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Talhah ibn Ubaydullah


Apr 28, 2011
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Returning to Makkah in haste after a trading trip to Syria, Talhah asked his family: "Did anything happen in Makkah since we left?" "Yes," they replied. "Muhammad ibn Abdullah emerged alleging that he is a Prophet and Abu Quhafah (Abu Bakr) has followed him."

"I used to know Abu Bakr," said Talhah. "He is an easy-going, amiable, gentle man. He was an honest and upright trader. We were quite fond of him and loved sitting in his company because of his knowledge of Quraysh history and genealogy."

Later, Talhah went to Abu Bakr and asked: "Is it true what they say, that Muhammad ibn Abdullah has appeared as a Prophet and that you follow him." "Yes," replied Abu Bakr and went on to tell Talhah about Muhammad and what a good thing it would be if he too followed him. Talhah in turn told Abu Bakr the story of his strange recent encounter with an ascetic in the market-place of Busra in Syria. The ascetic is said to have told Talhah that someone called "Ahmad" would appear in Makkah about that time and that he would be the last of the Prophets. He also told Talhah, so the story goes, that the Prophet would leave the sacred precincts of Makkah and migrate to a land of black soil, water and palm trees...

Abu Bakr was astonished by the story and took Talhah to Muhammad. The Prophet, peace be on him, explained Islam to Talhah and recited some portions of the Quran to him. Talhah was enthusiastic. He related to the Prophet his conversation with the ascetic of Busra. There and then, Talhah pronounced the Shahadah - that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. He was the fourth person who had been introduced to Islam by Abu Bakr.

The Quraysh were astounded by the young Talhah's acceptance of Islam. The one who was most dismayed and unhappy was his mother. She had hoped that he would one day be a leader in his community because of his noble character and his outstanding virtues. Some of the Quraysh, anxious and worried, went to Talhah as soon as they could to wean him away from his new religion but found him firm and unshakable as a rock. When they despaired of using gentle persuasion to achieve their aim, they resorted to persecution and violence. The following story is related by Masud ibn Kharash:

"While I was making saiy between as-Safa and al-Marwa, there appeared a crowd of people pushing a young man whose hands were tied behind his back. As they rushed behind him, they rained down blows on his head. In the crowd was an old woman who lashed him repeatedly and shouted abuses at him. I asked: 'What's the matter with this young man?' 'This is Talhah ibn Ubaydullah. He gave up his religion and now follows the Banu Hashim man.' 'And who is the woman behind him?' I asked. 'She is as-Sabah bint al-Hadrami, the young man's mother,' they said.

The Quraysh did not stop there. Nawfal ibn Khuwaylid, nicknamed the 'lion of the Quraysh" bound Talhah with a rope and with the same rope he tied up Abu Bakr and then handed them over to the mindless and violent mob of Makkah to be beaten and tortured. The shared experience no doubt drew Talhah and Abu Bakr closer together!

Years passed and events of great significance took place. Talhah grew in stature as he bore the pain and suffering of being tested in the path of God and His Prophet. He gained the unique reputation among Muslims of being called the "living martyr". The Prophet, peace be on him, also called him "Talhah the Good" and "Talhah the Generous".

The name of the "living martyr" was earned during the Battle of Uhud. Talhah had missed the Battle of Badr. He and Said ibn Zayd had been sent outside Madinah on a mission by the Prophet and when they returned, the Prophet and his companions were already on the way back from Badr. They were both sad at having missed the opportunity of taking part in the first campaign with the Prophet but were tremendously pleased when he told them they would get the same reward as those who actually fought.

At the Battle of Uhud, when the Muslims fell into disarray at the beginning of hostilities the Prophet became dangerously exposed. There were about eleven men of the Ansar at his side and one Muhajir - Talhah ibn Ubaydullah. The Prophet clambered up the mountain hotly pursued by some mushrikin. The Prophet, peace be on him, shouted:

"The one who repulses these people from us will be my companion in Paradise." "I, O Messenger of god," shouted Talhah.

"No, stick to your position," replied the Prophet. A man from the Ansar volunteered and the Prophet agreed. He fought until he was killed. The Prophet went further up the mountain with the mushrikin still in close pursuit. "Isn't there someone to combat these?"

Talhah again volunteered but the Prophet ordered him to maintain his position. Another person immediately came forward, fought and was killed. This happened until all who stood by the Prophet were martyred except Talhah.

"Now, yes," signalled the Prophet and Talhah went into battle. By this time, the Prophet's teeth had been broken, his forehead had been slashed, his lips had been wounded and blood was streaming down his face. He was drained of energy. Talhah plunged into the enemy and pushed them away from the Prophet. He turned back to the Prophet and helped him a little further up the mountain and put him to lie on the ground. He then renewed his attack and successfully repulsed the enemy. About this occasion Abu Bakr said:

"At that moment, Abu Ubayd ibn al-Jarrah and I were far from the Prophet. When we came close to him to render assistance to him, the Prophet said: 'Leave me and go to your companion (meaning Talhah)."

There was Talhah, bleeding profusely. He had numerous wounds, from sword, spear and arrow. His foot had been cut and he had fallen into a hollow where he lay unconscious.

Thereafter, the Prophet, peace be on him, said: "Whoever is pleased to see a man still walking on earth who had completed his span (of life), let him look at Talhah ibn Ubaydallah."

And, whenever Uhud was recalled, As-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him, would say: "That day, that entire day, belonged to Talhah."

That was the story of how Talhah became to be called the "living martyr". There were unnumerabIe incidents which led to him being called "Talhah the Good" and "Talhah the Generous".

Talhah was an astute and successful merchant who travelled widely to the north and south of the Arabian peninsula. It is said that after one of his trips to Hadramawt, he had profits amounting to some seven hundred thousand dirhams. His nights would be anxious and worried on account of this vast wealth. On one such night, his wife, Umm Kulthum the daughter of Abu Bakr, said to him:

"What's wrong with you, O father of Muhammad? Perhaps I have done something to hurt you.'?" "No ," replied Talhah. "You are a wonderful wife for a Muslim man. But I have been thinking since last night: How can a man think of his Lord and Sustainer when he goes to sleep with this wealth in his house?"

"Why should it bother you so much ," remarked Umm Kulthum. "What about all the needy ones in your community and all your friends? When you get up in the morning share it out among them."

"God bless you. You are really marvellous, the daughter of a marvellous man," said Talhah to his wife. In the morning, Talhah gathered up the money in bags and distributed it among the poor Muhajirin and Ansar.

It is related that a man came up to Talhah requesting help and also mentioning some common family connection between them.

"This family connection someone has mentioned to me before," said Talhah who was in fact known for his generosity to all members of his clan. Talhah told the man that he had just sold a piece of land to Uthman ibn Affan for several thousand dirhams. The man could have the money or the land which could be re-purchased from Uthman. The man opted for the money and Talhah gave it all to him.

Talhah was well-known for helping persons who had debt problems, heads of families who experienced hardship, and widows. One of his friends, as-Saib ibn Zayd, said of him: "I accompanied Talhah ibn Ubaydallah on journeys and I stayed with him at home and I have not found anyone who was more generous with money, with clothes and with food than Talhah."

No wonder he was called "Talhah the Good" and "Talhah the Generous".

The name Talhah is also connected with the first fitnah or civil war among Muslims after the death of the prophet, peace be on him.

The seeds of trouble were sown during the caliphate of Uthman ibn Affan. There were many complaints and accusations against him. Some mischief-makers were not content with accusations only but were determined to finish him off. In the year 35 AH (656 CE) a group of insurgents stormed Uthman's house and murdered him while he was reading the Quran. It was one of the most shocking events in the early history of Islam.

Ali was persuaded to accept the responsibility of the Caliphate and all Muslims swore allegiance to him, including Talhah and Zubayr ibn al-Awwam. Talhah and Zubayr were deeply shocked by the murder of Uthman. They were horrified and felt strongly that the murderers should be punished and that justice should be done. But the punishment of the murderers was not an easy task in as much as the crime was not just the work of a few individuals but involved a large number of persons.

Talhah and Zubayr sought Ali's permission to go to Makkah to perform Umrah. They met Aishah the wife of the Prophet. She was greatly shocked when she heard of the assassination of Uthman. From Makkah, Talhah, Zubayr and Aishah set off for Basrah where large numbers were gathering to seek revenge for the death of Uthman.

The forces gathered at Basrah seemed to present an open challenge to Ali. As the caliph of the Muslims and the head of the entire Muslim State, he could not tolerate any insurrection or armed revolt against the State. But what a difficult and awesome task he faced! To deal with the revolt, he had to confront his brothers, his companions and his friends-followers of the Prophet and his religion, those who often fought side by side with him against the forces of shirk, those whom he respected and loved.

The forces clamoring for vengeance for Uthman and those supporting Ali met at a place called Kuraybah, near Basrah. Ali desired to avoid war and settle matters by peaceful means. He used every means at his disposal to achieve peace. He clung to every hope of avoiding confrontation. But the dark forces at work against Islam and how numerous were these, were determined that matters should come to a terrible and bloody end.

Ali wept. He wept bitterly when he saw Aishah, the "Mother of the Believers" in her hawdaj or palanquin astride a camel at the head of the army which now emerged to fight him. And when he saw Talhah and Zubayr, two close companions of the Prophet, in the midst of the army, he shouted to them to come out to him. They did and Ali said to Talhah:

"O Talhah, have you come with the wife of the Messenger of Allah to fight along with her...?" And to Zubayr he said:

"O Zubayr, I implore you, by God, do you remember the day when the Prophet. peace be on him, passed by you and we were in such and such a place and he asked you: 'Do you love Ali?' and you said: 'Why shouldn't I love my cousin and one who follows my religion...?'"

Ali continued talking to them reminding them of the bonds of brotherhood and faith. In the end both Talhah and Zubayr withdrew from participation in this civil war. They withdrew immediately when they saw the situation in a different light. But they paid for that withdrawal with their lives.

As they withdrew, a man named Amr ibn Jarmouz followed Zubayr and cowardly murdered him while he performed Salat. Talhah was killed by an arrow allegedly shot by Marwan - a cousin of Uthman who was too blinded by rage and the desire to seek revenge for his kinsman to respond to the possibility of avoiding war and bloodshed among Muslims.

The murder of Uthman had become Talhah's tryst with destiny. He did not participate in the fighting and killing that followed that came to be known in history as the "Battle of the Camel". Indeed, if he had known that the fitnah would have degenerated into such insane hatred and bitterness and resulted in such a bloody outcome, he would have resisted it. He was not keen to fight Ali. He was simply appalled by the murder of Uthman and wanted to see justice done. Before the beginning of the battle he had said in a voice choked with emotion:

"O Lord, for the sake of Uthman, take from me this day until You are pleased." Then when Ali faced him and Zubayr, they saw the correctness of his position and withdrew from the field of battle. Yet, in these difficult circumstances, martyrdom was reserved for them.

The Battle of Camel came to an end. Aishah, the mother of the believers, realized that she had precipitated matters and left Basrah for the Sacred Mosque and then to Madinah distancing herself from the conflict. Ali provided well for her journey giving her all the comfort and honor due to her.

When the numerous dead from the battle were brought together, Ali led the funeral prayer for them all, those who were with him and those who were against him. And when he had finished burying Talhah and Zubayr he bade farewell to them with a heavy heart, a heart filled with tenderness and love.

"I really hope," he said in simple and sublime words, "that Talhah, az-Zubayr, Uthman and I will be among those of whom God has said: 'And We shall remove from their hearts any lurking sense of injury and rancor; they will be brothers joyfully facing each other on thrones of dignity.' "(The Quran, Surah al-Hijr, 15:47)

Then he looked tenderly and sorrowfully on the graves of his brothers in faith and said: "I have heard with these two ears of mine the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, saying: "Talhah and az-Zubayr are my companions in Paradise!"
Talhah ibn Ubaydullah (radi allahu anhu)

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The Resting Place (Mazaar e Muqaddas ) of Hazrat Talhah AS is in the Iraqi province of Basrah. During the time of Saddam, hundreds of thousands of Muslims used to visit his blessed grave every year.

in sha Allah, one day I will too
Hazrat Talha bin Ubaidullah (Ra)
Posted On 01 Jul 2012
By : mdemamhasan
Comment: 0

His name is Abu Muhammad Talha. The name of his father is Ubaidullah. Her mother’s name is Saba. He was born in Taim wing of kuraish tribe. He became Muslim in the very beginning of Islam. He was only 15 when he turned into Muslim. He was motivated into Islam by dint of Abu Bakrs invitation. He was the regular member of the meeting which used to hold in Abu Bakr’s home.

There is a fascinating story behind his Islam. He went to Syria with a kuraish business team. Hazrat Talha described the story like this; he was segregated from other members of his team. He was roaming around the market. Then he heard someone shouting. It seemed someone is looking for something. He concentrated at his voice. Then he got the point. He was a Christian priest. He is looking for someone who resides in Makkah. Hazrat Talha proceeded to him and said I am from makkah. Then the priest said, there will be revealed the last prophet very soon. He cleared the point that the son of Abdullah ibn Abdul Muttalib will be the prophet. He will announce about his Risalat in this month. Talha listened to him with due concentration and became very excited. He even forgot about his business team. He left them and returned back to makkah. He even didn’t say anything to them. Actually he didn’t get the chance as he was in a trance and his yarning to see the prophet was on the climax. He arrived at his home. He asked his family members about the update of makkah. They informed Hazrat Talha that Muhammad ibn Abdullah claimed himself as prophet. He left the house and went to Abu Bakr.

Talha knew that Abu Bakr accepted Islam. He asked him details about Islam and Muhammad ibn Abdullah. Abu bakr said him details. He said him that Muhammad is the true prophet. Then Abu Bakr invited him to be Muslim. Then Hazrat Talha a told Abu Bakr his experience of Syria. Then they went to Muhammad sm. Hazrat Talha became Muslim. Then Talha told Muhammad his Syrian experience. Muhammad sm became very glad.

Hazrat Talha was an alive martyred. He was one of those ten who got the news of Jannat from earth. He couldn’t participate in the battle of Badar. He was sent to somewhere else by the messenger of Allah. But he is counted as the fighter of badar. He was the true fighter of Islam. His contribution in uhud battle is fascinating and courageous. When Muslims fell in great crisis for their mistake, a few Muzahids continued their fighting surrounding Rasulullah. Hazrat Talha was seriously wounded on that day. He saved Rasulullah and got wounded. He got numerous injuries in several place of his body. From that day, Talha is called the alive martyred.
This worrier of light left the universe forever in 36 Hizri. May Allah magnify his dignity here after.

- See more at: Hazrat Talha bin Ubaidullah (Ra)

Manufactured by:Heavy Industry Taxila (HIT)
Type:Armoured Vehicles
Name:Modernization of the vehicle
Based on their extensive experience in the local production and assembly of the BAE Systems, Ground Systems Division (previously United Defense) M113 series of Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs), as well as a number of locally developed variants, the Heavy Industries Taxila facility developed and placed in production a new armoured personnel carrier called the Talha.

Early in 2006 it was revealed that the Multi-National Security Transition - Command - Iraq had placed a contract with HIT late in 2004 that covered the supply of 44 Talha APC, 60 Al Mohafiz (4 × 4) internal security vehicles and 300 Aahan armoured guard posts. These were delivered in 2006.


The hull of the Talha is of all-welded aluminium armour construction that provides the occupants with protection from small arms fire and shell splinters. It has a crew of two, driver and commander/machine gunner and can carry 11 fully equipped infantry.

The overall layout of the Talha is almost identical to the M113 with the engine compartment at the front right and the driver seated at the front left.

The driver is provided with a single circular hatch cover that opens to the right and in front of this are three day periscopes, the centre one of which can be replaced by a passive periscope for night driving.

The power pack consists of a Detroit Diesel 6V-53T turbocharged diesel developing 275 hp coupled to an Allison TX 100-1A fully automatic three-speed transmission with a differential or pivot brake steering.

The diesel fuel tanks are positioned one either side of the rear ramp which saves valuable space inside of the hull, as well as reducing the risk of fire.

The vehicle commander's cupola is in the centre of the hull to the rear of the driver's position and this is provided with periscopes and a single-piece hatch cover. A 12.7 mm machine gun can be fitted for air defence and local protection. On the prototype no protection is provided for the gunner from small arms fire and shell splinters. This could however be fitted if required.

The troop compartment is at the rear of the hull and the troops enter and leave via a power-operated ramp at the rear and there is also a roof hatch that opens left and right.

The upper parts of the roof of the rear troop compartment slope inwards on either side of the hull and in this are firing ports and associated vision devices. These allow some of the troops to fire their weapons from within the troop compartment.

Suspension is of the torsion bar type with either side having five dual rubber tyred road wheels, with the drive sprocket at the front and the idler at the rear. The track has rubber pads, with the left side having 67 shoes and the right side 68 shoes.

There are no track return rollers and the upper part of the suspension is covered by a rubber cover to improve the amphibious characteristics of the vehicle.

The vehicle is fully amphibious being propelled in the water by its tracks. Before entering the water a trim vane is erected at the front of the hull and the bilge pumps are switched on.

For a higher level of battlefield survivability additional bolt on passive armour is available. Other options include an NBC system and various night vision aids.


In addition to the Detroit Diesel/Allison transmission power pack, Heavy Industries Taxila also offer an alternative power pack consisting of a Ukrainian UTD-20 four stroke diesel developing 330 hp. This would be coupled to a hydromechanical transmission with six forward gears and one reverse.

Al Talha (six road wheels)

It has been revealed that Pakistan has developed a six road wheeled version called Saad. This has a 400 hp engine and can carry 13 troops. The first prototype of this was completed in late 2005 under the name Saad. Details are given in a separate entry. As far as it is known this remains at the prototype stage as of mid-2007.


Weight (kg)
Power-to-weight ratio (h.p./t)
Ground pressure (kg/sm2)
Length (mm)
Width (mm)
Height (mm)
Ground clearance (mm)
Track (mm)
Length of track on ground (mm)
Max. road speed (km/h)
Max. water speed (km/h)
Max. road range (km)
Gradient (%)
Side slope (%)
Vertical obstacle (mm)
Trench (mm)

Talha Ibn Obaidullah (may Allah be pleased with him) was one of the early reverts to Islam and among the ten blessed with the glad tidings of Paradise by the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be to him). He was a wealthy businessman and used to travel to different places for trade and commerce. It was during one of his trips to Syria that he met a Christian monk who informed him about the coming of the last prophet, who according to the scriptures, would appear in the land of Arabia.

The news was interesting for Talha and soon after his return to Makkah he realised that the story told by the monk was going to affect his life as on his return he learnt that Muhammad Ibn Abdullah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) had started claiming himself as a Prophet and Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) was by his side. He was so sure of the character and honesty of both, the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) , that after having analysed the whole situation he said to himself, “These two people can never be partners in anything wrong or false.” He immediately went to Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) to enquire about the veracity of the claims and then Abu Bakr took him to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), where he declared his faith and said the Shahadah.

The road ahead for Talha (may Allah be pleased with him) after his reversion to Islam was replete with hurdles, obstacles, persecution and violence. The Quraish were surprised and furious over his reversion and tried every possible way to make him turn back from the religion of Islam. The strongest resistance Talha (may Allah be pleased with him) faced was from his own mother who went totally berserk after learning his son’s reversion as she had hoped that he would one day become the leader of the community because of his excellent and outstanding qualities and virtues.

Masud Ibn Kharash witnessed the sorry state of Talha (may Allah be pleased with him) and the brutal persecution he met with at the hands of Makkans and by his own mother. He reported that one day he was making saee (running) between Safa and Marwa and then there appeared a crowd pushing and shoving a young man with his hands tied at the back. There was an old woman in the crowd who lashed the young man repeatedly and hurled abuses at him. On being enquired it was known that the young man was Talha (may Allah be pleased with him), the old woman was his mother and such inhumane treatment was because of the choice he made by accepting the religion that Muhammad brought. However all the disturbing and bone-chilling torture meted out to Talha (may Allah be pleased with him) made him even more resolute and stronger in his faith and made the Makkans utterly failed in their attempt (The story of Talha (may Allah be pleased with him) has a question for all of us: are we willing to endure everything with a brave heart and sublime faith when faced with the same situation?). Even the love for his own mother could not deviate and deter him from following the truth. With the passage of time, the relentless persecution became intensified and finally when it became extremely difficult to endure, Talha (may Allah be pleased with him) migrated to Abyssinia.

Talha (may Allah be pleased with him) was extremely generous and always looked for the ways to please Allah. It was on the unlimited generosity of Talha (may Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah gave him the title of “Talha of goodness and bounty” and “Talha of generosity.” He used to support financially many of his relatives and friends and gave generously to the poor and destitute who cannot fend for themselves. Besides helping, he even disencumbered many with the loans they have incurred and released people from the shackles of debt. He even arranged for those who could not find the means to get married. Wealth which generally is a sense of satisfaction, boast and pride for many was more of a cause of distress for Talha (may Allah be pleased with him). His wife narrated that one day he looked very disturbed and distressed. On being asked he replied that his riches and wealth is the cause of distress and said, “How can a man think of his Lord and Sustainer when he goes to sleep with his wealth in his house?” His wife advised him to distribute and donate all his wealth to all the needy and the destitute. By midnight he distributed everything he had and finally slept well with a light heart. One of the companions of the Messenger said, “I accompanied Talha Ibn Obaidullah on journeys and stayed with him at home and I have not found anyone who was more generous with money, with clothes and with food than Talha.”

Because he was sent for one of the missions outside Madina, Talha (may Allah be pleased with him) missed the first battle fought for Islam, the Battle of Badr. On his return to Madina he became upset with the opportunity he missed to fight alongside the Messenger of Allah. However when he got the chance to partake in the second battle, the Battle of Uhud, he fought valiantly and proved his mettle in the battlefield as well. At Uhud, when the tables were turned against the Muslims and the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be to him) was dangerously exposed, it was Talha (may Allah be pleased with him) who came for the rescue of the Messenger and repelled the Makkan fighters by fighting bravely. He supported and shielded the Messenger with his left arm and valiantly wielded the sword by his right hand. The incident caused Talha (may Allah be pleased with him) more than seventy wounds over his body which eventually made him unconscious. Thereafter the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be to him) said, “Whoever is pleased to see a man still walking on earth who had completed his span (of life), let him look at Talha Ibn Obaidullah.” Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) was very much pleased with the heroics Talha displayed at the Battle of Uhud and whenever after that there was a mention of Uhud, Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) used to say, “That day, that entire day, belonged to Talha.”
@Gufi I started these threads to post about those whom after we have named our weapons
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