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Syrian Air Force Launches Heavy Strikes on Jihadist Bases near Turkish Border


Sep 18, 2019
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United States
BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:00 A.M.) – The Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) launched heavy strikes on the jihadist bases near the Turkish border on Saturday.

According to a field report from northwestern Syria, the Syrian Air Force heavily targeted bases and dens belonging to Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) and the Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP) in western Aleppo.

The airstrikes reportedly spread to the Idlib and Hama governorates, where the warplanes targeted jihadist trenches and hideouts in areas like Jabal Al-Zawiya and the Al-Ghaab Plain.

Despite the presence of Turkish air defense systems near the city of Idlib, the Syrian Air Force conducted these airstrikes with virtually no resistance.

Since receiving a new batch of MiG-29 jets from the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Syrian Air Force has intensified their strikes against the jihadist forces in Idlib, Aleppo, Latakia, and Hama.

In addition to receiving these aircraft, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has also acquired a new batch of tanks and armored vehicles from the Russian Ministry of Defense.

These latest deliveries from the Russian Ministry of Defense come at a time when the Syrian Army prepares to launch a new attack inside the Idlib Governorate.

Bayraktar TB-2 and ANKA-S UCAVs with 8km MAM-L laser guided ammunition killed 3.322 Assad Regime militia including 6 generals and Iran backed terrorists including Hezbollah's elite Radwan unit and destroyed
8 Air Defense Systems
155 Tanks
51 Howitzers
29 AFVs
68 Military Vehicles
15 Anti Tank Weapons
36 Pick-up mounted anti aircraft guns
49 Ammunition Trucks
10 Ammunition Storage
2 Missile Systems

Russia,Iran,ASSAD Regime,Shiite Militias again preparing for attacking Idlib under the mask of fighting HTS
Turkish Army with over 3.500 Tanks,Howitzers,IFVs,AFVs,MLRS and tens of thousands of Turkish - SNA soldiers are in Idlib to kick all of them

this time we will burn Lakatia and Damascus with Ballistic Missiles , MLRS and Turkish Airforce
and shitty MIG-29s can not stop the Turkish Airforce
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BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:00 A.M.) – The Syrian Arab Air Force (SyAAF) launched heavy strikes on the jihadist bases near the Turkish border on Saturday.

According to a field report from northwestern Syria, the Syrian Air Force heavily targeted bases and dens belonging to Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS) and the Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP) in western Aleppo.

The airstrikes reportedly spread to the Idlib and Hama governorates, where the warplanes targeted jihadist trenches and hideouts in areas like Jabal Al-Zawiya and the Al-Ghaab Plain.

Despite the presence of Turkish air defense systems near the city of Idlib, the Syrian Air Force conducted these airstrikes with virtually no resistance.

Since receiving a new batch of MiG-29 jets from the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Syrian Air Force has intensified their strikes against the jihadist forces in Idlib, Aleppo, Latakia, and Hama.

In addition to receiving these aircraft, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has also acquired a new batch of tanks and armored vehicles from the Russian Ministry of Defense.

These latest deliveries from the Russian Ministry of Defense come at a time when the Syrian Army prepares to launch a new attack inside the Idlib Governorate.

What air defence? Manpads or hawk?lol
Bayraktar TB-2 and ANKA-S UCAVs with 8km MAM-L laser guided ammunition killed 3.322 Assad Regime militia including 6 generals and Iran backed terrorists including Hezbollah's elite Radwan unit and destroyed
8 Air Defense Systems
155 Tanks
51 Howitzers
29 AFVs
68 Military Vehicles
15 Anti Tank Weapons
36 Pick-up mounted anti aircraft guns
49 Ammunition Trucks
10 Ammunition Storage
2 Missile Systems

Russia,Iran,ASSAD Regime,Shiite Militias again preparing for attacking Idlib under the mask of fighting HTS
Turkish Army with over 3.500 Tanks,Howitzers,IFVs,AFVs,MLRS and tens of thousands of Turkish - SNA soldiers are in Idlib to kick all of them

this time we will burn Lakatia and Damascus with Ballistic Missiles , MLRS and Turkish Airforce
and shitty MIG-29s can not stop the Turkish Airforce
Have nothing to do with the thread.
Also show me any Iranian died by you guys in last round of clashes.
Also HTS is a recognized terrorist group even by Turkey . wonder why you guys don't do anything about them controlling 80% of idlib under your watch so SAA don't have you do the job.
Also HTS is a recognized terrorist group even by Turkey . wonder why you guys don't do anything about them controlling 80% of idlib under your watch so SAA don't have you do the job.

there is no difference between S.Arabia - The Uae backed HTS and Iran backed Terror groups including Hezbollah

even Iran backed Terror groups including Hezbollah and Assad Regime who killed hundreds of thousands of Syrian civilians are 1000 times worse than HTS

Turkish Armed Forces never will allow Iran backed radical sectarian Terror groups including Hezbollah and Assad Regime to kill another hundreds of thousands of Syrian civilians and to force another millions of Syrian civiilians to move from their lands to Turkiye under the mask of fighting HTS

IDLIB is belong to 4 million sunni muslim Syrians
wth Iran backed radical sectarian shiite Terror groups including Hezbollah and Assad Regime are doing in Idlib ?

murderer dictator Assad is not leader of Syrian People and who elected Assad ? Nobody
and 4 million sunni muslim Syrians in Idlib so hate Iran backed radical sectarian shiite Terror groups including Hezbollah and Assad Regime
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Expectedly, only an Iranian likes the fake news. This kind of fake news attitude is seen with LNA, YPG like sources lol
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there is no difference between S.Arabia - The Uae backed HTS and Iran backed Terror groups including Hezbollah
the difference is in all your ceasefire treaty in idlib with Syria and Russia it came that hts must be disbanded . in non of them there is such clauses about our backed force . more importantly nor Syria neither turkey consider the group we back as terrorist but both of them consider hts as terrorists
even Iran backed Terror groups including Hezbollah and Assad Regime who killed hundreds of thousands of Syrian civilians are 1000 times worse than HTS
again above point
Turkish Armed Forces never will allow Iran backed radical sectarian Terror groups including Hezbollah and Assad Regime to kill another hundreds of thousands of Syrian civilians and to force another millions of Syrian civilians to move from their lands to Turkiye under the mask of fighting HTS
then do something about HTS
IDLIB is belong to 4 million sunni muslim Syrians
wth Iran backed radical sectarian shiite Terror groups including Hezbollah and Assad Regime are doing in Idlib ?
your exact word show to all who is sectarian
murderer dictator Assad is not leader of Syrian People and who elected Assad ? Nobody
and 4 million sunni muslim Syrians in Idlib so hate Iran backed radical sectarian shiite Terror groups including Hezbollah and Assad Regime
who elected HTS and other terror group you support ?nobody while Assad even according to his enemies have support of majority of Syrian people.
and why there is no election in Syria , didn't Assad offered one and you guys and the one you support , feared to compete with him and said boycotted any election he participate in ?

Expectedly, only an Iranian likes the fake news. This kind of fake news attitude is seen with LNA, YPG like sources lol
Fun Fact about the thread , there are 6 Turks present here only one Iranian present and I only posted after a Turkish member started to post nonsense and lied about Iran here
another fact about the news is that the source of the news is Al-Masdar News which is not Iranian at all and even don't have a Persian site while it has English, Arabic, Turkish, Spanish, Russian, German, Serbo-Croatian language site.
another fun fact is that the news was not even posted by an Iranian member but a Pakistani one and you guys have to blame Iran.
It show the level of obsession mental occupation of some of our members here with Iran.
the difference is in all your ceasefire treaty in idlib with Syria and Russia it came that hts must be disbanded . in non of them there is such clauses about our backed force . more importantly nor Syria neither turkey consider the group we back as terrorist but both of them consider hts as terrorists

again above point

then do something about HTS

your exact word show to all who is sectarian

who elected HTS and other terror group you support ?nobody while Assad even according to his enemies have support of majority of Syrian people.
and why there is no election in Syria , didn't Assad offered one and you guys and the one you support , feared to compete with him and said boycotted any election he participate in ?

Fun Fact about the thread , there are 6 Turks present here only one Iranian present and I only posted after a Turkish member started to post nonsense and lied about Iran here
another fact about the news is that the source of the news is Al-Masdar News which is not Iranian at all and even don't have a Persian site while it has English, Arabic, Turkish, Spanish, Russian, German, Serbo-Croatian language site.
another fun fact is that the news was not even posted by an Iranian member but a Pakistani one and you guys have to blame Iran.
It show the level of obsession mental occupation of some of our members here with Iran.
I am talking @Mithridates , didn't even notice you lol
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