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Taliban fight takes heavy toll on Pakistani troops

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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Taliban fight takes heavy toll on Pakistani troops
AP (3 hours ago) Today

Captain Qasim Abbas flashes the victory sign while attending a physical therapy training at a military rehabilitation hospital in Rawalpindi.—AP

RAWALPINDI: Capt. Qasim Abbas had finished a six-month stint fighting the Taliban close to the Afghan border and was heading home to get engaged when the militants struck, ambushing his convoy, pitching his vehicle off a 90-foot cliff and leaving him with brain injuries that make speaking and walking a daily battle.

Abbas and the other soldiers recovering at Pakistan’s only military rehabilitation hospital are a testament to the human toll from Pakistan’s fight against militants.

Their plight receives little attention from politicians, possibly because they are afraid of associating themselves with an unpopular fight that many citizens see as driven by the United States.

”Fight, fight, keep fighting,” Abbas said slowly but with purpose when asked if he had a message for his colleagues still battling the Taliban. He raised his fist in the air to drive home his point.

The US invasion of Afghanistan following the 9/11 attacks saw thousands of Taliban militants cross over the border into Pakistan, where they meshed with homegrown Taliban fighters and their allies.

Under heavy American pressure, Pakistan’s army in 2004 began fighting the local militants, who have responded with hundreds of attacks against security forces and civilians across the country.

Nearly 3,000 Pakistani troops have been killed fighting insurgents —more soldiers than Nato forces have lost in Afghanistan.

Over 9,000 others have been wounded, many by buried bombs that blew off limbs and caused other life-altering injuries, the Pakistani military says.

The most severely wounded, like 24-year-old Abbas, are sent to the Armed Forces Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine just outside the capital in the garrison town of Rawalpindi.

The institute’s spotless interior, attentive staff and relatively advanced equipment are a far cry from Pakistan’s crowded and dirty public hospitals.

But the rooms are filled with stories of pain and suffering.

Abbas fought with paramilitary special forces in the Orakzai tribal area during the first half of 2010 and was awarded a commendation by Pakistan’s army chief for his role in seizing a strategic hilltop, said the soldier’s brother, Maj. Usman Abbas.

The tall and lanky former army basketball player grew out his hair and beard during his deployment so he could blend in among the locals in the mountainous region near the Afghan border, said Abbas’ brother.

But his luck ran out when he was ambushed on June 21 of last year as he was leaving Orakzai to meet his future wife.

The attack left Abbas in a coma for six months, but he is now driven to recover. He spends three hours every morning in the hospital’s gym trying to coax strength back into his arms and legs and overcome partial paralysis on the left side of his body.

The most common injuries the rehab hospital has had to deal with have been from homemade bombs the militants bury throughout the tribal region, said the head of the institute, Maj. Gen. Akthar Waheed. These weapons also pose the greatest threat to US troops in Afghanistan.

Capt. Kaleem Nasar was part of an operation elsewhere in the northwest in January of this year when he stepped on a bomb.

The explosion blew off one of his legs, and the other had to be amputated below the knee. He visited the rehab hospital recently so doctors could work on his artificial limbs.

Despite his injuries, he does not regret going to war against the Taliban and hopes he can return to active duty.

”I am satisfied I have done something for my country,” said the 27-year-old soldier. ”If I can go back to that area and serve my country, God willing I will.”

But Waheed, the head of the hospital, is worried that Pakistani troops wounded in battle don’t receive enough recognition in the country.

None of Pakistan’s civilian leaders or other politicians have visited the hospital in the five years he has been running it, he said.

”They need much more recognition because they have done so much sacrifice for the cause,” said Waheed.

Waheed contrasted the lack of political attention in Pakistan with a visit he made to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in the US in April.

He was there for only five days but saw a stream of officials and reporters come to the facility to meet with US soldiers wounded in Afghanistan and Iraq, he said.

The battle against the Pakistani Taliban is a touchy subject in Pakistan because many citizens view it as an extension of support for the unpopular US war in Afghanistan.

A poll conducted by the Pew Research Center earlier this year found that only 37 per cent of Pakistanis support using the army to fight extremists in the tribal area, down from 53 per cent in 2009.

The US has repeatedly demanded that Pakistan target Afghan militants using its territory to launch attacks against foreign troops in Afghanistan, but the military has said its troops are stretched too thin by operations against the Pakistani Taliban.
Taliban fight takes heavy toll on Pakistani troops | | DAWN.COM
Very sad that our nation has no consideration for the well being of these men who have sacrificed so much.
and still west US bash on us to do god damn more and indian media bash daily on us .sad :disagree:
What can be done man these people are like rats they will shoot you on your back they will attack you while you are sleeping these maiost taliban are all of the same kind they dont have the balls to stand eye to eye with soldiers
What can be done man these people are like rats they will shoot you on your back they will attack you while you are sleeping these maiost taliban are all of the same kind they dont have the balls to stand eye to eye with soldiers

yes true but can they face us ? no way they hit and run like dogs because artillery cobras mirages will be on the way lolz
yes true but can they face us ? no way they hit and run like dogs because artillery cobras mirages will be on the way lolz
True imran bhai but there is nothing you can do about it there are a lot of people who like these bastards on both sides of the border
True imran bhai but there is nothing you can do about it there are a lot of people who like these bastards on both sides of the border

they just like and sit in their home if they have power go join them and face same .lolz we should never mind keyboard solders .
this all could have been avoid, we never needed to be part of America's war... anyways its sad, not only these troops but all the civilians who will never catch the limelight...effected by fighting between army and militants...
We the Paks are responsible collectively for the death of our precious jawans and officers.

When our parliament offers prayers for Ben ladeen,
When our mosques spew hate against our gov and support Talib-iblees
When our media make Lal masjid goons as heros,


how could we blame anyone else but ourselves.

Very bad. This guy was about to meet his future wife... but now he's paralysed from his left body because of these so called freedom fighters.. Fcuk them all.. they'll burn in hell..
”I am satisfied I have done something for my country,” said the 27-year-old soldier. ”If I can go back to that area and serve my country, God willing I will.”

What passion. Salute to the soldier. A real hero.

None of Pakistan’s civilian leaders or other politicians have visited the hospital in the five years he has been running it, he said.

And what a shame. Pathetic.:angry:
And now Imagine this: All this misery for 1$ Billion per annum. Is it worth it? Shouldn't we ask for 60$billion or say Fight your own war?? I m sure they'll give even 100$ billion... its still less than what they spend per annum on the war (130$billion per annum)

But well, so much for being sheikh chilli.. cause our generals/politicians are satisfied with a few dollars in their pockets... cheapos
and still west US bash on us to do god damn more and indian media bash daily on us .sad :disagree:
That's why Pakistan shouldn't even listen to these pigs, to be honest Pakistan shouldn't even be fighting for them in the first place.
Pakistan a big fite against...............and Success INSHALLAH
Very sad that our nation has no consideration for the well being of these men who have sacrificed so much.

This is a great opportunity for the sacrifices made by these brave soldiers to be advertised, and special fundraisers held under the auspices of the many foundations for this purpose, with inclusion of prominent civilian and media figures. All the nation needs in this case is a little reminding and cajoling, that is all.
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