The film tells the story of a poor family struggling to survive against all odds. The children are represented as a symbol of innocence and hope, while the father is seen as a helpless individual with an empty wallet, who is well aware of the harsh realities of life. Together, they strive on to live, but what does fate have in store for them? Where will this state of poverty take them?
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The film tells the story of a poor family struggling to survive against all odds. The children are represented as a symbol of innocence and hope, while the father is seen as a helpless individual with an empty wallet, who is well aware of the harsh realities of life. Together, they strive on to live, but what does fate have in store for them? Where will this state of poverty take them?
25,000 people die from hunger EVERYDAY. Ever wondered how many of them are Pakistanis?
"If the misery of the poor be caused not by the Law of Nature, but by our Institutions, great is our Sin". - Charles Darwin
32.5 Million Pakistan suffer from Malnutrition annually, every one of us gets the blame for not making the right choice by voting in a government that would represent its people and not self interest.
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