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Talking to the Taliban

BS, simple BS. You Afghans and these same tribes instigated a rebellion in Bajour against Pakistan and Pakistan Army had to send in 2 brigades to kick your @$$ back to Afghanistan in 1960s. So yes we will bomb the homes of tribes that support you and RAW in making chaos in Pakistan.
Its stupidity to kill own people for the pleasure of another country's govt. .

Please whisper this in the di.rty ear of Karzai too.

Cmon' you guyz have got F16s, Ghori Missiles, SAMs, AAMs and God knows what else! You shouldnt be influenced by a poor bleeding country.

Give our government a 'straight forward' answer: Fnck off! we cant bomb our own homes. Its your war do it your self.

There have been militants in FATA since the Afghan/Russian war, they have never been a threat to Pakistan's sovereignty. Thats the Americans who make such a fuss about the terrorism. They have messed up everything in Pakistan.

First of all there is no government in Afghanistan its only NATO.

And yes as last part of your post says that these are Americans that have messed up everything in Pakistan.

We are fighting and killing those of our own people who are working hands in hands with CIA and US against own Pakistanis.

I dont feel any pitty for such people be they are own Pakistanis.

All i know that whoever is wokring against Pakistan is our enemy and i support use of every kind of force against such people.
If tommorrow my own blood relations work against Pakistan, i will not hesitate in having a point blank aim at them.

Simple as that.
If you do not know let me tell you some harsh facts about "Afghan Forums" there no such thing called Afghan forum. These are created by Indians and are being run by Indians. Unfortuantly as soon as seeing the word Afghan forum many patriotic Afghans get registered there.

Now what happens that Indian posing as Afghans and Pakistanis start hate speeches against each other and then the genuion Afghans and Pakistanis start abusing and norishing hate against each other.

Just look at the word "****" which they use for you intended to Pakistanis well this racist word is favorit of Indians out of their hate for Pakistanis.


And indeed no hard feelings from our side too.

Thats not true. Indians have got things to do rather than making such forums. :disagree:
Again, we don't consider all Muslims as "our people". Especially the ones that aim to bring down the Pak government are not our people.

Our current plan is good. We are pushing everyone bad into Afghanistan. Let Afghanistan deal with its own people. It's like skimming milk. Afghanistan gets the cream of our Tribal areas!
Its stupidity to kill own people for the pleasure of another country's govt.

Cmon' you guyz have got F16s, Ghori Missiles, SAMs, AAMs and God knows what else! You shouldnt be influenced by a poor bleeding country.

Give our government a 'straight forward' answer: Fnck off! we cant bomb our own homes. Its your war do it your self.

There have been militants in FATA since the Afghan/Russian war, they have never been a threat to Pakistan's sovereignty. Thats the Americans who make such a fuss about the terrorism. They have messed up everything in Pakistan.

Indeed this is a time where we do need to tell both the US and your puppet regime to **** off however that does not mean that we will let the militants stay in our part of the land either. They too need to **** off or we will make them **** off.
And please dont worry about Pakistan getting all messed up, we are capable of handling our issues and taking the trash out, what you do need to worrry about is your current govenment of Karzai, he will lead the afghan nation nowhere.
Its stupidity to kill own people for the pleasure of another country's govt.

Cmon' you guyz have got F16s, Ghori Missiles, SAMs, AAMs and God knows what else! You shouldnt be influenced by a poor bleeding country.

Give our government a 'straight forward' answer: Fnck off! we cant bomb our own homes. Its your war do it your self.

There have been militants in FATA since the Afghan/Russian war, they have never been a threat to Pakistan's sovereignty. Thats the Americans who make such a fuss about the terrorism. They have messed up everything in Pakistan.

These 'own people' have been carrying out suicide bombings and repressing innocent people in the territory they hold sway in. In the name of 'immorality' businesses have been shut down, burned or bombed, people have been beaten, tortured and murdered, Government interests have been targeted, the economy is struggling because of the instability and terrorism - in essence these people and their activities have put the prosperity and stability of all of Pakistan at risk.

These are not 'our own people', they are criminals and terrorists, and just as you would have the police arrest or kill a murderer or gangster, so too must the state act against these criminals.

No one bats an eyelash when a criminal is killed by the police, so why should we get all emotional about killing 'own Muslim brothers' just because these guys proclaim themselves to be doing "Jihad'?

Beyond the 'implement Shariah' BS, they are the same common criminals, with more weapons.
Thats not true. Indians have got things to do rather than making such forums. :disagree:

:lol::lol: zor ki lagi. hmm how you know that ???

BTW what i am said i said it with 200% conviction.

Believe it or not thats not my headach.
Its stupidity to kill own people for the pleasure of another country's govt.

Cmon' you guyz have got F16s, Ghori Missiles, SAMs, AAMs and God knows what else! You shouldnt be influenced by a poor bleeding country.

Give our government a 'straight forward' answer: Fnck off! we cant bomb our own homes. Its your war do it your self.

There have been militants in FATA since the Afghan/Russian war, they have never been a threat to Pakistan's sovereignty. Thats the Americans who make such a fuss about the terrorism. They have messed up everything in Pakistan.

well dear we are not killing our own people infact the military action is against the militants hiding in our tribal areas,the tribal elders have also started to cooperate with our armed forces which vividly show that the operation is against the foreigners not against our own people, furthermore its not for the pleasure of US instead it is in the best interest of pakistan to wiped them out.secondly,the main battle is in afghanistan and our job is to stop the cross border terrorism for which our armed force is doing a good job..:tup:

but the question is, why afghan gvt is not allowing pakistan to fence and seal the border?as this way the infiltration could be stopped effectively?
Thunder777, if AFghanistan were to allow pakistan to fence the border, what will happen to the smugglers who are now sitting in the Afghan Parliament? Those who "import" from Dubai and "Re-export" via the open border, hurtin the Pakistani exchequer.

How will they get the Heroine to Pakistan, in order to make our youngsters lose their souls to this dangerous drug?
Thunder777, if AFghanistan were to allow pakistan to fence the border, what will happen to the smugglers who are now sitting in the Afghan Parliament? Those who "import" from Dubai and "Re-export" via the open border, hurtin the Pakistani exchequer.

How will they get the Heroine to Pakistan, in order to make our youngsters lose their souls to this dangerous drug?

:)darkstar sir,i agree with u but lets put it a side for a while.
why arnt they allowing us to fence and min the border?this is a best possible way to stop infiltration? i know they will come up with the arguments that pushtuns will get divided on both sides and this and that,but i guess this is a viable option we are left with,isnt it?
On other hand, Indians have a clear resume in Afghanistan. Moreover, Afghans follow the global notion; "The enemy of one's enemy is the friend".
India doesn’t have a “clear resume”, my friend. Did you know that India was the only non-communist country that supported the Soviet Union’s brutal occupation of your country, about 1,450,000 Afghans died in that conflict. It also supported the Northern Alliance.

1. India to Provide Aid to Government in Afghanistan

March 7, 1989

LEAD: India agreed today to provide what a Government spokesman described as humanitarian and technical aid to President Najibullah's Government in Afghanistan, the Press Trust of India reported.

India agreed today to provide what a Government spokesman described as humanitarian and technical aid to President Najibullah's Government in Afghanistan, the Press Trust of India reported.

The Government statement, which gave no details, followed a news conference today in which the Afghan Foreign Minister, Abdul Wakil, said he had come to India to ask for material and diplomatic assistance. Afghanistan, now under a state of emergency, is trying to cope with food and fuel shortages as well as an unstable security situation after the withdrawal of Soviet troops on Feb. 15.

Mr. Wakil also said his Government needed help in putting pressure on Pakistan to stop arming the Muslim guerrilla armies trying to topple the Najibullah regime. Afghan Minister Assails Iran

The Indian spokesman did not say what kind of assistance New Delhi might give to Kabul.

India has been alone in South Asia in support of the Soviet-backed Najibullah Government in Afghanistan. India, a nonaligned nation that has generally supported Soviet foreign policies in Asia, continues to maintain a diplomatic presence in Kabul, although all Western and several Eastern European embassies have withdrawn. More.

A staunch ally of the Soviet Union during the Cold War, India supported the invasion of Afghanistan in 1979.

This decision made India vastly unpopular among Afghans.

A decade later, it continued to back the Communist-regime of President Najibullah, while Pakistan threw its entire support behind the ethnic Pashtun mujahideen warlords, particularly the Islamist Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who were fighting the Soviet Union.

So when the Taleban swept to power and put an end to a bloody civil conflict among warlords, India was left without any influence in the country.

It ended up backing the Northern Alliance, which controlled territory north of the Shomali plains near Kabul.
First we should naturalize those AFghanis who have proven to be assimilated into our country and culture, i.e. through marriage,etc.#

The rest should be thrown out, border fenced up, and the gates locked shut.

We are already facing shortages in wheat, sugar, rice, cooking oil due to smuggling.

Stop all trade with AFghanistan.

What do we gain in such trade? Can someone tell me one advantage of Pakistan trading with Afghanistan?
Nothing other than the fact that our trading keeps millions of Afghans alive.
If we are so bad, if we are that evil, let them stop trading with us. How can we trade with a country that is supporting terrorists and dacoits in Baluchistan and FATA, not only supporting but in fact sending its own people in the guise of mujahids. Bloody "Ghus-Beths"

Let them run to their farsibaan brothers in Iran, or the uzbeks and tajiks to the north. Let them have the Indians dropping supplies.

At this moment in time, I couldn't give a flying ****.
If we are so bad, if we are that evil, let them stop trading with us. How can we trade with a country that is supporting terrorists and dacoits in Baluchistan and FATA, not only supporting but in fact sending its own people in the guise of mujahids. Bloody "Ghus-Beths"

Let them run to their farsibaan brothers in Iran, or the uzbeks and tajiks to the north. Let them have the Indians dropping supplies.

At this moment in time, I couldn't give a flying ****.

Many many people will die ma friend, and many more will run to Pakistan (again) in the hopes of being able to eat Pakistani food and wheat and rice. But not if we mine the border first :devil:
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