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Talking to the Taliban

NOw I hear a lot from my pakistani brothers about taliban, but i would like to add one thing that is "how does your handmade vandaloo taste like? We have been shoving down our throats this 'vandaloo' for many years, so it is time for you guys to taste your own medicine!:smitten:". No hardfeeling but just a reminiscence.:toast_sign:

What the hell 'vandaloo' means?
Guys no pushto!
Then you have stop your pakistani propaganda against the very people of Afghanistan. I asked you a question about your brave young men who put their lives on the line to save your country, which was about bangladesh. Why did your brave army raped and enslaved 3 million bangalis? Why were the bangalis treated as second class citizen in pakistan while they were making the majority in the country? Now the same problem exists in NWFP and balochistan, the ultimate result of which will be similar.

Leave the flames out of this please.

Stick to the topic, at the very least stick to Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Vandaloo isnt a pashto word, yet a desi!

Aren't you referring to Vindaloo curry, which is a South Indian curry?

Not really native to Pakistan.

But really, lay off the flames. Respectful discourse is welcome, even if you take a diametrically opposite view to ours, cheap shots and snide comments are not.
Leave the flames out of this please.

Stick to the topic, at the very least stick to Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Well after reading some of the post from your fellow pakistanis, I can talk about whatever pleases me to prove your double game that you have been playing for years. Just scroll up and the name callings.
Well after reading some of the post from your fellow pakistanis, I can talk about whatever pleases me to prove your double game that you have been playing for years. Just scroll up and the name callings.

Try the report post button.

And if you disagree with what my fellow Pakistanis are saying, then you are welcome to refute them rationally and logically, which is not what you have done so far.

Dark Star,

I really appreciate your posts, no need to resort to name calling though.
sorry about the cab driver remark, it was off limits, considering some pakistanis in some countries are themselves cab drivers.
It doesnt bother me my friend because i know more pakistani mini cap drivers than afghan ones. Most taxi drivers of New York are pakistanis so dont forget that. So lets not ridiculate those who earn halal way of living. I am an Afghan and I am proud of it. i dont make personal remarks unless i am provoked.
It doesnt bother me my friend because i know more pakistani mini cap drivers than afghan ones. Most taxi drivers of New York are pakistanis so dont forget that. So lets not ridiculate those who earn halal way of living. I am an Afghan and I am proud of it. i dont make personal remarks unless i am provoked.

Reading the posts above would show who spewed the bile and when. even when i have apoligized, you have found a way to justify yourself.
I wouldn't make a mockery of you for being a pakistani. No never because you haven't been pakistani by choice neither i have been born Afghan by choice. it happened to be that you were born in a pakistani family while i was born in afghan one, so lets respect one another's nationality. If i have negative views of pakistani policies towards Afghanistan that doesn't mean i hate pakistanis. And if you make personal remarks, i wouldnt hesitate to do so as well because this is me.:toast_sign:
sorry about the cab driver remark, it was off limits, considering some pakistanis in some countries are themselves cab drivers.

It doesnt bother me my friend because i know more pakistani mini cap drivers than afghan ones. Most taxi drivers of New York are pakistanis so dont forget that. So lets not ridiculate those who earn halal way of living. I am an Afghan and I am proud of it. i dont make personal remarks unless i am provoked.

Alright, now that we have that out of the way, to answer your original point about Pakistan getting a taste of its 'Vindaloo curry', that is a mischaracterization of the events that led to Pakistan's support for the Taliban.

Lets not forget that Hamid Karzai, his family, and many powerful Pashtun business and Tribal leaders, on both sides of teh Durand, but specifically on the Afghan side, were completely supportive of the Taliban when they first arrived on the scene.

Steven Coll discusses this in his book Ghost Wars. These people were drawn in by the clever Taliban narrative of former Durrani Pashtun glory being resurrected (as part of an Islamic State of course). Not only that, but they were welcomed by the local populace (in Pashtun areas atleast) after the chaos and crime of the warlords.

The above, the distrust of the NA leaders, and the ethnic connections with a significant section of the Pakistani populace, is what led to Pakistan supporting the Taliban.

It was never an attempt to merely foist an obscurantist and medieval regime on Afghanistan, it was an attempt to seek stability in some fashion, and the ISI's attempts to get first the Mujahideen and then the Taliban leadership to arrive at some sort of an arrangement with the NA leadership have been documented by both Steve Coll and Ahmed Rashid in Ghost Wars and Taliban respectively.

Coll even mentions how OBL was put in touch with Hekmetyar in order to dissuade him from advancing on Kabul (Massoud beat him to that anticipating his betrayal).

The events leading to 911 were hardly Pakistan running amuck with some evil design for imposing extreme Islamism on the world - it was a case of choosing the lesser of evils, in the hope of gaining stability on its Western front, that unfortunately went in a direction no one could have anticipated.
karzai lived in quetta and if you know quetta is a pashtun city by majority. There is no difference between a pashtun from Quetta and a pashtun from Kandahar or Helmand etc.. ;they all speak pashto with kandari accent as they are all literally the same pple belonging to the same tribe! Pashtun is pashtun no matter which side of durand line they live in. :sniper:

Nangialay wrora khuday de rawala,

Zma am yaw so wraze kezhi chi de forum ta raghalai yam.....bal yaw Afghan na wo.......was shukur tam raghle........warta dwa swolo.

Za chi yaw khabara wakam da zalim zamon tola rabandi rawoghurze.

Da khpal ta'aruf da para pa 'Members Introduction' ki yaw thread jor ka...chi tola di wa pezhani.


Gora chi jasosi mo wanakre marri............zmong khabare tarjuma na ke!
Nangialay wrora khuday de rawala,

Zma am yaw so wraze kezhi chi de forum ta raghalai yam.....bal yaw Afghan na wo.......was shukur tam raghle........warta dwa swolo.

Za chi yaw khabara wakam da zalim zamon tola rabandi rawoghurze.

Da khpal ta'aruf da para pa 'Members Introduction' ki yaw thread jor ka...chi tola di wa pezhani.


Gora chi jasosi mo wanakre marri............zmong khabare tarjuma na ke!

Better write in english so that others can understand as well.
Nangialay wrora khuday de rawala,

Zma am yaw so wraze kezhi chi de forum ta raghalai yam.....bal yaw Afghan na wo.......was shukur tam raghle........warta dwa swolo.

Za chi yaw khabara wakam da zalim zamon tola rabandi rawoghurze.

Da khpal ta'aruf da para pa 'Members Introduction' ki yaw thread jor ka...chi tola di wa pezhani.


Gora chi jasosi mo wanakre marri............zmong khabare tarjuma na ke!

lol,alaka ze um pukhtun yama, jasosi um koma goray:lol:
he was just welcoming his countryman..zero bravo...better welcome him in introduction thread.thx
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