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Taiwanese talkshow's analysis on the US origin of Covid 19


Mar 24, 2012
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Summary from 6:00 onwards:

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N these r coming from Murica's own geopolitical underling.

The Taiwanese r extremely intelligent(the fact they control the world's semiconductor industry proves this)n r no less of a Chinese themselves who knows their backer(of convinience) across the vast ocean is worse than their own kin across the straits.

Also the analyst highlighted Japanese media is also pointing at the US as being the origin of Covid 19.

Both Murica's underlings r seeing through the dirty plot of their backer

Lastly, the analyst pointed out that by calling Covid 19 the 'Chinese virus', Murica is resorting to old tricks when it labelled what should have been the 'American flu'- the 'Spanish flu'.
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They provided the evidence- this is no conspiracy theory.
'They' = Taiwanese n Japanese, murica's own allies(of convinience)


Make your own conclusion.

From the Italians that proved the lunar mission were hoaxes:

Bring you this video in Italian that provides evidence this was a bio-weapon virus that Amerikkans spread to the world:

(put the CC on subtitles of your own language)
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From the Italians that proved the lunar mission were hoaxes:

Bring you this video in Italian that provides evidence this was a bio-weapon virus that Amerikkans spread to the world:

(put the CC on subtitles of your own language)
I can't read Italian. I did a summary for the Chinese one. Do the same pls
I can't read Italian. I did a summary for the Chinese one. Do the same pls

Click Settings on the video, click subtitles, click auto-translate, choose language of your choice.

Starts off by saying the Ebola virus that we know of was genetically altered in a lab.

University of New Delhi published in January a research paper that shows the COVID-19 has evidence of genetically manipulation from a natural virus. This research paper was taken down without any correction or any explanation.

University of Illinois professor Francis Boyle claims the COVID19 is a genetically engineered product.

Then he discusses the Military Games in Wuhan when the virus got to China. And the motive of hurting China after 2 years of trade war that could not hurt the Chinese economy.

The US admits that the virus could have been in the US for months and misdiagnosed.

China asks for the data of when COVID19 started in the US

Deadly Bio-lab Ft Detrick was closed, why? Well respected people from around the world are asking these questions without answers.

Johns Hopkins University in 2019 ran a simulation (Event 201) of a corona virus pandemic spreading around the world. The conclusion was 'governments' need to prepare for a respiratory pathogens (that would cause deaths from illnesses like pneumonia).

He talks about why Italy would be targeted for the coronavirus, that Italy was getting too close to China, and Washington did not like this. So a virus blamed on China released in Italy would be a reason why Italy is suffering so much and why others are not.

Who benefits from the financial markets issues (central banks)
On how Washington can make biological warfare useful for US political goals:

And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool.

-Project for a New American Century (those responsible for carrying out 9/11)


America’s political and military mission in the post-cold-war era is to ensure that no rival superpower is allowed to emerge in Western Europe, Asia or the territories of the former Soviet Union..The classified document makes the case for a world dominated by one superpower whose position can be perpetuated by constructive behavior and sufficient military might to deter any nation or group of nations from challenging American primacy. US Department of Defense,

The New York Times,
March, 1992.

The shift has turned from Muslims are the enemy of the West, to the Chinese are the new enemy. As was planned decades ago.
From the Italians that proved the lunar mission were hoaxes:

Bring you this video in Italian that provides evidence this was a bio-weapon virus that Amerikkans spread to the world:

(put the CC on subtitles of your own language)
Hmm, right.

NASA's collection of samples from the surface of moon. I suppose JINN brought them to NASA or was it Marvel Iron Man? Seriously man.
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Addressed in the video for those who watch that the lunar missions were hoaxes:

Rare Moon rock found in Antarctica
Scientists confirm a lunar meteorite found near the South Pole is only the second of its kind ever seen.
By Laura Layton | Published: Monday, September 18, 2006

Scientists broke open meteorite MIL 05035 in the Antarctic Meteorite Processing Laboratory at NASA's Johnson Space Center to study its composition. The lunar meteorite's interior is pinkish-tan with an unusual granular texture. Each side of the cube shown is slightly less than half an inch (1 centimeter) in length.
Antarctic Search for Meteorites Program, Case Western Reserve University
September 18, 2006
A team of geologists from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland spent 6 weeks on an ice field in Antarctica in 2005 searching for meteorites. Their efforts were rewarded December 11, 2005, when they found a rare lunar meteorite.

The search team, part of the U.S. Antarctic Search for Meteorites program discovered the 5-ounce (142 grams), golf-ball-size meteorite on the Miller Range of the Transantarctic Mountains, located about 460 miles (750 kilometers) from the South Pole. Officially known as MIL 05035, the Moon rock is unlike the other 237 meteorites collected during the 2005-2006 Southern Hemisphere summer.

This microscopic view of a thin slice - less than 1/1,000th of an inch (30 micrometers) thick - of lunar meteorite MIL 05035 reveals the mineral pyroxene (bright mosaicized colors) and maskelynite (dark gray areas), which formed when an intense shock transformed feldspar into glass. MIL 05035's coarse grain size and inclusion of maskelynite are unusual among other lunar specimens.
Antarctic Search for Meteorites Program, Case Western Reserve University
Scientists at NASA's Johnson Space Center and the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History confirmed the unusual specimen is a coarse-grained type of gabbro similar to basaltic lava typically found in the lunar maria. What separates MIL 05035 from typical lunar meteorites is its very large crystals and the presence of maskelynite, a type of glass that forms during an intense shock like an impact event. The meteorite's large crystals suggest this Moon rock slowly cooled deep inside the lunar crust.

The only other meteorite known to be similar in composition to MIL 05035 is Asuka 881757, which is among the oldest known lunar basalt specimens. Like MIL 05035, Asuka 881757 was also found in the Antarctic. Scientists think MIL 05035 is also very old because of its highly shocked nature.

Scientists worldwide may request samples of MIL 05035 to conduct their own research. Those interested can contact the NASA's Astromaterials Curation web site for more information.


Scientists Confirm New Discovery of Moon Rocks on Earth


NASA knows where to find moon rocks, addressed in the video. NASA was looking for moon rocks before the apollo missions.
Usually when a new virus outbreak happened.

Medical experts around the world will search for the origins of the virus, including down to genetics.

But in this case of coronavirus...

There are too many things to be purposely ignored, hide and start the blame game, without following proper procedure.

Coronavirus case will not as wide as this if the only origin comes from China alone, especially Wuhan.

There's another source that no one ever thinks that lets everyone guard down.

It's like you close the front door, but you forget the back door.

If the problem just came from the front, it won't as worse as today, because any prevention measurement has been taken.

I believe that most of the coronavirus outside China mostly is not coming from Group C (Wuhan's coronavirus).

There are several attributes of the virus that it's a bioweapon rather than naturally occurred.

First, it's how easily to spread between human to human for a new virus, like it's already well developed for long.

Second, a long period of incubation, which is it gives enough time to spread without notice.
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Only problem of this findings is small sample size.

USA wont allow anyone to sample in USA. Solution is China should welcome sick USA expatriate back for sampling. Then she should be able to deliver strong evidence against USA.
Actually nothing makes sense. Even if its true, that the Virus is not from China. THERE WILL BE NO CHANCE the West could accept the truth - ignore, deny, down play. The West thinks that they are so far superior, that there is no chance China could be better.
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