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Team Indus - Only Indian contestant for Google Lunar X Prize


Jul 20, 2011
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Team Indus seeks to represent the aspirations of one of the world's oldest civilizations and youngest population. Headquartered in New Delhi, India we are a team of professionals from Technology, Science, Finance and Media background all of whom have made a habit of pushing boundaries.


Team Indus is a for-Profit organization and plans for GLXP to be the first step towards establishing a Global Innovation brand. We plan to reward all contributors to our team by ensuring long-term commercial interest. We are in the process of setting up a separate non-profit education foundation that will work towards enhancing awareness of higher education, encourage youth to create, innovate growth campaign in India. All donations made to Team Indus will be directly passed onto this foundation. All articles, media generated in our pursuit of GLXP will be assigned to this foundation.


We have a few out-of-the-box theories on each phase of the mission, going radical on technology was the obvious choice given the late entry. Our initial planning suggests we will take about 3years to prepare for a potential launch sometime in 2014. Having looked at various launch options available we are sure to launch aboard ISRO's PSLV. Team Indus plans to attempt the Endurance and Distance bonus prizes.
It is a privilege to be part of GLXP's exclusive group of teams, we are excited by the possibilities and eagerly look forward to putting up a good show!
Understanding Team Indus' Mission
Given the nature of the "assignment" on hand we get several queries from supporters, well wishers, partners et al, here we go with some of the oft asked questions and their responses:

Q. Who am I?
Team Indus, by design is a registered team with Google Lunar X Prize, incidentally we are the only team from India and by definition we represent the aspirations of "the New Age India".

Q. What am I?
Team Indus, is a "Platform" to get the top minds of the country together, working on a "problem statement" against the clock, with limited resources and global competition - we believe this same process will eventually be the guiding spirit for solving challenges at a people level, rather than waiting, petitioning, blaming the Government for everything.

Q. Why did you choose to participate in Google Lunar X Prize?
As a team we have made a habit of pushing boundaries. At a personal level we are individuals driven towards disruptive technologies, looking beyond the "box", yearning to break new ground at all times - as space enthusiasts, sci-fi addicts GLXP was the obvious "next challenge" to take up, so we went ahead and got ourselves the ticket!

Q. What was your inspiration?
In our country its not difficult to find inspiration, we have had generations of Great Thought Leaders in spirituality, technology, public movement and more - it will be unfair to name just a few, we will quote some of our inspiration sources on our website and welcome you to use the same mantra to go beyond the conventional and strive to do more with your time, energy & resources.

Q. What makes you think you can do this?
Simply put, "this" has been done before - "this" requires innovation the brains, resources the moneys, commitment the desire to win, inspiration the people of India - all of which appear to be at our disposal, so "Yes, we are doing this!"

Q. How do you intend to fund this mission?
Team Indus is a for-Profit organization, we truly believe there is lasting value tangible & otherwise for anyone and everyone associated with the mission. We are looking for visionaries, leaders from the investment industry to work with us in creating and managing this value. When you "like" us on facebook you are helping us, when you buy our merchandize it supports us, when an investor commits funds they help us move forward, when our team members leave their secure jobs to take up this dream assignment they all are "funding" our mission. The overall community of users, supporters, contributors, followers are expected to gain through the knowledge, innovation, prestige that this movement generates over the next several years.

Q. How can educational institutes participate, contribute?
We expect the mass base of support for this mission to come from the youth, we are working with educational institutes for mandated research, managed sub-project deliveries, sharing testing facilities, expert advice and more. Education outreach is one of the top 3 outcomes we are aiming for with this mission, send us your ideas, suggestions and more - we are happy to work with your institute or university.

Q. Are you associated with any Government Agency?
Team Indus is a privately held organization and is responsible for developing the overall mission and all its moving pieces. We are in touch with relevant Government agencies to apprise them of our endeavor and fulfill any, all compliances they may set for us. ISRO is our launch option of choice, although we will approach them only after we are further along the Mission planning.

Q. Who can contribute? How can I contribute?
Team Indus has an inclusive mandate, we are looking to involve people with varied background, experience and skills - depending on where we are with our "Mission" you can choose to collaborate with us.

Visit us at Team Indus - Home or http://www.facebook.com/teamindus.in to know more about how you can be a part of this mission.
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