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TAPI gas pipeline: Only Turkmenistan offered strategic commitment: Musaddiq

USA and previous afghan regime only supported TAPI in talk. No resources were ever allocated to secure or build the pipeline. TAPI would compete with USA LNG exports, Hindutva Afghans were only interested in skimming western aid....had no plan to develop the Afghan economy. Situation today is very different. Key players are Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan and all want this pipeline. Private Russian firms have committed to supply steel pipe for TAPI. I think EU, and Asian LNG importing nations are better partners to ensure completion of the project.

The US govt wanted this pipeline , it believed it would promote regional peace and offer a income and energy security to the 2 leaches Afghans and Pakistanis and make the Indian Pakistani relations interdependent.
No commercial company showed any interest even with US govt support.
REMEMBER THIS IS TAPI with termination in India and the the only way to make commercial sense in building such a pipeline was BECAUSE of India, which would buy fa far more gas than Turkmenistan Afghanistan and Pakistan COMBINED.
Iran built its pipeline as part of the Iran Pakistan India (IPI) right up to Pakistan's border meanwhile Pakistan just watched and seeing that the Iranians had already invested heavily tried to gouge the Iranians on price when in reality they had absolutely no interest in buying Iranian gas as they have always been slaves of the USA.
No pipeline will be built WITHOUT India's vast consumption to pay for it and as for Russian firms offering to sell steel pipe, it means nothing. You could buy the steel pipe from at least 20 different countries. Its just a commodity for which they wanted HARD CASH as would anyone else.
Why would LNG suppliers making a healthy profit pay to have Turkmenistan take their customer ?
EU is certainly NOT interested in a costly and hugely risky enterprise thousands of miles away in Asia.
REMEMBER This is Afghanistan run by the Taliban whose promise is worth less than my fart or the Afghan Pakistani rivalry breaking into a smoldering war or the REAL customer India with its cold/hot war with Pakistan.
Turkmenistan is keen as any seller of wares would be to sell and make money but it does not have the means to finance the pipeline and the pipeline can recover costs only by selling vast amounts of gas to India, who is a willing buyer with the necessary dollar reserves.
It will be TAP not TAPI. We do not want India.

Turkmenistan is onboard

Pakistan is onboard

Taliban & US are onboard.

We do not need India, Russia or Central Asia.
The US is NOT onboard for TAP because TAP makes absolutely no commercial sense.
It will just remain the wishful daydreams of idle and stupid politicians
The US govt wanted this pipeline , it believed it would promote regional peace and offer a income and energy security to the 2 leaches Afghans and Pakistanis and make the Indian Pakistani relations interdependent.
No commercial company showed any interest even with US govt support.
REMEMBER THIS IS TAPI with termination in India and the the only way to make commercial sense in building such a pipeline was BECAUSE of India, which would buy fa far more gas than Turkmenistan Afghanistan and Pakistan COMBINED.
Iran built its pipeline as part of the Iran Pakistan India (IPI) right up to Pakistan's border meanwhile Pakistan just watched and seeing that the Iranians had already invested heavily tried to gouge the Iranians on price when in reality they had absolutely no interest in buying Iranian gas as they have always been slaves of the USA.
No pipeline will be built WITHOUT India's vast consumption to pay for it and as for Russian firms offering to sell steel pipe, it means nothing. You could buy the steel pipe from at least 20 different countries. Its just a commodity for which they wanted HARD CASH as would anyone else.
Why would LNG suppliers making a healthy profit pay to have Turkmenistan take their customer ?
EU is certainly NOT interested in a costly and hugely risky enterprise thousands of miles away in Asia.
REMEMBER This is Afghanistan run by the Taliban whose promise is worth less than my fart or the Afghan Pakistani rivalry breaking into a smoldering war or the REAL customer India with its cold/hot war with Pakistan.
Turkmenistan is keen as any seller of wares would be to sell and make money but it does not have the means to finance the pipeline and the pipeline can recover costs only by selling vast amounts of gas to India, who is a willing buyer with the necessary dollar reserves.
When USA invaded Iraq, first thing it did was to send Special Forces to secure Iraqi oil fields. USA never devoted that much effort for TAPI. This should speak for itself how much interest USA had for TAPI. EU didn't care about MENACA energy resources since they could import cheap Russian energy.....that has now changed. TAPI is as secure as Nordstream.

I'm not opposed to Indian participation in TAPI but considering global LNG shortage.....India is not needed to make this project work anymore. There is plenty of LNG demand from other parts of Asia. Ultimately its in Turkmenistan's interest for their to be an LNG component to TAP to diversify its customer base and increase its potential gas export revenues.
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The US is NOT onboard for TAP because TAP makes absolutely no commercial sense.
It will just remain the wishful daydreams of idle and stupid politicians
TAP also cant materialize because of security issues- pipelines going through Afghanistan to supply Pakistan probably wont be safe and easy to use over time, but Pakistan can easily get more secure and affordable gas from Iran.

Also, Iran recently got away from all sanctions, and Pakistan still didnt activate the IP pipeline...it was so easy, it was hard for Pakistan's govt to do i guess. Russia recently nudged that deal alive again i think, but its still stuck.

Energy producers cant lose now, thats what everyone, including US, need to remember going forward.
TAP also cant materialize because of security issues- pipelines going through Afghanistan to supply Pakistan probably wont be safe and easy to use over time, but Pakistan can easily get more secure and affordable gas from Iran.

Also, Iran recently got away from all sanctions, and Pakistan still didnt activate the IP pipeline...it was so easy, it was hard for Pakistan's govt to do i guess. Russia recently nudged that deal alive again i think, but its still stuck.

Energy producers cant lose now, thats what everyone, including US, need to remember going forward.
Pakistan has corrupt idiots in charge....its energy policy has been terrible for the last 40 years. If it were up to me...lP would have been built years ago. At the very least it would force Iran, Turkmenistan and Qatar to compete on price. Pakistan imports $25 billion worth of energy....what a few billion to build IP or TAP.

The Shariff/Zardari dynasties love signing energy import deals. If Iran gave Zardari 10% commission on the deal.....IP would have already been completed. :lol:
TAP also cant materialize because of security issues- pipelines going through Afghanistan to supply Pakistan probably wont be safe and easy to use over time, but Pakistan can easily get more secure and affordable gas from Iran.

Afghanistan and Taliban are controlled by the US & Pakistan. There will not be any security issue to the pipeline.
The US is NOT onboard for TAP because TAP makes absolutely no commercial sense.
It will just remain the wishful daydreams of idle and stupid politicians

The Iran-Pakistan pipeline still went ahead even with India pulling out. Even though later Pak caved to sanctions. It did not mean the project was not economically profitable without Indian involvement.

Gas is almost impossible to find right now because Europe has bought all the gas available for the next few years due to sanctions on Russia. This is why countries like Pk or BD are unable to secure gas contracts even if they are paying full price for future shipments. Qatar and other major gas suppliers have been making a killing. They are sold out of gas years out right now.

Turkmenistan unfortunately has no way to benefit from this. They could build pipelines through the caspian sea directly to Europe but Russia would never allow it. So the next best option for them would be to build a pipeline to Pakistan. Pakistan uses what it needs and it could export the rest to europe and become a major energy re-export market similar to India. Gwadar port already has most of the infrastructure set up or being built such as gas/lng refineries and processing plants.

Pakistan gas costs are the highest in the region even higher than BD's or India's. Yet still there is a huge demand. The fact that their is a huge deficit in generation vs demand is basic common sense.

TAP without India would still be a huge win for turkmenistan/afghanistan/pakistan.

Turkmenistan would be able to export billions to pak, afghanistan would make hundreds of millions in transit fees, pakistan would get far cheaper gas than available right now via Qatar at a minimum. At best Pak would potentially export billions in Turkmen gas and save billions in imports while driving cost down lower for the consumer. So your point on it being economically feasible is not true.

The main risk with the TAP/TAPI pipeline has and always will be terror attack/security situation in afghanistan. Unfortunately an alternative route via China would come with its own political repurcussions. But yes US was totally on board with the financing/building of this pipeline

Good read on the history and current state of the project
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