QUETTA: At least two people, including a beggar belonging to the Hindu community, were gunned down in separate incidents of firing in Quetta on Wednesday. According to the police, a Hindu beggar was sitting in Killi Faizabad area of Saryab when unknown assailants on a motorcycle opened fire at him. Meanwhile, police found a body in Killi Shanawaz area of Saryab, a suburb of Quetta. The body bore marks of sharp knife. The victim used to distribute religious books among the local people. It could be a case of sectarian target killing, an official said.
Published in The Express Tribune, May 10th, 2012.
Targeted Killings: Two gunned down in Quetta – The Express Tribune
Published in The Express Tribune, May 10th, 2012.
Targeted Killings: Two gunned down in Quetta – The Express Tribune