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Paying for Pakistan

By Mohsin Hamid

Friday, 07 May, 2010

If we raised tax revenues by a fifth, from 10 per cent of GDP to 12 per cent. That would give us Rs300bn a year. We could use that to rent a million classrooms for Rs10,000 per month.

Pakistani is enough Here’s the great secret about Pakistan: we aren’t as poor as we like to think. Over the years I’ve travelled a fair bit around our country. I’ve ridden on the back of a motorbike in Gwadar, walked down streets in Karachi, explored bazaars in Peshawar.

I’ve hiked in Skardu, fished (unsuccessfully) in Naran, sat down to a meal in a village outside Multan. I’m no expert, but I believe what my eyes tell me. And there’s no doubt about it: times are incredibly tough.

For most Pakistanis, meat is a luxury. Drinking water is contaminated with urine, faeces or industrial chemicals. School is a building that exists only on paper or otherwise employs a teacher who is barely literate. Electricity is so intermittent as to be almost a force of nature, like rain or a breeze.

The budget says our government plans to raise in taxes about Rs1.5tr this year. There are some 170 million people in our country. So that comes to roughly Rs9,000 each per year. Which is a little over Rs700 for each of us every month.

That isn’t much. Yes, we get money from other sources. We borrow, and sell off state assets, and ask for aid from anyone willing to give it to us. But still, what we can raise ourselves in taxes accounts for most of what our government can spend. And when you’re looking at getting enough power plants and teacher training and low-income support and (since we seem intent on buying them) F-16s for the world’s sixth most populous country, the equivalent of a large Pizza Hut pizza in taxes for each of us every month doesn’t go very far.

Why isn’t Pakistan delivering what we hope for? Because of dictatorships, or India, or the Americans? Well, maybe. But these days a large part of the reason is this: we citizens aren’t paying enough for Pakistan to flourish.

On my travels around our country I haven’t just seen malnourished children and exhausted farmers and hardworking 40-year-old women who look like they’re 80. I’ve also seen huge ancestral landholdings and giant textile factories and Mobilink offices with lines of customers stretching out the door. I’ve seen shopkeepers turn up to buy Honda Civics with cash. I’ve seen armies of private security guards, fleets of private electricity generators. I’ve seen more handwritten non-official receipts than I can possibly count.

Many of our rich have tens of millions of dollars in assets. And our middle class numbers tens of millions of people. The resources of our country are enormous. We’ve just made a collective decision not to use them.

We pay only about 10 per cent of our GDP in taxes. (Our GDP is our total economy, what all of us together earn in a year.) Meanwhile, Sri Lankans pay 15 per cent of their GDP in taxes, Indians pay 17 per cent, Turks pay 24 per cent, Americans pay 28 per cent and Swedes pay a fat 50 per cent. We Pakistanis pay a pittance in comparison.

And that is fabulous news. Because it can change. Raising taxes doesn’t depend on foreign policy, getting a wink from Uncle Sam or a nod from King so-and-so. It doesn’t require a breakthrough in technology or a year of good rain. It’s under our control.

What would happen, for example, if we raised tax revenues by a fifth, so from 10 per cent of GDP to 12 per cent? Well, that would give us Rs300bn a year. We could use that to rent a million classrooms for Rs10,000 per month, give jobs as teachers to a million graduates for Rs15,000 per month, and ensure that every single child in our country received a decent education. By raising taxes to the level of Sri Lanka, 15 per cent of GDP, we would generate additional revenue equal to twice our official defence budget. Match India at 17 per cent of GDP and the additional money would equal a staggering 25 times our current education, health and housing budgets combined.

So if you are a progressive who wants the state to do more to help the poor, you should support more taxes. If you are an industrialist who wants to see that Taliban recruits are rehabilitated and retrained, you should support more taxes. If you are a professional who wants electricity and better police, you should support more taxes. If you are an anti-American who wants us to stop taking US aid, you should support more taxes. If you are a diehard militarist who wants us to buy lots of F-16s, you should support more taxes.

The only people who shouldn’t support more taxes are those who think that the situation in Pakistan right now is already too good.

Taxes are the big hope for Pakistan. It isn’t complicated. Anyone who says we can’t solve our problems or afford to give our people a decent standard of living isn’t telling the truth. We can afford it. We’ve just chosen not to.

This is where our democracy can make a difference. We have elected our representatives. Horribly imperfect as they are, they represent us. And because they represent us, they have the right to ask us to act in our shared self-interest, to contribute more to the collective pot that is Pakistan. It seems they are starting to do so. And perhaps rampant inflation and a dozen hours of loadshedding a day are making even many formerly comfortable and tax-averse citizens more amenable to change.

But what about corruption? Yes, there’s no doubt that much of officialdom is corrupt. But so are we, the citizens. Every time we accept a fake receipt, or fail to declare a bit of income, we are stealing from our country in precisely the same way our politicians and bureaucrats are. Our thefts as taxpayers might be comparatively small, but that is because taxes are so low in our country to begin with. At the moment, we feed off each other. As we citizens start to display more probity in tax, we’re likely to demand more probity in how our money is spent, and our strengthening courts and media are likely to help us get it.

The tax revolution is not going to happen overnight. It will take time. But there is good reason to hope it is coming, and to slowly shift the weight of our votes, our accounts and our attitudes to support the right side.

A brighter future awaits us if we’re willing to pay for it.

The writer is the author of the novels Moth Smoke and The Reluctant Fundamentalist.
Well, any one can tell you we can become self sustaining within years, just need someone to take the initiative.

Unfortunately we are most of the time hell bent on fingering foreign issues that do not require our input. However things are looking better as taxes are finally being raised and collectied.

We have large amount of rich people (even Hillary Clinton said so), a very large middle class that cas easily pull out our poor people from their pain.

I am optimistic, atleast people are writing in moving in the right direction. Like that choudhary guy said on TV last night, if we got all the money stolen by people back into the country, we will be able to solve all our problems.
Excellent Article.As long as Rich People and Middle class doesn't start paying taxes we are not going anywhere.
I agree and I am willing to pay for Pakistan.

The vat is one way to impose a higher tax without navigating issues around income documentation and reporting. As long as it doesn't apply to essential use items and hinder the poor, it will be a good thing and an imporrant step in the direction of raising the state's revenues.
^^Have to agree.

Although i don't know whether true or false somebody told me and i also saw in a film that if you don't pay your taxes in America the State even forces money out of your personal bank account.

Of Course Nobody will pay taxes willingly state has to extract it.
Paying for Pakistan
By Mohsin Hamid
Friday, 07 May, 2010

Here’s the great secret about Pakistan: we aren’t as poor as we like to think. Over the years I’ve travelled a fair bit around our country. I’ve ridden on the back of a motorbike in Gwadar, walked down streets in Karachi, explored bazaars in Peshawar.

I’ve hiked in Skardu, fished (unsuccessfully) in Naran, sat down to a meal in a village outside Multan. I’m no expert, but I believe what my eyes tell me. And there’s no doubt about it: times are incredibly tough.

For most Pakistanis, meat is a luxury. Drinking water is contaminated with urine, faeces or industrial chemicals. School is a building that exists only on paper or otherwise employs a teacher who is barely literate. Electricity is so intermittent as to be almost a force of nature, like rain or a breeze.

The budget says our government plans to raise in taxes about Rs1.5tr this year. There are some 170 million people in our country. So that comes to roughly Rs9,000 each per year. Which is a little over Rs700 for each of us every month.

That isn’t much. Yes, we get money from other sources. We borrow, and sell off state assets, and ask for aid from anyone willing to give it to us. But still, what we can raise ourselves in taxes accounts for most of what our government can spend. And when you’re looking at getting enough power plants and teacher training and low-income support and (since we seem intent on buying them) F-16s for the world’s sixth most populous country, the equivalent of a large Pizza Hut pizza in taxes for each of us every month doesn’t go very far.

Why isn’t Pakistan delivering what we hope for? Because of dictatorships, or India, or the Americans? Well, maybe. But these days a large part of the reason is this: we citizens aren’t paying enough for Pakistan to flourish.

On my travels around our country I haven’t just seen malnourished children and exhausted farmers and hardworking 40-year-old women who look like they’re 80. I’ve also seen huge ancestral landholdings and giant textile factories and Mobilink offices with lines of customers stretching out the door. I’ve seen shopkeepers turn up to buy Honda Civics with cash. I’ve seen armies of private security guards, fleets of private electricity generators. I’ve seen more handwritten non-official receipts than I can possibly count.

Many of our rich have tens of millions of dollars in assets. And our middle class numbers tens of millions of people. The resources of our country are enormous. We’ve just made a collective decision not to use them.

We pay only about 10 per cent of our GDP in taxes. (Our GDP is our total economy, what all of us together earn in a year.) Meanwhile, Sri Lankans pay 15 per cent of their GDP in taxes, Indians pay 17 per cent, Turks pay 24 per cent, Americans pay 28 per cent and Swedes pay a fat 50 per cent. We Pakistanis pay a pittance in comparison.

And that is fabulous news. Because it can change. Raising taxes doesn’t depend on foreign policy, getting a wink from Uncle Sam or a nod from King so-and-so. It doesn’t require a breakthrough in technology or a year of good rain. It’s under our control.

What would happen, for example, if we raised tax revenues by a fifth, so from 10 per cent of GDP to 12 per cent? Well, that would give us Rs300bn a year. We could use that to rent a million classrooms for Rs10,000 per month, give jobs as teachers to a million graduates for Rs15,000 per month, and ensure that every single child in our country received a decent education. By raising taxes to the level of Sri Lanka, 15 per cent of GDP, we would generate additional revenue equal to twice our official defence budget. Match India at 17 per cent of GDP and the additional money would equal a staggering 25 times our current education, health and housing budgets combined.

So if you are a progressive who wants the state to do more to help the poor, you should support more taxes. If you are an industrialist who wants to see that Taliban recruits are rehabilitated and retrained, you should support more taxes. If you are a professional who wants electricity and better police, you should support more taxes. If you are an anti-American who wants us to stop taking US aid, you should support more taxes. If you are a diehard militarist who wants us to buy lots of F-16s, you should support more taxes.

The only people who shouldn’t support more taxes are those who think that the situation in Pakistan right now is already too good.

Taxes are the big hope for Pakistan. It isn’t complicated. Anyone who says we can’t solve our problems or afford to give our people a decent standard of living isn’t telling the truth. We can afford it. We’ve just chosen not to.

This is where our democracy can make a difference. We have elected our representatives. Horribly imperfect as they are, they represent us. And because they represent us, they have the right to ask us to act in our shared self-interest, to contribute more to the collective pot that is Pakistan. It seems they are starting to do so. And perhaps rampant inflation and a dozen hours of loadshedding a day are making even many formerly comfortable and tax-averse citizens more amenable to change.

But what about corruption? Yes, there’s no doubt that much of officialdom is corrupt. But so are we, the citizens. Every time we accept a fake receipt, or fail to declare a bit of income, we are stealing from our country in precisely the same way our politicians and bureaucrats are. Our thefts as taxpayers might be comparatively small, but that is because taxes are so low in our country to begin with. At the moment, we feed off each other. As we citizens start to display more probity in tax, we’re likely to demand more probity in how our money is spent, and our strengthening courts and media are likely to help us get it.

The tax revolution is not going to happen overnight. It will take time. But there is good reason to hope it is coming, and to slowly shift the weight of our votes, our accounts and our attitudes to support the right side.

A brighter future awaits us if we’re willing to pay for it.
My view on Pakistan's lack of development is

#1 We sell our food products to other countries for cheap rates

#2 We purchase oil for high prices
Large cities use oil generators which use petrol imported from
other countries that send out $$$ to other countries

Usage of Hundi System ,
Due to stupid rules in our countries ppl use Hundi system to transfer cash , and due to that Nation loses 1-2 billlion dollars of revenue

Usage of 220 Volts systems, every electrionic devices uses 100 more volts !!!! All developed countries use only 100 volts ....so technically we use 100% more electricty ... right there.

50% of our nations GDP is spent right there on excessive energy losses.

Drain of Educated class out of Pakistan due to lack of Industrial growth , and Jobs . We have our Mathmaticians, our eocnomist , our top accountants ... but they are working to help other countries get better....

Tax Terrifs by Europea countries , and US against Pakistani products ... so we can't sell items in some cases and make $$$

Billion dollars are going out of our Country when we buy Japanese cars, or cameras, or those generators that use middleeastern oil , or when we sell our food products in bulk while ourown nation food prices sky rocket

We have mentality to be servants , untill we lose that mentality and understand we are a super power , and start acting like it we will always be a servant nation ...and will always be slave to others

Our greatest leaders were the students that went and got educated and they got us independence , we need that spirit back.

UNTILL WE STOP WASTING 30-40 BILLION to countries like france while we have our own engineering and aviation industry ... we will stay backward.

The revolution Mushraif was trying got stoped (creation of 10-20 Highly technical Universities) .... we need him back...

We need to create Universities to create a high class ad educated class that can help us move forward

We are the best country in world:pakistan:

Nation has to have control over Telecommunicaton given at 70-30% profit rate to forigne countries (70% going to pakistan).

Nation has need to first use the food to feed Pakistan , then send food outside.

We need to reduce Oil Imports and invest in Solar alternatives ...
Usage of 220 Volts systems, every electrionic devices uses 100 more volts !!!! All developed countries use only 100 volts ....so technically we use 100% more electricty ... right there.

Electric Power consumed is the same.

Say a device utilizes 2.2KW then at 220V supply it will be running at 10A current. For a 110V system, the current would be 20A. There's no wastage or increase in power consumed.

Higher voltage means lower current which means less costly and thinner wires can be used for electric transmission. The same thickness wire can be used for twice the electrical power then.

100v/110v/115v/127v/130v/220v/230v/240v have been established over traditional and historical reasons rather than optimization of distribution systems or power consumption. More countries are in the 220-240 range than the ones in the other ranges.

The US is a media whore nation and most people are limited to English when it comes to exploring worldwide phenomenon. This does not mean that what the US does is necessarily the most advantageous or the best.

Here's a global map of mains supply:-

Regarding the 220 vs 110 volts suggestion. Actually 220 volt is better as it is more efficient to transmit higher voltages over long distances.

The reason US uses 110 volts is that around the low voltages were better for the light bulbs of that time (prior to 1900). They didn't have bulbs that could withstand higher voltages and would burn out.

However later in Europe they were able to alleviate this problem and so most of the rest of the world is on 220 volts.
A piece of good news in the papers today...

Business Recorder [Pakistan's First Financial Daily]

400,000 new taxpayers to be registered

ISLAMABAD (May 15 2010): A total of 400,000 new taxpayers would be registered with the income tax department on the basis of withholding tax data obtained from banks and income from contracts/services and property during 2009-10. The FBR has unearthed these 400,000 potential taxpayers during current fiscal year through analysis of withholding statements in four major areas-withholding tax deductions from salary; income from property; contracts/services; and deductions made by banks.

Sources told Business Recorder here on Friday that the FBR has dispatched the information to the Large Taxpayer Units (LTUs) and Regional Tax Offices (RTOs) for bringing 400,000 persons into the tax net. The data of new taxpayers has been bifurcated in view of jurisdiction of FBR Members Domestic Operations (North/South) for enforcement in the field offices.

The FBR has conducted analysis of withholding statements filed under section 149 (salary), section 155 (income from property), section 153 (income from contracts and services) and section 149, 155 and section 231A pertaining to deductions made by banks.

[Please click the link above to read the rest of the article - I don't think its fair to rob traffic from free sites by replicating their entire content here]

Copyright Business Recorder, 2010
i am proud that i pay my taxes to the fullest of my capability. Even to the extent that i have been over taxed!

People should be encouraged (if failed then forced) to pay taxes. They should be made to realize that paying taxes is in their own benefit, but there is one thing concerns me and that is; the govt should pay attention towards the collection of DIRECT taxes (tax on salaries, incomes, earnings, gains etc by individual Pakistanis) rather than relying on INDIRECT taxes (taxes on commodities-tea, electricity, petrol, edibles etc), but unfortunately the system is opposite in our case. As we cant collect the Direct tax so to over come the deficit we raise the tax amount on the stuff that we required to use in order to live!
I agree and I am willing to pay for Pakistan.

The vat is one way to impose a higher tax without navigating issues around income documentation and reporting. As long as it doesn't apply to essential use items and hinder the poor, it will be a good thing and an imporrant step in the direction of raising the state's revenues.

Yes, VAT is good step. But the feudal setup has to dismantle and poor people should get land. It will add to national asset also he big lords don't pay Tex. The income will reach poor instead of some feudal lords and demand & supply chain generated by it will push the economy.

Can anybody tell me, What about services? do u have any type of service tax separately? if yes what the are the rates of it and also for VAT.
People people you are missing couple details here people of Pakistan are willing to pay the taxes Two reasons that stop people from paying taxes or for it to reach the government.

1) why should I pay tax when i no bastard's in Islamabad will simply steal it and put it in their bank accounts outside the country

2) Corrupt tax officials will simply cut a deal and keep it all.

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