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Talking to the Taliban

You can PM them in Pashto for your private discussions. But seeing as I am the Administrator of this forum, I set the rules. Public discussions in English.

What happened to the 'freedom' that you were preaching earlier? HOw typical! This is exactly what i am talking about. what happened to the copyright of pashto language belonging to pakistan? lol...
Urdu language is imposed upon the pashtuns living in NWFP exactly the same way as you are imposing your own rules here, not the rule of the forum. If someone wants to speak with his/her pashtuns in pashto, she/he should go to private according to u. This is the same way as if someone wants to learn his/her mother lanugage pashto, should go and learn it. GO WHERE?! lol. They should have every right to learn their mother because mother tongue is precious. For how long are you going to dictate people. Remember one thing my pakistani friend, some people were born to be enslaved, for instance being part of colonial british army while others are born to LIVE FREE whom the mighty british couldn't conquer.:smitten:
It's quite amusing how this so called pashtun afghan, is supporting a govt run mainly by farsibaan, tajiks, uzbeks, etc, with karzai's family even though being pashtun, actually speaking darri as their mother tongue.

Even though Pashtun's are AFghanistan largest ethnic grouping, as a percentage there are more pashtun soldiers and officers in the Pakistani army than in the AFghan army.

First go and fight for representation in your own govt, before coming out with your indian inspired propoganda.
Nangialay, there are many people here who could speak many languages. It is common courtesy and etiquettes to use a language which all those in their presence can understand. If i were to speak gujrati, punjabi, sindhi, or french and german, it would be unfair to you and others on this forum, many of whom would not be able to take part in the conversation. I'm sure even a thick head would understand this, or am i wrong?
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What happened to the 'freedom' that you were preaching earlier? HOw typical! This is exactly what i am talking about. what happened to the copyright of pashto language belonging to pakistan? lol...
Freedom? Seriously? What's this got to do with Freedom?

We're a professionally run forum with posters from countries of the entire globe. Freedom is allowing you to say your crazy arguments and allowing others to counter them. That is freedom.

If everyone spoke in their own language who would understand anyone?

Urdu language is imposed upon the pashtuns living in NWFP exactly the same way as you are imposing your own rules here, not the rule of the forum.
Urdu is the national language. It makes sense for countrymen to be able to speak in a language that all can understand. However, they have their own democratically elected government and they can make whatever change they want to.
If someone wants to speak with fellow pashtuns in pashto they should go to private, the same way as if you want to learn ur mother lanugage pashto should go and learn it.
This is a PUBLIC forum. You don't speak to ONE person on a public forum, you speak to the public. Like it or not that is the way it is going to be. You can leave and wuss out if you want to.

GO WHERE?! lol. For how long are you going to dictate people. Remember one thing my pakistani friend, some people were born to be enslaved, for instance being part of colonial british army while others are born to LIVE FREE whom the mighty british couldn't conquer.:smitten:
Yes, 'born to be slaves DNA'. What kind of Biology do they teach you in Afghan schools?
What happened to the 'freedom' that you were preaching earlier? HOw typical! This is exactly what i am talking about. what happened to the copyright of pashto language belonging to pakistan? lol...
Urdu language is imposed upon the pashtuns living in NWFP exactly the same way as you are imposing your own rules here, not the rule of the forum. If someone wants to speak with his/her pashtuns in pashto, she/he should go to private according to u. This is the same way as if someone wants to learn his/her mother lanugage pashto, should go and learn it. GO WHERE?! lol. They should have every right to learn their mother because mother tongue is precious. For how long are you going to dictate people. Remember one thing my pakistani friend, some people were born to be enslaved, for instance being part of colonial british army while others are born to LIVE FREE whom the mighty british couldn't conquer.:smitten:
is that why there are more afghan refugees speaking urdu? take a trip to karachi and see for yourself how many afghans speak urdu, in hopes of selling products in the market (like tariq road).:rofl:

dude get real, urdu is a language that does not belong to any ethnicity. it's composed of different languages. first of all no one is required to speak urdu and even if pashtuns speak urdu, then punjabis, balochis, sindhis, kashmiris, muhajirs where ever they may come from, or any other ethnicity speak urdu as well.
It's quite amusing how this so called pashtun afghan, is supporting a govt run mainly by farsibaan, tajiks, uzbeks, etc, with karzai's family even though being pashtun, actually speaking darri as their mother tongue.
The head of state is karzai, and you and I know Karzai is pashtun. Afghanistan was always ruled by Pashtuns. Yes we do have pashtuns we speak dari;similarly, there are pashtuns we speak punjabi or urdu at home.
Now when did Karzai invit you to come around his house and observe what language he is speaking at his home:coffee:

Even though Pashtun's are AFghanistan largest ethnic grouping, as a percentage there are more pashtun soldiers and officers in the Pakistani army than in the AFghan army.
Statistics and reliable sources would be appreciated. Enough of pakistani propaganda.

First go and fight for representation in your own govt, before coming out with your indian inspired propoganda.

Are you accepted as an equal citizen of pakistan as others or treated as bengalis were... the second class citizen, it got so bad that they were forced to stand up for the rights and call off the arranged marriage with pakistan. Do you have an identiy as pakistani pashtun? you live in a federal state, why doesn't your province represent your ethinicity while others do? Why can't you get educated in pashto language ? Dont you have right to reserve your mother tongue or lose your language which happened to pashtuns living in india i.e Irfan Pathan. Would you call Irfan pathan to be pashtun, I wouldn't. Soon i would count you as one of them unless you put your acts together and remain pashtun.
You're right about the conquering part. Before the USA launched it's attack on AFghanistan, it sought advice from many countries. Russia was also asked, considering its vast experience in the AFghan theater. The advice given by Putin was simple and poignant. Don't look to defeat them, look to buy them. Guns and Dollars is the only way to do it. A million dollars and a satellite phone per commander did the trick. The afghans then withdrew from the front lines, leaving the ARabs, Chechens and Pakistanis in the lurch, as the last stand in Kunduz unfolded. At one time, afghani Talibs actually attacked the ARab and Pakistani positions themselves, to force them to surrender.

So broke the myth of the AFghan warrior. There are no more Ghauris, Ghaznavis, Baburs in you. They migrated east a long time ago, and the rest do not deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as the above.
Irfan Pathan is not a pashtun, because he doesnt speak pashtu? So if a tajik speaks pashto, does it make him a pahstun? or a sikh, hindu pabba from jalalabad speaks pashto, does it make him a pashtun? If a donkey spake pashto, would that make it a pashtun?

Most of the children of Afghan refugees in Germany, USA cannot speak pashto or DArri, so are they now of european ethnicity?

It's quite amusing how this so called pashtun afghan, is supporting a govt run mainly by farsibaan, tajiks, uzbeks, etc, with karzai's family even though being pashtun, actually speaking darri as their mother tongue.

Even though Pashtun's are AFghanistan largest ethnic grouping, as a percentage there are more pashtun soldiers and officers in the Pakistani army than in the AFghan army.

First go and fight for representation in your own govt, before coming out with your indian inspired propoganda.
i know some of karzai's family personally, they live only a few blocks from me. they all speak urdu, come to Pakistan day functions in the D.C metropolitan area, lived in Pakistan, the list can go on...
Are you accepted as an equal citizen of pakistan as others or treated as bengalis were... the second class citizen, it got so bad that they were forced to stand up for the rights and call off the arranged marriage with pakistan. Do you have an identiy as pakistani pashtun?
I don't have an identity as "anything" Pakistani. Everyone is plain simple Pakistani.

Just because in your country you and the Hazaras are gunning down each other, it isn't the same in Pakistan.

A prime example is Karachi. A city of Sindh, and you'll see more Pashtuns there than the Sindhis!

you live in a federal state, why doesn't your province represent your ethinicity while others do?
Pashtuns have their own province! With its own democratically elected government.

Why can't you get educated in pashto language ? Dont you have right to reserve your mother tongue or lose your language which happened to pashtuns living in india i.e Irfan Pathan.
Which law prevents education in Pashto?

Would you call Irfan pathan to be pashtun, I wouldn't. Soon i would count you as one of them unless you put your acts together and remain pashtun.
What you need others to call you Pashtun to become one?
is that why there are more afghan refugees speaking urdu? take a trip to karachi and see for yourself how many afghans speak urdu, in hopes of selling products in the market (like tariq road).:rofl:

dude get real, urdu is a language that does not belong to any ethnicity. it's composed of different languages. first of all no one is required to speak urdu and even if pashtuns speak urdu, then punjabis, balochis, sindhis, kashmiris, muhajirs where ever they may come from, or any other ethnicity speak urdu as well.

Urdu is mother tongue of INDIAN mohajirs making up the 5 % of pakistan's population but imposed on the rest of 95% pakistanis whose mother tongue is not urdu. Bravo! Your aka besharaf was one of of those INDIAN mohajirs. It is funny how some of you accused of being indian while your president was an indian himself ahaha...
What happened to the 'freedom' that you were preaching earlier? HOw typical! This is exactly what i am talking about. what happened to the copyright of pashto language belonging to pakistan? lol...
Urdu language is imposed upon the pashtuns living in NWFP exactly the same way as you are imposing your own rules here, not the rule of the forum. If someone wants to speak with his/her pashtuns in pashto, she/he should go to private according to u. This is the same way as if someone wants to learn his/her mother lanugage pashto, should go and learn it. GO WHERE?! lol. They should have every right to learn their mother because mother tongue is precious. For how long are you going to dictate people. Remember one thing my pakistani friend, some people were born to be enslaved, for instance being part of colonial british army while others are born to LIVE FREE whom the mighty british couldn't conquer.:smitten:

Ohhhh yeah just like Persian of Gilamjams have been imposed on majority Pashtuns in Afghanistan by minority warlords.

Anyway dont worry about us in NWFP we are much happy with our national language.

Pashto is still taught in our schools now its another matter that Pashtuns here are going for modern subjects want their kids to learn science and other subjects so that they could not lag behind.

Another improtant thing is we do not find teachers among Pashtuns who can teach Pashto.
I remember when i was at primary level my Pashtu teacher even did not know sh.it about writing and reading Pashtu so i have to learn it from my father and then i used to teach the class.

You are slaves to NATO These days if you are so much proud of being free then why you are behaving like a slave of NATO and US by supporting them and begging for their presence in Afghanistan for peace. :)

So stop trolling my dear.
Urdu is mother tongue of INDIAN mohajirs making up the 5 % the pakistan's population but imposed on 95% pakistanis whose mother tongue is not urdu. Bravo! Your aka besharaf was one of of those INDIAN mohajirs. It is funny how some of you accused of being indian while your president was an indian himself ahaha...
Again there is no such thing as "Nationality DNA". Musharraf and all the Mohajirs have sworn their allegiance to Pakistan. They fought for Pakistan just like everyone else. That is the power of Pakistan dude. Not just Pashtuns but people without allegiance to the land lay allegiance to the nation!

We're part of a NATION. Not part of an incessant bloodline ******* away our minds with issues of purity in race. We're a federation and have functioning governments.

What do you have? Kalashnikov culture and drug lords for leaders.
It is quite sad to see your are uanaware of history as well as of current affairs. Urdu has been the lingua franca of Northern India since the late Mughal times, when it replaced farsi.

When the British came to India, they used Urdu as the administrative language in parts of India which today constitue all of Pakistan, Punjab,Sindh, NWFP, Baluchistan, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Delhi, AWadh, U.P, Bihar, Hyderabad Deccan, etc.

Pakistan's adoption of Urdu as its National language is in the context of this history, and its relation to Muslim culture in INdia.

Urdu is a unifying force in Pakistan, in that no linguistic community can over lord it on others. As for learning pashto, pashto is taught in all state schools in pashto speaking areas, as sindhi is in sindh. However, Punjabi is not taught in schools in punjab, maybe that should change.
Are you accepted as an equal citizen of pakistan as others or treated as bengalis were... the second class citizen, it got so bad that they were forced to stand up for the rights and call off the arranged marriage with pakistan. Do you have an identiy as pakistani pashtun? you live in a federal state, why doesn't your province represent your ethinicity while others do? Why can't you get educated in pashto language ? Dont you have right to reserve your mother tongue or lose your language which happened to pashtuns living in india i.e Irfan Pathan. Would you call Irfan pathan to be pashtun, I wouldn't. Soon i would count you as one of them unless you put your acts together and remain pashtun.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: And you have an identity as a Pathan in Afghanistan where minority Nothern Alliance persian speaking have been imposed on majority Pashtuns.

Those have been imposed on you who's women are runing prostitution dens in Peshawar and other parts of NWFP.

We are much happy to be Pakistanis first and then Pashtuns.

Pashtuns have voted for Pakistan under their own sweet will and we are much better than people like you who are advocating so-called freedom but still beg the NATO to stay in Afghanistan kill your own Pashtuns just because people like you are getting benfits out of it.

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