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Taliban leader Ghani Baradar is ‘undisputed victor’ of war in Afghanistan: Report - USA DEFEATED!

If NATO leaders wanted they could have gotten NATO soldiers to completely exterminate Taliban but the leaders didn't. For this pretense some socio-economically oppressed NATO soldiers lost life or limbs. Those who benefited from this pretense fight against the Taliban were the Western arms industry and the Western establishment politicians who got paybacks for themselves and their Capitalist parties from the arms industry.

SPA should seek out the economically oppressed under privileged NATO soldiers and recruit them in the great struggle of classes to bring about proletarian revolution in the west.

When NATO had enough playing in Afghanistan it left the Taliban in charge instead of enabling progressive, Socialists or Communists like the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan but why would it ?
Why should any one enable SPA when tens of thousands of its members are ready to pounce and take control of Afghanistan from their under ground hiding places?

NATO loves mullah ghey bois like the Taliban because of mutual appreciation for Capitalism, for oppression, for priesthood and for misogyny ( Taliban secludes females in burqas and NATO tells females that they can be seen in public but only if they are not voluptuous but go to gyms and yoga classes and look thin and "fit" with no remainder of feminineness ).
Why’re you worried? You’re not getting either.

BTW how’s your chip design going and what happened to your capitalist venture?
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Taliban secludes females in burqas and NATO tells females that they can be seen in public but only if they are not voluptuous but go to gyms and yoga classes and look thin and "fit" with no remainder of feminineness ).

I’m not sure where you’ve been but moti acceptance is a thing that is very big right now

That is not a nice thing to say. Dalits are humans too and have as much right to live and spread in the universe as you, me and anyone else. They have been oppressed for the past 3000 years by the Hindu caste system and it is not proper that a Muslim whose religion is humanist and almost Communist should be the one to denigrate the Dalit and the Shudra, to deny them their human existence in the vast universe Nature has created. :)

The last khutba of Hazrat Muhammad spoke about all humans being the children of Adam and Eve and no Arab is superior to a Black and vice versa except in how a person treats another.

By denigrating the Dalit and the Shudra we will be being no different than the bhagwa crooks, oppressors and irrationals ruling and terrorizing India. :)

You are right about the equal treatment part but people need to know how to read the room.

There’s ongoing threats from TTP and this guy is riding on Taliban victory lmfao

And two I wanted to engage in now from this 2021 news Taliban has made moves such as Russian and China deals as well as the TTP saga with Pakistan. If you’re gonna engage disrespectfully then I won’t engage respectfully.
SPA should seek out the economically oppressed under privileged NATO soldiers and recruit them in the great struggle of classes to bring about proletarian revolution in the west.

I don't think any NATO soldier remains in Afghanistan to be seeked out and convinced of his suppression by his Western governments and then recruited. Neither I think the SPA people will be able to operate in the West, going about recruiting former or current NATO soldiers.

Why should any one enable SPA when tens of thousands of its members are ready to pounce and take control of Afghanistan from their under ground hiding places?

That may well come about especially if the Central Asian republics and Russia decide to help it.

Why’re you worried? You’re not getting either.


BTW how’s your chip design going and what happened to your capitalist venture?

Right now other than me there are two other people and I am seeking two more before I will prepare a draft to seek funds. There was another person but he dropped out because he was uncomfortable with my political association and my posts on LinkedIn where I was banned thrice. He wants to join the bureaucracy so he thought associating with this leftist organization will create problems for him. But he is a good person who may well join a non-far-left progressive movement.

I will be soon meeting an old friend of mine to convince him to join the company in multiple roles including as the security manager and I am seeking information about a lady who was the sales assistant in a high-quality men's clothing store where I have been on-and-off regular since 2014. I see her as the company manager if she agrees. if she joins she will be the second lady in the company. Will be advantage in asking for funds where additionally the company will be the best computing company in the world whose commercial product will be a radical wearable computer that will use that chip. Apart from the five including me there will be two more.

And the company will be arranged as a workers cooperative where every participant will be a worker but with just different roles or in collaborative roles. All workers will be equal in three aspects : equal in respect, equal in right to participate in decision-making and equal in income. Quite a Communist idea so I had gone on Monday to an organization operating as a workers cooperative but the elderly man who knows me somewhat knew a bit on how to set up such an organization but told me to visit another organization which is a workers cooperative. I visited right after and they said they will call back with details but haven't. So best is to visit the office of a progressive lawyers firm and enquire. Some days ago I had done a Hello Hi with them, young people. Will visit them soon.

I’m not sure where you’ve been but moti acceptance is a thing that is very big right now

Well yes, to an extent. There are "plus size" models and "plus size" ramp walks but the thinnies abound. This is an ad for a "slimming green tea" regularly shown on Indian TV. The lead is the pretty actress Shraddha Kapoor who could have looked lovelier had she been chubby but here she is advising an already slim girl to swallow this "slimming green tea" to loose belly fat instead of saying "Grow that belly to look lovely" :disagree: :

You are right about the equal treatment part but people need to know how to read the room.

There’s ongoing threats from TTP and this guy is riding on Taliban victory lmfao

I agree as to your goal but I was just pointing to the Dalit part and it is nice that you understood. :)

And two I wanted to engage in now from this 2021 news Taliban has made moves such as Russian and China deals as well as the TTP saga with Pakistan. If you’re gonna engage disrespectfully then I won’t engage respectfully.

I didn't understand, how have I been disrespectful with you ?
Its to revisit old issues.

Your approach to creating a thread is acceptable for latest developments.

If you want to discuss old news then correct approach is to open a thread with an opinionated post and highlight relevant sources in it for discussion. And open a thread in best-fit section.


Any observer can be very critical of a development in relevant analysis. But, it is important to read global developments correctly.

(1) Pakistan has so-called strategic depth in Afghanistan due to shared religion, culture, and values.

Take a look at this map:

(2) US does NOT have direct access to Afghanistan. Pakistan was willing to provide access to Afghanistan. In this situation, US had to be mindful of Pakistan's interests and applied its Theory of Limited War to achieve its mission.

What was the mission?

American mission was to dismantle Al-Qaeda Network in the AfPak region in response to 9/11.

(3) Afghan Taliban were close to Al-Qaeda Network and stood in the way.

But Afghan Taliban stood no chance against US-led forces in direct clashes. Many were killed while survivors chose to flee to neighboring countries. Al-Qaeda Network followed suit.

US-led forces toppled the Afghan Taliban setup of Afghanistan in 2002 but Pakistan could prevent EXTINCTION of the Afghan Taliban on the ground. Refer back to (1) above.

Afghan Taliban is a Pashtun religiopolitical movement with legs in Pakistan in the form of Shura.

Americans decided to pressure Afghan Taliban to come to terms with American mission. Americans created an alternative Afghan setup and used it to countercheck Afghan Taliban in the country. Americans also made sure that Afghan Taliban will not be able to control large population centers such as cities while at it.

Negotiations between Americans and Afghan Taliban commenced in 2013 with Qatar and Pakistan acting as facilitators. Mullah Baradar was in Pakistan's custody at the time (don't ask why), and was released in 2018 to facilitate negotiations with Americans when Trump administration felt that he was useful to the cause.

The negotiations were about securing American interests in the sense that Afghan Taliban will not allow Al-Qaeda types to plot attacks on Americans from Afghanistan. Afghan Taliban accepted this demand but pushed for American withdrawal in exchange. Afghan Taliban's counter-demand was accepted by Trump administration when US-led forces had dismantled Al-Qaeda Network to large extent in the AfPak region. A large number of Al-Qaeda operatives were nabbed and/or taken out with most notable hits on following:

- Osama Bin Laden = assassinated in 2011

- Hamza Bin Laden = assassinated in 2019

The deal [in question] was signed in 2020 and does not suggest defeat but a political settlement that works for US irrespective of giving the Afghan Taliban another chance. And US is willing to apply its stick if an Al-Qaeda operative is spotted:

The message has been sent across - Afghan Taliban are under observation and [will have to] uphold their side of bargain.

But the pressing question is this. What Pakistan has gained from this saga?
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