, we should now think about the possibilities of achieving it" 1953 June.

Neelam Sanjeeva Reddy: "We do not have any place which is capable of holding Capital City resources"
“We have faced lot of problems in the last 2 years. If we wait for another 5 years as proposed by Fazal Ali commission then we could be facing serious problems”. 1956 February 3rd.

Kadapa Koti Reddy - "We do not have a place to put-up Capital City, not even a place to setup District head quarters" – 1953 march 13th

This is confirmed by the SRC report 1955(SRC=State Reorganization Committee)

“This will also solve the difficult and vexing problem of finding a permanent capital for Andhra, for the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad are very well suited to be the capital of Vishalandhra”. (SRC Report: para 371)

Hyderabad before 1956
The Hyderabad state(consisting of Telangana, small parts of karnataka , maharasthra) was the richest and largest among the princely states of India before Independence. After Independence from Nizams on 17th sep 1948 ,it existed as a separate state till 1st nov 1956 with surplus budgets. Hyderabad city was the fifth largest city of India in 1951 census itself. It is the people of Telangana who have build with their blood right over 400 yrs. Here are the facts about Hyd . Historical figures like Golconda, Charminar, Mecca Masjid, Salarjung Musuem, Falaknuma palace were built before 1956 Nov 1. High Court, Osmania University, Arts College,Nizam College, Osmania University College of Engg, Osmaina Medical College, Gandhi Medical College,Citi College,Women College,big schools like Vivakavardhini & haliya Osmania, big Hospitals like Osmania General Hospital, Gandhi General Gospital, NIMS,Cancer,Niloufer hospitals.Secretariat, Burgula Ramakrishan Bhavan ,Allywyn Industries, HMT, Nizam's Sugar, Azamjahi Mills, Sir Silk Factory, Anthargaon Spinning Mills, Republic Forge and DBR mills Factory all of them were built or established even before 1956 Nov 1. 22 railway stations of Hyderabad city, Kacheguda, Nampally, Secunderabad, Begumpet, Charminar, Falaknuma, Malakpet, Khairatabad, Lakdikapul,Malkajgiri, etc were built even before 1956 Nov 1.Big Markets like Abids, Monda, Mozamzer .24 hrs drinking water facilities from Osman sagar and himayat sagar. Excellent drainage facility which was not there in any part of India at that time. Even today's APSRTC was first established as Nizam's State Rail and Road Corp in 1932 and Gowliguda and Secunderabad golden jubilee bus stations were built even before 1956 Nov 1. Begumpet Airport, Hakimper Air Force Station were built even before 1956 Nov 1 and many more .From 1947 to Sept 17, 1948, when last Nizam wanted to merge Hyderabad in Pakistan Telangana people sacrificed 4,000 lives to save HYD in Telangana Sayudha Poratam.

Secondly, Hyd had so many facilities in 1950s itself which made BR Ambedkar to write the following in his book
" Hyderabad has all the amenities which Delhi has and it is a far better City than Delhi. It has all the grandeur which Delhi has. Buildings are going cheap and they are really beautiful buildings, far superior to those in Delhi. They are all on sale. The only thing that is wanting is a Parliament House which the Government of India can easily build. It is a place in which Parliament can sit all the year round and work, which it cannot do in Delhi. I do not see what objection there can be in making Hyderabad a second capital of India. It should be done right now while we are reorganising the States."

So prior to 1956 only Hyd was well developed and one should know that, where there are like these facilities , investments and development will take place automatically and Naturally talents will come from all over to work and develop it.Same case with Bombay,calcutta,delhi and Chennai

Andhra state between 1953 to Nov 1st 1956
After breaking from Madras providency Andhra state was in huge revenue crisis,the state was not at all running properly,they were facing many problems like revenue shortage, resources shortage etc and they did not had facilities as we had and they were use to run their Assembly, Govt offices,courts etc in old small buildings and even these use to be closed for months due to rains & other problems.At that time they eyes fall on our Telangana that too especially on Hyderabad (at that time only, telangana use to have surplus funds or budgets) .They was no suitable capital for them.They did not sacrified they capital for telangana but used our readymade capital city Hyd .

“The existing Andhra state has faced a financial problem of some magnitude ever since it was created; and in comparison with Telangana, the existing Andhra state has a low per capita revenue. Telangana, on the other hand, is much less likely to be faced with financial embarrassment… Whatever the explanation may be … the result of the unification will be to exchange some settled sources of revenue, out of which development schemes may be financed, for financial uncertainty similar to that with which Andhra is now faced. Telangana claims to be progressive and from an administrative point of view, unification, it is contended, is not likely to confer any benefit on this area”( SRC Report: para 376)

After nov 1st 1956 in Andhra Pradesh under Andhra dominated GOVT
Before 1956 only Hyderabad was 5th largest city in India and now it is in same position. May be as part of AndhraPradesh state it has been grown some what fast but one should know in AP state how and where development had taken place and who are getting those benefits , they destroyed our(Telangana) administration and build colonies like Banjara hills,Jubliee hills, kukatpally,film city etc by throwing local from there,& and most of companies established here(in Telangana) by Andhra’s have taken acres of land freely(or at dirt cheap rates) and also huge amount of subsidies (Rahithilu) or bank loans from state govt.The factories in Mahabubnagar, Nalgonda, Ranga Reddy, Medak and Karimnaga are glaring examples of depriving Telangana youth from their job opportunities. Transport companies and tours and travels, finance companies, film industries, and film studios get people from other regions(Andhra region) . In chit fund business, crores are collected from Telangana but opportunities are mostly given to Andhras.In these companies the 1st qualification is he/she should be from Andhra region. All the real estate companies have been started by Andhras. More over ,govt has selled thousands of crores of lands in Hyd to Andhra business mans & politicians like Lagadapati,ramalinga raju at dirt cheap rates (which includes thousands of crores of Muslims lands).one should also see that they are throwing locals into slam areas(locals r becoming non locals &non locals as locals with all facilities).They diverted our(Telangana)thousands of crores of revenue to Andhra(our revenue is more than 42% but they never spent more than 30 % any time). even the communal riots in HYD started after AP state formation only .As HYD is a developed city and having all facilities, industries like IT and other industries EX:- Stayam, Reddy labs etc came here to do & develop their business not for charity ,more over their have taken acres of telangana lands freely(or at dirt cheap rates) from state govt.. For shifting film industry to HYD,state Govt has given arces of land freely(some at very cheap rates ) and also huge amount of subsidies for constructions.
Quite a few major industries established in the Telangana region during the rule of Nizams are being closed one after the other by the successive governments. Important among the closed industries are Azamjahi Mills (Warangal), Sir Silk Factory (Sirpur), Antargaon Spinning Mills (Adilabad), DBR Mills, and Allwyn Factory. Further the famous Nizam Sugar Factory (Nizamabad) is on the verge of closure.
Many Andhra businessmens & Politians like RAMA LINGA RAJU,Lagadapati etc, as having good political connection with the Andhra dominated government and bureaucracy, have acquired vast amounts of lands in and around Hyderabad city at dirt cheap rates, a lot of it under benami (nameless, phoney) accounts. They are thousands of crores of corruption done by ANDHRA politisions & bussinessmens in Telangana contracts. Ex: Singarani coal mines,and in many projects.


One should also know that at the time of breaking of Gujarat from Maharasthra ,Gujaratis has claimed Bombay, as they invested lot of money in Bombay ,but our leader Dr Ambedkar said Bombay belongs to Maharasthra and Gujaratis are renters(kiraidarulu) to Bombay and asked how Bombay can belong to Gujaratis and said they have no right to claim Bombay. Maharasthras has whole rights on Bombay. It means Andhras are renters (kiraidarulu) to Hyderabad that’s all. They don’t have any right to claim Hyderabad as they.

The Gentlemen's agreement of Andhra Pradesh (1956) refers to an agreement that was signed between Telangana and Andhra leaders before the formation of the state of Andhra Pradesh in 1956. The agreement provided safeguards with the purpose of preventing discrimination against Telangana by the government of Andhra Pradesh. The alleged violations of this agreement are cited as one of the reasons for demands for separate statehood for Telangana.




As Telangana was educational very backward so Nizam GOVT started Mulki rules in Hyderabad state in the year 1919.
these rules says that, the jobs which are in a region belongs to that region people only no other region people can take them(Govt jobs).
these rules clearly says that Telangana jobs are for only for Telangana people only(Govt jobs)
these rules were mentioned in "GentleMan Agreement" but violated by Andhra people.
more than one lakh Telangana jobs are taken by Andhra people by violating this Agreement.

Refer this for more information on Mulki rules

one may say that only some people are raising Telangana issue to come to power in smaller state but it is absolutely wrong , politicians are raising this issue to come to power but people are fighting for Telangana for their rightfulness and one should know that only for political reasons Telangana was merged with Andhra by politicians.
Pls know "jai Telangana" is a fight for mine is mine but these Andhra people"s "SamikyaAndhra" is a fight for mine is mine & also yours is also mine.

Andhra people say that we are all telugu people-we all are brothers (acting) but see the real facts they usually use our Telangana language(dilect of telugu) in a insulting way in their films & shows(Telangana, Andhra,Rayalseema dilects r different)
they dont love us they love our jobs,revenue,water,& resources.
and one more thing ,we Telangana(Hyderabad state) got independence on 17th sep 1948 but the state does not do any celebrations ,the small parts of karnataka,MP(which were part of Hyderabad state till 1953) even celebrate this day in their state.In Telangana you can see many Andhra leaders statues but no Telangana leader statue in Andhra and in our books also Andhra history only.Is Telangana is having no history,its totally wrong Hyderabad state had a great history,many great leaders are there and even when Nizam rulers wanted to merge Hyderabad in Pakistan or declare it as independent state then more than 4,000 people had sacrified they lives in fighting against Nizam to merge HYDERABAD STATE in INDIA .but there is no history of this event also.

they are not giving our share in every matter what ever it may be. After AP state formation we are at their feets,they are not allowing as to develop.under AP state we cant develop. Even before the Andhra Pradesh state formation ,there was a agitation called as “Idly-Samber Go Back” by Telangana people.
In 1969 there was again a agitation of “jai Telangana” as we were treated unequally with them, they have taken away our water share, resource share, revenue share, jobs share etc. in this agitation they killed more than 400 students in firing.
The agreed name for the new state was Andhra-Telangana state but the Andhra region politicians convinced the centre to name it as Andhra Pradesh state.

pls support Telangana

Telangana English Videos:
Pls refer to the links below

History of Telangana - Part 1 | The History and Story of Telangana - Telugu Videos Songs, Movies, News and Free Downloads

History of Telangana - Part 2 | The History and Story of Telangana - Telugu Videos Songs, Movies, News and Free Downloads

History of Telangana - Part 3 | The History and Story of Telangana - Telugu Videos Songs, Movies, News and Free Downloads

History of Telangana - Part 4 | The History and Story of Telangana - Telugu Videos Songs, Movies, News and Free Downloads

For Hyderabad/Telangana Liberation struggle pls refer click

Hyderabad/Telangana Liberation Struggle documentary, Andhra Pradesh

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