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Taliban Five Tagged with Nano Technology

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Taliban Five Tagged with Nano Technology
Tuesday, June 24th, 2014 by Chip Tatum

The United States government defines terrorism as “premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents”.

Terrorist groups are difficult to identify and track. Unlike military units or agents, a terrorist’s affiliation with a particular country or ideology doesn’t have to be official. Terrorists may operate with or without the knowledge of any official authority.

The anonymity and mobility of terrorists is part of what makes them so dangerous. It’s also difficult to apply political pressure to stop terrorist activities. While one government might be able to gather international support to pressure another government to end hostile activities, there are few political channels a government can pursue to curtail terrorism.

When it comes to keeping tabs on terrorists, the U.S. military is discovering small is beautiful.


U.S. Special Operations is looking to use mini-satellites to keep tabs on terror suspects.

The military disclosed last month that it had tested a group of small satellites, known as CubeSats.

Space-based trackers are part of the military’s growing emphasis on “high-value target” missions.

The U.S. military is developing a new technology to find and track terror suspects — small satellites, known as CubeSats, which can be quickly and inexpensively built and launched.

“Orbital assets can provide persistent, worldwide coverage — anywhere, anytime,” Wes Ticer, spokesman with the U.S. Special Operations Command at Florida’s MacDill Air Force Base, told Discovery News.

The Special Operations Command is evaluating the results of its CubeSat debut run in December. The miniature satellites, which can fit in the palm of your hand, launched aboard the Space Exploration Technologies’ Falcon 9 rocket that put the company’s first Dragon capsule into orbit.

“This effort was a proof-of-concept technology demonstration,”


The Cube-Sat is smaller than a child’s lunchbox

With the advent of Nano Technology and Radio Isotope advances, scientists have developed a tracking code which is absorbed into the body via transfusions of a nanotope, developed under a top secret defense contract.

The Tracking isopope enters the molecular constitution of the body and is accelerated by natural electrical impulses of the body. This Nanotope Tracking Technology is said to provide an extremely strong signal.

Special Operations (USSOCOM) Command in Tampa Florida has received the tasking to track via recent Nanotope technology five Terrorists recently released from JTF Gitmo Guantanamo Bay. Unfortunately they were among the group treated for severe dehydration due to the Flu via IV re-hydration. Tracking will be accomplished via new Perseus devices recently placed in space.

NanoTope-Technology Tracking

NanoTope was injected into test subjects.

Past tests have proven very effective.

If this final test proves successful, the release of more suspected terrorists from Gitmo will be scheduled, after being tagged with the Nanotope. That darned Flu!

Smile Boys – You’re on SOC Camera!

This article was first published in the Black Ops Reporter Newsletter 1 June 2014


The Taliban Five were treated for severe Flu by receiving IV fluids before being released

Taliban Five Tagged with Nano Technology | Veterans Today
U.S. Special Operations is looking to use mini-satellites to keep tabs on terror suspects.
Why keep tab...finish em!

This is disgusting nano technology was supposed to be for administering drug delivery not for keeping tabs to rear people who should be dead?! :sick:

NanoTope was injected into test subjects.
Past tests have proven very effective.
If this final test proves successful, the release of more suspected terrorists from Gitmo will be scheduled, after being tagged with the Nanotope. That darned Flu!
Human experimenting?! And then they wonder why a bunch of bearded people want to kill them and why we cant eradicate Polio :rolleyes:
As much of a morally grey area human experimentation is, these people deserve human experimentation. Pakistan should also experiment on them.
I think this is just an elaborate imagined CIA hoax story to create paranoia in terrorist circles. Soon it will be "leaked" that this helped track down Bin Laden.
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