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Tajikistan agrees to give land to China

Water Car Engineer

Sep 25, 2010
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United States
DUSHANBE, Tajikistan -- Tajikistan has agreed to give away a portion of its territory to neighboring China in a bid to put an end to a land dispute dating back more than a century.

Parliament voted Wednesday in favor of giving up around 1,000 square kilometers of land in the Central Asian nation's sparsely populated Pamir Mountains region. There was no immediate information on how many people live in the territory to be ceded.

Opposition leader Mukhiddin Kabiri said the land transfer is unconstitutional and represents a defeat for Tajik diplomacy. But Foreign Minister Khamrokon Zarifi portrayed it as a victory, saying China had initially claimed more than 11,000 square miles (28,000 square kilometers).

The dispute dates to the 19th Century, when Tajikistan was part of Czarist Russia.

Tajikistan agrees to give land to China
well isn't that just ******* stupid!
The Russians messed up our tajik brothers pretty good over the last century.
my guess is that large amounts of money was involved
Tajikistan should annex with a bigger country.




are just a few options it would really help the people of the country.
Its rather a wise decision.. without any bordering issues with neighboring countries.. they are only to make friends and receive security plus growth. I used to think if India could do the same and India China relations get better, this world region would become one unit.. .just imagine Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan and other small states all going Anti-America.. we could make our mutual defence like NATO did and have free-trade agreements, one currency, open borders and wealth half the world would make whole region a great place.

Right now USA is using India-China hatred for its own benefit and arming India to stand against China and China feeling insecurities from India. Russia and China are as peaceful as US-Canada are. Why could India/China not be the same? Also Kashmir would be the last burning point which if settled, we wouldn't need to eat money of the poor and spend on defences that much.
Tajikistan should annex with a bigger country.




are just a few options it would really help the people of the country.

Mr Brazilian, Tajiks are Persian people and speak Persian. They have nothing in common with Chinese, Pakistanis and other istan countries. The people of Iran, Afghanistan (Northern half) and Tajikistan are all Persian speaking.

The fact of the matter is, Tajikistan is a piss poor country. They are the poorest former soviet republic. They went through a bloody civil war in the 90's and now they have nothing. This was probably a hard pill to swallow and the people of the country will never forget it. Lets hope that they made the right choice.
Its rather a wise decision.. without any bordering issues with neighboring countries.. they are only to make friends and receive security plus growth. I used to think if India could do the same and India China relations get better, this world region would become one unit.. .just imagine Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan and other small states all going Anti-America.. we could make our mutual defence like NATO did and have free-trade agreements, one currency, open borders and wealth half the world would make whole region a great place.

Yes...very sensible post.:cheers:
Pakistan must forget kashmir and china should agree McMohan line as the international border. Then this world region would become one unit.. .and Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan and other small states can become Anti-America.. we could make our mutual defence like NATO did and have free-trade agreements, one currency, open borders and wealth half the world would make whole region a great place.
China, which has a land area of about 9.6 million sq km, the third-largest country in the world, will get 1,000 sq km more, thanks to Tajikistan which today agreed to cede a 130-year-long disputed territory to the neighbouring Communist giant.

The Majlisi Namoyandagon, Tajikistan's lower chamber of Parliament, ratified a protocol on demarcation of Tajikistan's common border with China.

China's land mass increases by 1,000 sq km, thanks to Tajik
China, which has a land area of about 9.6 million sq km, the third-largest country in the world, will get 1,000 sq km more, thanks to Tajikistan which today agreed to cede a 130-year-long disputed territory to the neighbouring Communist giant.

The Majlisi Namoyandagon, Tajikistan's lower chamber of Parliament, ratified a protocol on demarcation of Tajikistan's common border with China.

China's land mass increases by 1,000 sq km, thanks to Tajik

sb. says,which means ,we can't get another 27000 back
what are you going to do with this 1000 sq km. of land??you are already the third largest country in the world..
what are you going to do with this 1000 sq km. of land??you are already the third largest country in the world..

This is our legacy, and we don't want an inch of other people's land.

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