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Tamilnadu politicians creating problems in Srilanka



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Jul 25, 2012
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Valautham Dayanidhi, alias Daya Master, the former spokesperson for the LTTE says during the war between the security forces and the LTTE both parties committed crimes and there was no point in conducting post-mortems on them now.

In an exclusive interview with Padma Rao Sundarji of Hindustan Times in Jaffna, he said what was happening in Tamil Nadu was a competition among the politicians to prove who did the most for Sri Lankan Tamils.

“Tamil Nadu politicians are now creating problems between the Tamils and the Sinhalese. These self-immolations, attacks on Sinhala Buddhists, etc. should stop immediately” he said.

He added that the Tamil Nadu politicians were doing absolutely nothing for the Sri Lankan Tamils. Delhi, on the other hand, was doing a lot of developmental work like building houses and laying railway lines. “Maybe your law doesn't permit states to get involved directly. But all Tamil Nadu parties are doing now is fomenting trouble between us and the Sinhalese.”

The former LTTE spokesman said no media focused on the brutality of the LTTE and the entire focus was on the SLA (Sri Lanka Army). “Stop these dissections, these post-mortems. The LTTE war was utterly futile. More than 200,000 people--100,000 LTTE cadres alone--were killed” Daya Master said.

Commenting on the agitations by the Tamil Diaspora, he said they had no constructive plans to offer and he knew through friends and family settled in Europe that influential Tamils were still collecting money in the name of some vague 'cause'. Further, many of them were using former LTTE property here for their own purpose, not for rehabilitating the needy among us, he stated.

Dayanidhi also said the international community was going over the top and making far too much noise. “It should restrict itself to developmental work -- which it is already doing -- and leave our political future to us and our elected governments. The past is past. Both sides committed crimes, but what is the purpose of a post-mortem? For heaven's sake - there were 30 years of war. It ended barely three years ago. Development is in full swing. More needs to be done but give the government some time” he stated.

Full Interview

Politicians in Tamil Nadu are creating "problems" between Tamils and Sinhalese in Sri Lanka. The race to prove who among Tamil Nadu parties helped Sri Lankan Tamils most is motivated, says ValauthamDayanidhi, alias Daya Master, the former spokesperson for the LTTE. Dayanidhi spoke to Padma RaoSundarji in an exclusive interview for Hindustan Times in Jaffna.

QUESTION: Why did you surrender to the Sri Lankan army, one month before the war ended in May 2009?

ANSWER: By April 2009, the LTTE had lost control. Yet, they wanted to persist with their notion of heroism. No Tamil was to surrender. There was no chance of living in peace anywhere. All one could do was either die, or escape. Many cadres committed suicide by swallowing cyanide. As you know, I was a former teacher who was ordered to be the LTTE's media spokesman. I had no intention of taking up arms. So people--like I and my family--began taking their own decisions. It was risky, but I covered myself under a sarong like an ordinary farmer and we escaped.

QUESTION: Sections of the international community insist that the Sri Lankan authorities tortured captured Tamils.

ANSWER: I spent three months in jail, a case was filed against me--as against all former LTTE--and I was released on bail. I am telling you the truth when I say that up to this day, I have faced absolutely no harassment at all. If I did, I wouldn't be here chatting with you. The Sri Lankan authorities have treated me well.

QUESTION: Tamil Nadu politicians are agitating on a daily basis for India to take stern action against the Sri Lankan government over its alleged human rights abuses of the Sri Lankan Tamils. The DMK has pulled out of the central government. Students are protesting in Tamil Nadu on your behalf. Comment?

I don't know how much your government in Delhi heeds their voice, but Tamil Nadu politicians are now creating problems between the Tamils and the Sinhalese. These self-immolations, attacks on Sinhala Buddhists,etc.: they should stop immediately. They are crying loudly in our interest but the race to prove who did most for Sri Lankan Tamils is really motivated by political competition among themselves.

QUESTION: Did any political party in Tamil Nadu ever do anything for you at all ?

ANSWER: Absolutely nothing. Delhi, on the other hand, is doing a lot of developmental work like building houses and laying railway lines. Maybe your law doesn't permit states to get involved directly. But all Tamil Nadu parties are doing now is fomenting trouble between us and the Sinhalas.

QUESTION: The influential Sri Lankan Tamil diaspora, too, is mobilising the world to condemn the Sri Lankan government. To what extent do the Tamils in Sri Lanka support them?

ANSWER: The international Tamil diaspora is all blah-blah. They have no constructive plans to offer. I know through friends and family settled in Europe that influential Tamils are still collecting money in the name of some vague 'cause'. Further, many of them are using former LTTE property here for their own purpose, not for rehabilitating the needy among us.

QUESTION: The US is introducing a resolution to make Sri Lanka culpable of war crimes at the UNHCR in Geneva today. What will be the repercussions for your country?

ANSWER: The international community is going over the top and making far too much noise. It should restrict itself to developmental work--which it already does--and leave our political future to us and our elected governments. The past is past. Both sides committed crimes, but what is the purpose of a post-mortem ?

For heaven's sake: there were 30 years of war. It ended barely three years ago. Development is in full swing. More needs to be done but give the government some time. The LTTE war was utterly futile. More than 200,000 people--100,000 LTTE cadres alone--were killed. No media focuses on the brutality of the LTTE, the entire focus is on the SLA (Sri Lanka Army). Stop these dissections, these postmortems. Let us concentrate on the future. For Sri Lankan Tamils, that is the bottom line.


Velautham Dayanidhi, 58, was the former spokesman for the LTTE's 'peace secretariat'. It was his job to coordinate with the media on the heels of the February 2002 peace accord between the LTTE and Colombo. He remained in that position as media spokesman till he surrendered, along with his wife and young daughter, in April 2009, a month before the 30-year civil war ended.

Valautham Dayanidhi, alias Daya Master, the former spokesperson for the LTTE says that during the war between the security forces and the LTTE both parties committed crimes and no point of conducting postmortems on them now.

In an exclusive interview with Padma RaoSundarji of Hindustan Times in Jaffna he has said that what is happening in Tamil Nadu is a competition among the politicians to prove who did most for Sri Lankan Tamils.

“Tamil Nadu politicians are now creating problems between the Tamils and the Sinhalese. These self-immolations, attacks on Sinhala Buddhists,etc. should stop immediately” he had said.

He added that the Tamil Nadu politicians were doing absolutely nothing for the Sri Lankan Tamils. Delhi, on the other hand, he said, is doing a lot of developmental work like building houses and laying railway lines. Maybe your law doesn't permit states to get involved directly. But all Tamil Nadu parties are doing now is fomenting trouble between us and the Sinhalese.

Former LTTE spokesman said that no media focuses on the brutality of the LTTE and the entire focus is on the SLA (Sri Lanka Army). Stop these dissections, these postmortems. “The LTTE war was utterly futile. More than 200,000 people--100,000 LTTE cadres alone--were killed” Daya Master said.

Commenting on the agitations by the Tamil diaspora, he said thatthey have no constructive plans to offer and he knew through friends and family settled in Europe that influential Tamils are still collecting money in the name of some vague 'cause'. Further, many of them are using former LTTE property here for their own purpose, not for rehabilitating the needy among us, he had stated.

Dayanidhi also said that the international community was going over the top and making far too much noise. “It should restrict itself to developmental work--which it already does--and leave our political future to us and our elected governments. The past is past. Both sides committed crimes, but what is the purpose of a post-mortem ? For heaven's sake: there were 30 years of war. It ended barely three years ago. Development is in full swing. More needs to be done but give the government some time” he stated.

@Red-Bullet weren't you the one that started thread on Independent TN??

I think you have answered your own question with another thread.

If a TN being a state of India can cause trouble inside SL, imagine what an Independent TN can do.

It has more GDP, more population, more land & more resources than SL.
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SL have progressed since the war. Nobody is denying that. But at what cost? There are still reports of disappearance, permission needed from military even for marriage functions.

The main question that lankans deny is the issue of accountablity of people killed in war. They get refuge in arguement LTTE conducted suicide attacks, inducted child soldiers. So the Lankan army is more than equal in brutalising people?
Not even one is held accountable for killing a innocent during the war.
Not content with that, Mahinda Rajapaksse, have gone back on his word, and people in Delhi, i duno what they are doing......

I strongly disapprove of Monk attacks in Chennai, which the fringe parties does for political life, which they never get.
Not content with that, Mahinda Rajapaksse, have gone back on his word, and people in Delhi, i duno what they are doing.

delhi will not do anything.......why will it do when it itself is complicit in the whole matter ?

from j.n.dixit to current upa...its delhi that has totally screwed up india's standing there......
I pointed out the problem with Daya Master's line of argument in your other thread.

If LTTE committed atrocities, they also don't want to live with Sinhalese. But Sri Lankan government aspires to represent Tamils as well. This fundamental difference will weigh heavily against the current regime.

Of course Tamilnadu politicians will speak up. Why should they not? If Daya Master is so concerned about the so called instigation of Tamilnadu politics, why not eliminate the root cause of the issue? He cannot simply say let us forget everything. May be his political future demands that Sri Lankans forget everything. But that is not the right thing to do.

Btw this interview was the right PR move against the Indian Tamil politicians. The LTTE supporters among them conveniently ignore the 'to the last man' tactics of LTTE.
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Some aspects of what is written in this article clearly reflects in the microcosm of this forum in certain group of posters ..Some important quotes from a long but informative article

Two Sri Lankan Buddhist Priests Attacked in Tamil Nadu:What Exactly Happened?24 March 2013, 12:53 pm


On Saturday March 16th 2013 a group of seventeen persons were walking around the precincts of the Thanjavoor big temple complex. They were not mere tourists but research students and teaching staff at the Institute of Archaeology of the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) in New Delhi. The Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), under the Ministry of Culture, is the premier organization for the archaeological researches and protection of the cultural heritage of India.

The students hailing from different parts of India also included some foreign students from countries such as Sri Lanka, China and Thailand. They were studying for their Postgraduate Diploma in Archaeology in New Delhi. They were on a study tour of Chozha Architectural sites. The Chozha dynasty is regarded as the most powerful Tamil dynasty in history. The landscape of present day districts like Thanjavoor, Nagapattinam and Thiruvaaroor in Tamil Nadu is dotted with temples constructed during the Chozha era. After Thanjavoor the ASI students intended visiting the Darasuram and Gangaikondacholapuram temples. That however was not to be.

The ASI team of fifteen students and two professors were roaming around the rear of the huge temple premises when a group of Tamil political activists invades the temple. The group that came into the temple comprised members of the Tamil Desiya Pothuvudamai Katchi(Tamil National Socialist party) Naam Thamizhar Katchi (We Tamil Party)and Viduthalai Thamizh Puli Amaippu(Liberation Tamil Tiger Organization).

The activist group surrounded Gnanaloka Thera and hurled abuse at him. They accused him of being responsible for killing their Tamil brothers in Sri Lanka. When the priest denied the charge one man clutched his robe. When the priest tried to retrieve the robe he was manhandled and assaulted.

When the ASI group got out they found some more “activists” outside There was also a TV crew. Some in the group had cameras. Some more abuse was shouted at the priest. One man in a blue shirt came up to the priest and said in perfect English that the Buddhist priest would be killed unless he vacated the temple precincts.The man in the blue shirt was later identified as Karikalan a lawyer residing at Burma Colony in Thanjavoor. Karikalan has been an executive committee member of the Tamil Desiya Pothuvudamai Katchi (TDPK) for nearly ten years.

The party is headed by P. Maniyarasan who has often addressed meetings organized by the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora in Western capitals. The fringe outfit has in recent times attracted large crowds at meetings by promoting the Tamil Eelam cause. It has a vast array of powerful orators like Maniyarasan, Rajendra Cholan, Yoganathan, Ki. Venkatraman and Aruna Bharathi.

The ASI students cancelled the rest of their program and proceeded to Tiruchirappalli where an Airport is situated.

It was felt that the problem was now over as the vans proceeded smoothly via the Trichy-Tanjore road to the airport.But the troubles of the ASI team were far from over.Members of the Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazhagham(MDMK)got to know that some “Sri Lankans” were travelling to the Trichi Airport. The MDMK now joined forces with the “Naam Thamizhar Katchi” (NTK)to launch combined operations. The MDMK is led by V.Gopalaswamy now known as Vaiko.The NTK is led by Sebastian Seemon now known as Senthamilan Seeman.

As the vehicles slowed down at the roundabout the Tamil activists emerged suddenly with sticks and stones and blocked the vehicles. They started shouting anti-Rajapaksa slogans and started attacking the vehicles with the ASI students. Glass shattered as the side windows cracked. Rotten eggs were thrown in. The students inside cowered in fear as a few thugs poked sticks and tried to hit them. Fortunately Gnanaloka Thera could not be identified by the mob as he was now in civilian clothing.


After visiting several places in North India and Nepal the group arrived in Chennai by the “Tamil Nadu Express” train which operates between the Tamil Nadu state capital Chennai and the Indian capital New Delhi. The train pulled in at the Chennai Central railway station on platform no 6 at 7.20 am on Monday morning.The passengers including the pilgrims got out but Wageesa Thera remained in the compartment S-6 collecting a few of his belongings.

Suddenly three men clambered aboard the compartment. They went straight up to Wageesa Thera who was seated.At this point two others who seemed to be media persons got in. One had a TV camera. Now the trio started posing for the camera and shouted slogans. They also heaped abuse calling the priest a dog and a murderer. “Get out of Tamil Nadu” they threatened. The Buddhist priest did not try to talk to them. He got up and attempted to walk away. Immediately he was assaulted. He was hit on the face, chest and arms. He was kicked. He was also hit on the left leg with an iron pipe. It was discovered then that in the melee 40,000 rupees had gone missing.

They are all members of the Naam Thamizhar Katchi (We Tamil Party). The party is led by Sebastian Seemon who now calls himself Senthamizhan seeman. He is currently in Geneva, Switzerland to engage in anti-Sri Lanka lobbying.

Seeman a film director cum actor has been obnoxiously racist. He was detained in Tamil Nadu for many months for publicly threatening to kill Sinhalese in India as retaliation for Tamil Nadu fishermen being killed. He was deported from Canada some time ago for making racist remarks threatening the lives of Sinhala persons. Recently Seeman was denied entry to the USA and turned back at the John F Kennedy Airport in New York .Seeman’s movement has a leaping tiger as its symbol. His younger followers wear black tee –shirts with Prabhakaran’s portrait and describe themselves as “Karumpuligal” or black tigers. His party has thousands of Sri Lankan Tamil members from the global Tamil Diaspora. The membership fee is 100 US Dollars per year. In addition Seeman also gets hefty donations from tiger supporters abroad.

“Energised by the inflammatory and provocative utterances of so called political leaders such as Seeman ,emotional youths in Tamil Nadu have displayed antipathy bordering on hatred towards Sri Lanka and the Rajapaksa regime. Very often these feelings deteriorate into sheer racism against the Sinhala people who are demonized as an oppressive majority destroying Tamils in the Island .

Two Sri Lankan Buddhist Priests Attacked in Tamil Nadu:What Exactly Happened? « dbsjeyaraj.com
@Red-Bullet weren't you the one that started thread on Independent TN??

I think you have answered your own question with another thread.

If a TN being a state of India can cause trouble inside SL, imagine what an Independent TN can do.

the tamil elam nadu will take all the tamil refugees from srilanka as an independent state and house them for ever, problem solved sinhalese will get srilanka which was their right, tamil nadu will get tamils as independent state
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the tamil elam nadu will take all the tamil refugees from srilanka as an independent state and house them for ever, problem solved sinhalese will get srilanka which was their right, tamil nadu will get tamils as independent state

I think Pakistan should show us Indian the way, after all given the concern towards Indian Muslims, Pakistanis should give the people referred as Mujahirs separate territory and establish an independent state Mujahiristan.

Tamilnadu politicians creating problems in Srilanka is pure gas, nothing substantial from TN with respect to LTTE.

SUMMARY: Despite the fact that Tamil Nadu is home
to the largest population of Tamils in the world, there
is virtually no support in the state for the LTTE.
There is no financial support coming from the state, no
significant supplies flowing from Tamil Nadu to the
LTTE, and almost no public sentiment in support of the

--------------------------------------------- --------
--------------------------------------------- --------

¶2. (C) All the sources with whom Post has discussed this
issue, including law enforcement officials, say that
Tamils in Tamil Nadu and the relative few Tamils who
live elsewhere in India, are not a source of financial
support for the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).
This was not always the case, however. Prior to the
assassination of Rajiv Gandhi by an LTTE terrorist in
1991, there was significant support for the LTTE cause
in the state that likely included financial support.
But support for the LTTE cause vanished almost overnight
after Rajiv Gandhi's death. It may be, however, that
some financial support flows the other way, that is,
from the LTTE to certain political leaders in Tamil
Nadu, notably Vaiko, founder and General Secretary of
the Marumalarchi Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (MDMK). Some
people, including Tamil refugee NGO leader Chandrahasan,
believe that the LTTE provided initial financial support
for Vaiko in establishing his MDMK party after he split
from the DMK party in 1993. Vaiko has been an outspoken
supporter of the LTTE but any financial link remains
unproven (Reftel).


¶3. (C) Post's contacts suggest that substantial
financial support for the LTTE comes from Tamils in
other countries, notably Canada, the United Kingdom,
Netherlands and Germany. Each of these countries has a
significant Tamil population. Some sources suggest that
Tamils in these countries are encouraged to give up to
10 percent of their income to support the LTTE cause.
This encouragement, which may be closer to extortion, is
often administered through local religious institutions
or Tamil cultural organizations in these countries.

--------------------------------------------- -------
--------------------------------------------- -------

¶4. (C) Reftel explained the firm line that the Tamil
Nadu government under former Chief Minister J
Jayalalithaa took against LTTE elements in the state.
Post expects the newly elected DMK government to
continue that tough anti-LTTE policy. The expectation
is based on the DMK's record in controlling the LTTE
when it was last in power from 1996 to 2001. Outgoing
Director General of Police AX Alexander told Post with
confidence that no arms were flowing from Tamil Nadu to
the LTTE. He said that a few small items like
medicines, diesel, gasoline, and motorcycle tires are
sometimes smuggled from Tamil Nadu to the island in
small boats but nothing of consequence. Alexander and
others have suggested that arms reach the LTTE from
three primary sources: Thailand, Burma, and captured
arms from Sri Lankan government forces.

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CHENNAI 00000954 002 OF 002

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¶5. (C) To the average person in Tamil Nadu, the
situation in Sri Lanka is not a primary interest. In a
pre-election interview, Tamil Nadu journalist and
political commentator Cho Ramaswamy told Post that
people care about their economic problems and not
the LTTE or the fight for Eelam. Based on the total
lack of discussion of the issue during the campaign and
even the lack of local news coverage about conditions on
the island, he appears to be right. If there were to be
a major human rights violation against Tamils in Sri
Lanka or a huge influx of new refugees into Tamil Nadu
from Sri Lanka, the public's interest might increase but
in the absence of such a major event, public interest in
the LTTE and the Sri Lanka situation is likely to remain

--------------------------------------------- ----
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¶6. (C) COMMENT: It may seem strange that in the Indian
state of Tamil Nadu, which literally means Tamil
country, there is so little support for the LTTE, an
organization that professes to be dedicated to
establishing a homeland for all Tamils. But the
situation today can be directly traced to the day in May
1991, when an LTTE suicide bomber terrorist killed Rajiv
Gandhi here in Tamil Nadu. Opinion instantly turned
against the LTTE and their tactics. Dravidian political
parties that had been supportive of the LTTE in the past
fell silent in their support and later stepped up
efforts to rid the state of any remnants of LTTE
activity. That anti-LTTE sentiment remains today and is
unlikely to change in the foreseeable future. END

Questions About Tamil Nadu/ltte Connections
I think Pakistan should show us Indian the way, after all given the concern towards Indian Muslims, Pakistanis should give the people referred as Mujahirs separate territory and establish an independent state Mujahiristan.

Tamilnadu politicians creating problems in Srilanka is pure gas, nothing substantial from TN with respect to LTTE.

Questions About Tamil Nadu/ltte Connections

there is only one free state for one ethnicity not two, tamil elam nadu makes sense
there is only one free state for one ethnicity not two, tamil elam nadu makes sense

By your logic Punjabis on Indian side and Pakistani side should cede form both India and Pakistan and form Punjabistan.
If LTTE committed atrocities, they also don't want to live with Sinhalese. But Sri Lankan government aspires to represent Tamils as well. This fundamental difference will weigh heavily against the current regime.

Sri Lankan government does represent Tamils as well as other elasticities. If you believe that giving land police powers to provincial councils are the marker to show how Sri Lankan government does represent Tamils then you are mistaken.
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