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Syrian TV arrests a Jordanian terrorist during an interview MUST WATCH

Bro there is a difference between Nominal GDP and PPP and what matters is Nominal GDP.

Syria - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There are 350 thousand Syrians who were living in Egypt even before the Syrian revolution and another 0.5 million working in Jordan .

Both Egypt and Jordan are poor countries yet Syrians sought to work there and I did not add the large numbers in the gulf where they work for 300 dollars per month.

I have tons of Syrians here and if they read what you wrote about how " rich " Syria is then their reply to you would be horrible.

Syria is simply a failed state and people deserve a much better government than this, if Syria was prosperous as you claim people would have not went out against government in first place.

Calling other countries failed state is considered trolling. Kindly stop.
the whole universe, including martians... now go watch Al3brieyh report of how the Iranian plane fell in Damascus Airport and it got destroyed, or a better report of how Syria killed the Turkish pilot by executing them and taking them back to deep sea and put them back in their seats...

LoL. The rewards Al-Arabyia collected internationally are probably more than enough to proven its credibility :lol:
Syria was never prosperous let us not make up lies , back in 2010 Syria GDP was 2400 dollars , even drivers in UAE earn more than this .

What lead to the current crises in Syria was the water shortage that took place in 2009 as a result of Turkish Dam buildings over tigris and euhprates basins which caused 3 million Syrian farmers to lose their Jobs and abandon their villages and town. These people with no Jobs lead the protests in 2011 but ofcourse the violent government response using army instead of riot police and interference of foreign powers like Turkey , Iran and Qatar lead this conflict to turn into a full blown civil war.

Syria was never peaceful it always had ethnic tensions beneath the surface, its just because it had a strong central government is what helped keep things under control , all analysts predicted Syria to explode especially when it had 30% unemployment rate , high poverty rate and unequal distribution of income .

Syria Just has the same problems as other countries like Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen , but due to its mutli-ethnic and religious components and discrimination against various sects like kurds and sunnis by the alawi minority for 40 years is what lead things to explode in Syria .

Same happened in Iraq when saddam persecuted Shia and kurds until it exploded in 1990 after second gulf war.

The baath party has done horrible things in both Syria and Iraq under Saddam and Hafez-Al assad.

If Assad was sunni and the majority were shia then gulf would have supported Assad and Iran supported the rebels.

Sadly sectarianism is what causing conflicts in middle east and we are all responsible for it.

Both Alawis and Sunnis are victims in this war but again its hard to built trust between the two communities anymore , reconciliation will take a long time .

lets not argue on who is right or wrong now but find a solution to end this mess either through partition or Assad accepts a power sharing agreement with limited powers to ensure other sects in Syria will join in ruling to .

I tend to agree with brother Mahatir's post. Although I believe Assad no longer has any legitimacy as a ruler, nor that partition perhaps is the correct solution.
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