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Teanage Peace Campaigner Malalai Yusufzai shot by Taliban in Pakistan

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cowardly act by cowards.. shame on them.... i pray for her speedy recovery....
And the Foramen Magnum is a part of which bone that makes up the skull?

Excuse me, I am not taking boards here..

Please be on the topic.

BTW, its occipital..
As sad as the shooting of someone so remarkable is, the saddest thing still managed to be a bunch of Pakistanis begging the good Colonel, "Please come bomb my country and countrymen".

I'm reminded of Habib Jalib's statement, "Das Carore (now 18) yeh gadhay, jinka naam hai awaam". Aglay pichlay issues ko samjho before yapping away and being a national embarrassment.

Thread closed until some update emerges on her well being and keep this topic about this remarkable kid and not try to extract any syasi mileage out of it.
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