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Syrian Warplanes Strike in Western Iraq, Killing at Least 50 People

daring dude

Jul 22, 2013
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Second Consecutive Day of Airstrikes by Syria Is Aimed at Shoring Up Iraqi Armed Forces

BAGHDAD—Syrian warplanes carried out airstrikes in western Iraq, stepping up the military role of the U.S. adversary in helping Baghdad's Shiite-dominated government fight Sunni insurgents.

The strikes on Tuesday came as the Pentagon announced that the first 130 members of a potential 300 U.S. military advisers were in place in Baghdad to start assessing and improving the Iraqi army's ability to counter the gains of rebels led by the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham.

At least 50 people were killed and more than 132 others wounded Tuesday when Hellfire missiles fired from what appeared to be Syrian government planes hit a municipal building, a market and a bank in the district of Al Rutba, according to an Anbar provincial official and Mohammed Al Qubaisi, a doctor in the district's main hospital.

Those people said Tuesday was the second consecutive day of airstrikes by Syria, which has joined Iran in aiding the embattled Baghdad government against the ISIS-led rebels. Tehran has deployed special forces to help protect the capital and the Iraqi cities of Najaf and Karbala, which Shiites revere.

There was no confirmation from Syrian authorities or Iraqi military air force officials that Syrian fighters had entered Iraqi airspace. Iraq's own air capabilities are decidedly limited and wouldn't be capable of carrying out such an attack. Reports of the Syrian attack were widely mentioned in the Iraqi media.

U.S. State Department and military officials weren't able to confirm the reports of the Syrian attack either. Marie Harf, a State Department spokeswoman, said the U.S. was trying to do so.

"It wouldn't be surprising," she said. "The Syrian regime has bombed marketplaces and civilians many, many times."

U.S. officials have previously confirmed strikes by Syrian fighter planes and helicopters on Iraqi border crossings controlled by ISIS on multiple occasions in recent weeks. Tuesday's strikes, if confirmed, would be the first to incur a large number of civilian casualties.

In recent days, Sunni militants have seized key towns in Anbar province, a Sunni Muslim stronghold, giving them unchecked sway over hundreds of miles of territory spanning the Iraqi-Syrian border as they fight to carve out an Islamic emirate.

Iraq's border with Syria is highly porous and has been dominated in the past week by ISIS fighters on either side of it. In March 2013, al Qaeda fighters in Iraq—predecessors to today's ISIS—slaughtered more than 50 Syrian soldiers who had wandered across the border with Iraq.

The Baghdad government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has had good relations for years with the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad to the west and with Iran to the east. The three governments, like that of the U.S., see a common enemy in the Sunni fighters of ISIS.

Abdullah Al Shimmari, the member of the Anbar Tribal Military Council, which is aligned with ISIS, denounced Syrian-Iranian involvement in Iraq and vowed retaliation.

"We are now facing aggressive Iranian attacks at Arab hands," Mr. Al Shimmari said. "Our response to that will be soon."

Following a two-week long siege and failed negotiations with Iraqi government security forces, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham militant group has taken control of the Beiji oil refinery.

As foreign supporters undertook to buttress Mr. Maliki's government, the country's local tribal leaders emerged further as key political players in helping to stem bloodshed and restore a modicum of stability in areas of Iraq once controlled by Baghdad.

In the western city of Haditha, tribal leaders were in talks on Tuesday with ISIS militants to negotiate the surrender of Iraqi security forces and to prevent damage to a nearby dam on the Euphrates that generates hydroelectric power for large parts of the country.

ISIS controls towns to the east and west of Haditha, leaving the city and the troops deployed there virtually surrounded.

The rebels were demanding the turnover of dozens of veterans of the U.S.-sponsored forces—known collectively as the Awakening movement—that successfully repelled al Qaeda fighters in 2007 and 2008, local security sources said.

The mediation in Haditha was taking place only hours after lLocal tribal leaders negotiated an agreement late Monday for the peaceful surrender of the last of the Iraqi soldiers trapped in the oil refinery at Beiji, about 130 miles north of Baghdad, a tribal leader in Beiji said by telephone.

As government troops surrendered their weapons to ISIS and left for the semiautonomous northern Kurdistan region, Sunni militants celebrated at the plant and in the nearby town of Beiji, shooting their rifles into the air and using loudspeakers to proclaim their victory, residents said.

State-run Al Iraqiyya television station, in reports aired Tuesday, continued to insist that the refinery was under the control of Baghdad and would "start to operate again within days."

At least 1,075 people, many of them civilians, have been killed in the past 2½ weeks during fighting in the provinces of Nineveh, Diyala and Salah Al Din, the U.N. said Tuesday.
Assad is taking precautions. Let's see where this goes. ISIS should be crushed. Syria and Iran can easily smash them and save entire Asia.
Is this supposed to be pro al qaeda isis wahabi terrorist propaganda? Are we supposed to care that these murderous beheaders are being bombed? Ha. You must be joking. Kill fhem all please. The sooner the better. Stone age monkeys
Assad is taking precautions. Let's see where this goes. ISIS should be crushed. Syria and Iran can easily smash them and save entire Asia.
sadly the ISIS has been bank rolled and funded by Saudis and trained by Americans earlier. its a very complex situation here and its beyond the Iranian Ayatullahs and weak/ under siege Asad to stop this behemoth which is destroying everything in its path. Iraq will be broken and Iran will jump in and give excuse to Saudis and its allies to settle their final score with their millenniums old hated foe i.e Persians. this ISIS war will be fought in the streets of Pakistan and maybe even India Muslims from both of our countries have spent decades living in Middle east to earn some hallal dollars. some have become foot soldiers of ISIS..
I have no faith in my goverment but hope that you guys take care of them before they bring their butchery back to the sub continent
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The war will be fought in middle east itself and mark my words, Iran will be leading this conflict with immense support from all South and East Asian countries as well as Russia.

ISIS is a loose network that just needs to be killed.

CIA has a record of playing with fire and suffering. They will see this monster turning back at the USA.

sadly the ISI has been bank rolled and funded by Saudis and trained by Americans earlier. its a very complex situation here and its beyond the Iranian Ayatullahs and weak/ under siege Asad to stop this behemoth which is destroying everything in its path. Iraq will be broken and Iran will jump in and give excuse to Saudis and its allies to settle their final score with their millenniums old hated foe i.e Persians. this ISIS war will be fought in the streets of Pakistan and maybe even India Muslims from both of our countries have spent decades living in Middle east to earn some hallal dollars. some have become foot soldiers of ISIS..
I have no faith in my goverment but hope that you guys take care of them before they bring their butchery back to the sub continent
The war will be fought in middle east itself and mark my words, Iran will be leading this conflict with immense support from all South and East Asian countries as well as Russia.

ISIS is a loose network that just needs to be killed.

CIA has a record of playing with fire and suffering. They will see this monster turning back at the USA.
sure it needs to be eradicated but it has grown very large and is the envy of all jihadists it has billions of dollars in its coffers it controls oil fields and has pool of volunteers and as usual very active and larst ditch support of wahabi sheikhs .. I dont expect much from Ayatullahs they are myopic sadly. and their military power is 3rd rate .. I really mean no disrespect and Saudis are counting on Iranians to jump in so that it can be turned into Arab persian conflict.. Islam is just an excuse for them they havent come out of their tribal and racist mind set yet. Saudis will get all other countries specially Egypt to end its troops too and Israel might decide that its time to pounce on Iran and that will pretty much go in favor of ISIS alsn they will spill over all the way to Pakistan. and as you might know they even have India in their sight... I dont know how much aggressive Russia will be a lot will depend on Russia .. I agree.

ISIS is a horde of zombified cannibals they are destroying human settlements in their path. mass beheadings without discrimination of Shia or sunni or Christian .. they are so excessive that they are even extremists by Al Qaeda standards. .. the sectarian wars instigated by UK and USA blackops in Iraq have taken a frightening turn (if anyone disagrees with my last claim them I stronly urge to look it up. its no conspiracy because the operatives were captured alive who had executed both shia & sunni leaders.. such stories are normally deleted fast but some people take snaps of the webpages and news footages ) the Saudis are back in business.. the setback in Syria are now marginalised due to the huge gains by their proxies in Iraq.
Assad is taking precautions. Let's see where this goes. ISIS should be crushed. Syria and Iran can easily smash them and save entire Asia.


plz checkout the New map made and circulated online by #ISIS.. then you will come to know that they are planning to spread from 1 end of the Europe, covering Northern Africa till the Bhutan.. and that is covering Saudi Arabia also... that Map or controlling Saudi means they are not influenced by Wahabis...and nor by any Sunni as they are Damaging few of the Sunni Saints and Important sites and Shrines up till now,,, & also they are threatening to damage or destroy Shia shrines also...
so that means they are not envisioned by any Muslim ideology.. only CIA or Mossad's Ideology as they are using US Weapons, and their Training also what they received for Syrian regime....
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plz checkout the New map made and circulated online by #ISIS.. then you will come to know that they are planning to spread from 1 end of the Europe, covering Northern Africa till the Bhutan.. and that is covering Saudi Arabia also... that Map or controlling Saudi means they are not influenced by Wahabis...and nor by any Sunni as they are Damaging few of the Sunni Saints and Important sites and Shrines up till now,,, & also they are threatening to damage or destroy Shia shrines also...
so that means they are not envisioned by any Muslim ideology.. only CIA or Mossad's Ideology as they are using US Weapons, and their Training also what they received for Syrian regime....

And in the process challenge three nuclear powers, and half a dozen non-nuclear military powers with functioning economies.

Let's see:


A Shiite military power with immense firepower in the Middle East. Ruled by a single party state capable of taking tough decisions instantly and implement them against enemies of the state. Is militarily, economically and ideologically far more powerful than a bunch of rag tag barbarians like ISIS killing people just for fun and asking people to follow their own created religion of anarchy and chaos.

Considering the proximity of Iran to Iraq, I am sure that their military and special forces are ready to face ISIS head-on

@haman10 can easily tell us here what Iran would do to ISIS.


While Turks like to support US in general due to their commitment to NATO, any compromise on their country would not be tolerated. They are one of the strongest non-nuclear powers in Eurasian region and have a robust, democratic and systematic structure.

Perhaps @atatwolf could explain better about Turkish military firepower versus ISIS savages.

GCC countries:

Supported by the US and US puppets in general, which ensures that their regimes will not fall as ISIS is American creation for 'non-compliant' countries.


Resurgent and defied even the full force of US and NATO fury by crushing FSA (with Russian help of course). Syrian military fought relentlessly despite suffering horrors for its soldiers from FSA barbarians of CIA. Now an Assad, even more convinced of his power and reassured by his people who supported him throughout, will come raining down on ISIS.

Countries like Lebanon, Jordan etc can fall though.


Despite their weakening economy, they are tough as nails when it comes to combat. While we have our differences, NONE of our soldiers or veterans ever found Pakistani military forces a pushover in a head on combat. To take over Pakistan would mean to dismantle Pakistani Army; something even their own democratic leaders cannot do. Even if civilian government there fails, the Army won't. In South Asian strategic circles, Pakistan is referred as an Army with a nation instead of a nation with an army.

On top of its ability to recruit non-military soldiers, and its more than half a million troops, hundreds of tanks and fighter jets, you are talking about a nuclear capable nation.

Us (India):

1- Non-Islamic and therefore no baggage. Culturally strong.
2- The most powerful country in South and Southeast Asia.
3- Asia's third largest economy.
4- World's 2nd largest standing army; totally apolitical and having a rich experience in crushing jihadism.
5- A massive nuclear arsenal and space power.
6- And on top of all this, A leader that won't hesitate to butcher terrorists cold. :butcher:


Take everything above and multiply it two-three times.

ISIS would be making the biggest mistake of its life if it threatens any country on this side of the Gulf.

Forget individual fighting against ISIS; all we have to do is support Iranian special forces militarily.

Even CIA isn't that capable, let alone their new pet pooches.
And in the process challenge three nuclear powers, and half a dozen non-nuclear military powers with functioning economies.

Let's see:


A Shiite military power with immense firepower in the Middle East. Ruled by a single party state capable of taking tough decisions instantly and implement them against enemies of the state. Is militarily, economically and ideologically far more powerful than a bunch of rag tag barbarians like ISIS killing people just for fun and asking people to follow their own created religion of anarchy and chaos.

Considering the proximity of Iran to Iraq, I am sure that their military and special forces are ready to face ISIS head-on

@haman10 can easily tell us here what Iran would do to ISIS.


While Turks like to support US in general due to their commitment to NATO, any compromise on their country would not be tolerated. They are one of the strongest non-nuclear powers in Eurasian region and have a robust, democratic and systematic structure.

Perhaps @atatwolf could explain better about Turkish military firepower versus ISIS savages.

GCC countries:

Supported by the US and US puppets in general, which ensures that their regimes will not fall as ISIS is American creation for 'non-compliant' countries.


Resurgent and defied even the full force of US and NATO fury by crushing FSA (with Russian help of course). Syrian military fought relentlessly despite suffering horrors for its soldiers from FSA barbarians of CIA. Now an Assad, even more convinced of his power and reassured by his people who supported him throughout, will come raining down on ISIS.

Countries like Lebanon, Jordan etc can fall though.


Despite their weakening economy, they are tough as nails when it comes to combat. While we have our differences, NONE of our soldiers or veterans ever found Pakistani military forces a pushover in a head on combat. To take over Pakistan would mean to dismantle Pakistani Army; something even their own democratic leaders cannot do. Even if civilian government there fails, the Army won't. In South Asian strategic circles, Pakistan is referred as an Army with a nation instead of a nation with an army.

On top of its ability to recruit non-military soldiers, and its more than half a million troops, hundreds of tanks and fighter jets, you are talking about a nuclear capable nation.

Us (India):

1- Non-Islamic and therefore no baggage. Culturally strong.
2- The most powerful country in South and Southeast Asia.
3- Asia's third largest economy.
4- World's 2nd largest standing army; totally apolitical and having a rich experience in crushing jihadism.
5- A massive nuclear arsenal and space power.
6- And on top of all this, A leader that won't hesitate to butcher terrorists cold. :butcher:


Take everything above and multiply it two-three times.

ISIS would be making the biggest mistake of its life if it threatens any country on this side of the Gulf.

Forget individual fighting against ISIS; all we have to do is support Iranian special forces militarily.

Even CIA isn't that capable, let alone their new pet pooches.
How come the creator is not capable enough to handle them,,

before that, their were 2-3 maps released in Western media. which showing Iraq into 3 different separate independent states, Saudi , Lebanon in to 14 small states.. so if the map of ISIS not work out, then the CIA planed these 2 Map would done their part.. and all big countries will be dis integrated into small states...
We should have to stop both the things before it happens...
The saudis have been funding these cannibals for ages. There is no mistaking that. That they will be consumed by their own creation is a matter of karma. But make no mistake, the house of saud has been behind these monkey since the womb and with them they will share the tomb.

The cia and turkey and gutter and the usa are unfortunately along for the ride. I just hope Russia Syria Iran China and India can unite to erase the disease from the civilized world. And soon.



plz checkout the New map made and circulated online by #ISIS.. then you will come to know that they are planning to spread from 1 end of the Europe, covering Northern Africa till the Bhutan.. and that is covering Saudi Arabia also... that Map or controlling Saudi means they are not influenced by Wahabis...and nor by any Sunni as they are Damaging few of the Sunni Saints and Important sites and Shrines up till now,,, & also they are threatening to damage or destroy Shia shrines also...
so that means they are not envisioned by any Muslim ideology.. only CIA or Mossad's Ideology as they are using US Weapons, and their Training also what they received for Syrian regime....
How come the creator is not capable enough to handle them,,

before that, their were 2-3 maps released in Western media. which showing Iraq into 3 different separate independent states, Saudi , Lebanon in to 14 small states.. so if the map of ISIS not work out, then the CIA planed these 2 Map would done their part.. and all big countries will be dis integrated into small states...
We should have to stop both the things before it happens...

Listen, I can get 10 gun-totting madmen and issue dozens of maps after killing a few unarmed citizens.

DOES it make me a threat compared to big countries? NO. Not in hell no.

Iraq was barely recovering from its turmoils that fell again. ISIS cannot even take over Afghan Army right now which is more than enough to deal with them in both firearms, fighting spirit and capabilities, forget fighting Iran, Pakistan or us and the Chinese.

CIA has constantly sought to shape the globe and for years has continued its harsh activities. Sadly, now even Americans except those in government have no say to stop or question them. With absolute republic state authority getting stronger in US, thanks to drones and what not, this is only set to grow. We shouldn't underestimate them but at the same time calling them a national threat even for Syria is silly.

US is trying to achieve what it failed miserably during 2003 in Iraq and 2013 in Syria.
Forget individual fighting against ISIS; all we have to do is support Iranian special forces militarily.
brother , unfortunately none of iranian special forces (Saberin , Zarbat , NOHAD , Takavaran ....) are involved in iraq . NONE .

the reason is simple : According to iranian constitution , Iraq must formally and officially ask for our help . this is just the first step . then the iranian parliament (majles) will take care of the rest and orders forces to be deployed .

dont believe the rumors told by the media and just believe your eyes !! firstly , after 3-4 weeks of battle , there is no single picture of iranian forces in iraq . aint that strange ? secondly why should iran be cautious about sending forces to iraq ? when iran says we sent no forces then thats it !! we are not ashamed of doing so .

secondly , u really think that our special forces are so dumb that cant repel a bunch of retard monkeys from attacking a neighboring country ?

Takavar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

takavaran is hardly the 4th special force that iran has .

there are several reasons behind the failure of iraqi forces in stopping ISIS and none are related to military power .

betrayal is the main reason
yesterday Times of India also
brother , unfortunately none of iranian special forces (Saberin , Zarbat , ?

Takavar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

takavaran is hardly the 4th special force that iran has .

there are several reasons behind the failure of iraqi forces in stopping ISIS and none are related to military power .

betrayal is the main reason

Takavar-they have only 200 odd soldiers..
i am not counting on their abilities, or dis regards.. but all the groups you have have are limited in numbers.. but #ISIS have in quantity, and still they are increasing in size. I think Iran will not be having any prob. as they don't have any extremist or Militancy much in power or in number as they are in other countries like India and Pakistan etc.. as it's talk of the town In intelligence and Strategical think tanks that Pakistani and Indian Muslims are in great numbers in mid east and gulf region.. so they could be their instant foot soldiers as they will get instant hard cash to join them ,, and also after Iran, India is the second largest Shia Majority country.. and may be that Sunni Shia will play it's part in Indian streets as well.. and may be that #ISIS will use all their connections and also bring all the facets together and make a big Revolution that is emitting from all of the countries.. and may that will transect towards Iran..

but what so ever, the End games being started and also end of times is near...
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