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Taiwan, HK activists unite to launch Diaoyutai protest


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Taiwan, HK activists unite to launch Diaoyutai protest

Sat, Sep 11, 2010
The China Post/Asia News Network

Territorial disputes in the East China Sea have intensified as Taiwan and Hong Kong activist groups yesterday came together to plan a protest highlighting their territorial ownership of the Diaoyutai Islands over Japan by taking a boat from Taiwan out to the islets.

Seven members of the Hong Kong-based Action Committee for Defending the Diaoyutai Islands arrived yesterday afternoon in Taiwan. A committee spokesperson predicted that the boat of protestors will be seized by Japan and urged the mainland Chinese and Taiwan governments to sit up and take notice.

The Diaoyutai Islands, located 120 miles east of Taiwan, is controlled by Japan, although both China and Taiwan have claims to the territory.

The cross-strait cooperation comes in light of Japan's recent arrest of a Chinese fishing boat captain - whose trawler collided with a Japanese control ship - an act that implies ownership of the islets. Experts say Japan's behavior threatens the long-term relations between the Asian neighbors.

Chan Miau Tak, chairman of the Hong Kong Diaoyutai Islands protection task force, said he was infuriated by Japan's Wednesday arrest of 41-year-old captain Zhan Qixiong. Citing the Diaoyutai Islands as Chinese territory, Chan said Japan had no right to make the arrest and hoped for the governments across the strait to come forward and intervene.

Taipei County Councilor King Chieh-shou said planning for the protest will be discussed this morning in Jhonghe City at a forum on the territorial rights of the Diaoyutai Islands. Details regarding boat rental and activities of protest will be fleshed out at the meeting.

Tensions between Beijing and Tokyo have increased with the arrest of Zhan, who will be forced by the Japanese government to stand trial if he does not pay a fine and acknowledge the allegation that his obstruction of public duties resulted in the collision.

Taiwan, HK activists unite to launch Diaoyutai protest
China FM summons Japanese ambassador over Japan's seizure of Chinese fishing boat
English.news.cn 2010-09-10 16:21:28 FeedbackPrintRSS

Backgrounder: History proves Diaoyu Islands are China's territory

BEIJING, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on Friday summoned Japanese Ambassador to China Uichiro Niwa, and lodged a solemn representation and protest against Japan's illegal seizure of a Chinese fishing boat in waters off the Diaoyu Islands.

According to a press release from China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Yang told Uichiro Niwa that the Chinese government was unswerving in its determination to defend the sovereignty of the Diaoyu Islands and interests of the Chinese people.

Yang said China demanded Japan immediately and unconditionally release the boat and all the crew, including the captain.

Two Japanese patrol boats collided with a Chinese fishing boat in waters off the Diaoyu Islands Tuesday. No injuries were reported from the collision, but the fishing boat was intercepted by Japanese patrol boats.

On Tuesday following the incident, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Song Tao summoned Uichiro Niwa and urged Japanese patrol boats to stop their illegal interception of Chinese fishing boats.

Wednesday morning, the Japan Coast Guard (JCG) arrested the captain of the fishing trawler despite China's requests.

Immediately after the arrest, Chinese ambassador to Japan Cheng Yonghua lodged solemn representations to Japan.

Assistant Foreign Minister Hu Zhengyue on Wednesday summoned Uichiro Niwa to lodge the protest.

The JCG handed the captain of the boat to local prosecutors earlier Thursday.

China on Thursday said it opposed Japan's handling of the Chinese fishing boat incident.

"China will never accept the Japanese side's applying domestic law to the Chinese fishing boat operating in that area," Foreign Ministry spokesperson Jiang Yu told the regular briefing Thursday, adding Japan's handling was "absurd, illegal and invalid."

FM: China decides to postpone East China Sea negotiation with Japan
English.news.cn 2010-09-11 00:46:16
EIJING, Sept. 10 (Xinhua) -- China has decided to postpone a negotiation with Japan on the East China Sea issue as part of its response to the seizure of a Chinese fishing boat, said Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu Friday night.

The postponed talks, the second governmental negotiations on the principle common understandings on the East China Sea issue, had been scheduled for mid September, according to Jiang.

A Japanese court on Friday, despite Chinese protests, ruled a 10-day detention through Sept.19 against the captain of a Chinese trawler which collided with Japanese patrol ships off the Diaoyu Islands in the East China Sea on Tuesday.

"The Japanese side has ignored China's repeated solemn representations and firm opposition, and obstinately decided to put the Chinese captain under the so-called judiciary procedures. China expresses strong discontent and grave protest," Jiang said.

"The Diaoyu islands and its adjacent islets have been Chinese territory since ancient times. Japan's acts have violated the law of nations and basic international common sense, and are ridiculous, illegal and invalid," Jiang said.

"Japan will reap as it has sown, if it continues to act recklessly," Jiang warned.

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on Friday summoned Japanese Ambassador to China Uichiro Niwa, saying China's determination to defend its sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands and the interests of the Chinese people was unswerving.

Yang said China demanded Japan immediately and unconditionally release the boat and all the crew, including the captain.

On Tuesday, two Japan Coast Guard patrol ships and the Chinese fishing boat collided in waters off the Diaoyu Islands.

No injuries were reported, but the fishing boat was then intercepted by the Japanese patrol.
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