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Syria 'regains control' of strategic Qusayr


Feb 12, 2013
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State TV says southwest city, which has been under siege for more than two weeks, is now in hands of government forces.

The Syrian army has regained control of the strategic city of Qusayr on the border with Lebanon, Syrian state television has reported.

"Our heroic armed forces have returned security and stability to all of the town of Qusayr," a statement carried by the station said on Wednesday.

Government and rebel forces have been fighting a fierce battle for the control of the city for more than two weeks. The city is on a critical cross-border supply route between Lebanon and Syria.

Al Jazeera's Rula Amin, reporting from the Lebanese capital Beirut, said the report was "just a claim" from a pro-government TV station, but added that it had been preceded by regime forces' gains on the battle field.

"What we know is that the government made significant advances yesterday," she said, adding fighting was continuing as there were still "pockets of resistance" in the town.

Qusayr remains a strategic town for government troops and the Lebanese Hezbollah fighters battling alongside regime forces, said our correspondent.

Syrian troops backed by Hezbollah fighters have besieged the town, which controls vital supply routes from Lebanon and access between the capital Damascus and the coastal heartland of President Bashar al-Assad's minority Alawite sect.

Missile hits Aleppo

News of Qusayr's recapture came amid reports a missile had struck near the country's biggest city, Aleppo, killing 26 people.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), the activists' network, said on Tuesday there were numerous dead on both government and rebel sides but gave no other details.

US-based group Human Rights Watch, meanwhile, said its mission to Aleppo had concluded that the bodies of 147 men pulled out of a local river between January and March were "probably" executed in government-controlled areas of the city.

The SOHR also said shellfire near the Russian embassy in Damascus had killed a civilian and wounded a member of the security forces.

A representative of the Russian embassy in Damascus told the AFP news agency two Syrian security guards had sustained injuries but that no embassy staff had been killed or hurt in the attack.

Qusayr had come under renewed missile and air attack on Tuesdasy as fighting there dragged into a third week.

The situation there prompted fresh calls for humanitarian access to offer some relief to the thousands trapped by government forces.

source: Syria 'regains control' of strategic Qusayr - Middle East - Al Jazeera English
BBC and Reuters are reporting that Rebels have accepted that Qusair is now in control of Syrian Arab Army.
They are telling they pulled the remaining of their fighters as they knew they won't be able to withstand the latest dawn offensive launched by SAA with elite Hezbollah fighters in the front of the offensive.
@Yzd Khalifa and @BLACKEAGLE will suffer from Cardiac arrest after hearing this news.

Nah, I dont think it will be THAT dramatic for them. But they'll still be in denial and recycle military videos of insignificant importance and videos of Hezbollah funerals (at least they get a proper one, unlike the Wahhabi rats who are left to rot) to convince themselves they are winning.
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@Yzd Khalifa and @BLACKEAGLE will suffer from Cardiac arrest after hearing this news.

One thing it has shown is that the khaleejis and their fancy western war toys are useless without western military to guide them step by step like a kid. Even in syria, no matter what ksa or qatar do, unless west comes into the party, it is lost for the rebels. And the more the war prolongs, the more moderate elements are sidelined and the more the syrian people loose faith in them. Double whammy.

Iran on the other hand has proved that it can look after its interests in an effective way - atleast till now. Have to give them that.
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BBC and Reuters are reporting that Rebels have accepted that Qusair is now in control of Syrian Arab Army.
They are telling they pulled the remaining of their fighters as they knew they won't be able to withstand the latest dawn offensive launched by SAA with elite Hezbollah fighters in the front of the offensive.
those aren't Hezbollah fighters, they are Syrian and are trained by Hezbollah, and it was Iranian suggestion, now Syrian government is using the power of people to maintains the security.
Israel strategists couldn't guess their plan for destroying the pro-resistance government in Syria would lead to creating a new Hezbollah in that country.
However calling them Hezbollah isn't accurate too, they are like Basij in Iran, ordinary people who have received basic trainings and will join the army in case of need. in cities they provide the security too, so in Syria, rebels can't easily attack and capture part of city anymore, cause people of that neighborhood would stand against them, till the support of army arrives.
I saw it earlier on presstv, there is youtube video of Syrian Army entering the city of Kausar.

Those Takfiri Wahabbi Salafi hypocrites some of them say the NATO Forces are Mujahedin. The Same NATO that is droning pakistan? SAME NATO that invaded and killed Iraqis and Afghanis? Same NATO made by USA, UK and French Colonizers that Crested Israel? And Supports Israel? These Crusaders that destroyed their Ottoman Empire Khilafa will help them make a "New Khilafa"? Maybe Sultan Erdogan?

101 Q&A with Arab Wahabbi Salafi Hypocrites

Q1. Why he is taking funds from Crusader and Israel to Wage this Kosher Jewhad?
A. I got a response basically "Shia is Kuffar and We will Kill them and establish some Khilafa with Sultan Erdogan"

Q2. Why dont you go Liberate Israel instead of 2 years in the back side of Assad?
A, Response I got "Hizbullah, Russia and Iran are stopping us.

How Stupid are these Wahabbis? Salafis? These Arabi, London and Western "Muslims". I saw a Video and this guy keeps saying the F world, in a British Accent. And then the regular "Allahu Akbar" guys who think saying this makes them muslim. (Actually He Wants a Snakebar). Saudi, Qatari, Jordani PG Arab Wahabbi Salafi FSA Supporter dogs dig up 1400 year old body of Hujur Adi in Syria who was a close shahaba of Prophet(SWA). Heart Eating FSA are takfiri kufar dogs, When was the last time you Arab Wahabbis fought the Israelis? Who Liberated Lebanon? Your Father NATO or FSA? They Make friendship and alliance with the Zionists (Crusaders and their EU Zio Jews)

They only way they will win Syria is if they can get a NATO "No Fly Zone". Which will become difficult as I read in RT news that Putin will keep arming assad with S300. US Attacks Syria then it will bring WW3. And an End to British Installed Yehudi Rats from Jordan, Qatar, Bahrain and Saudi.

:yahoo: watch?v=_6s3wRp0x8o :yahoo:
I'm wondering what happened to all of those videos and claims, I guess Hollywood couldn't help them in reality.

I talked with a wahabbi/salafi from Switzerland in youtube. And responded to another Australian salafi/wahabbi MooshMoosh in this forum.

Both say Iran and Hezbollah is taking help from Israel and according to them Saddam, USA, UK were actually fighting a proxy war with Israel in 80 because Israel was backing Iran. Look at the 'Civil unrest in Bahrain: News & Discussions' Topic. this people make stupid unreliable fake claims to justify everything. Just add "Allahu Akbar" at the end and everything is okay for them. :cuckoo:
I m not the one to judge Assad. Its the people of Syria who will. But all my prayers and wishes are for Syria. They must prevail in this war over foreign funded terrorists.

Syria must keep its religious harmony intact. This influx of Saudi and Qatari funded terrorists will create sectarian conflict that will rip Syria apart, God forbid, like Iraq.
As you all can see PDF religious double standards at its best.

They call us Takfiris yet the mantle if Takfiris goes to them with flying colors. As far as I can see people who call is Kuffars are supported with tooth and nail here.
I know from research and experience that a lot of sectarian conflict created in the Muslim world, the financing and support is coming from rich Gulf states - mostly from Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and UAE.

This has created sectarian demons in Pakistan where none ever existed before Afghan war. I wont go as far as calling anyone takfiri but Saudi Arabia is definitely a bad influence on the Muslim world. Its a country that uses its resources for bringing harm to the Islamic world and that appeases our enemies no end.

Al-Qaeda's main source of financial support comes from Saudi Arabia.
The rebels will be crushed ruthlessly once Assad wins...Really what was the point of this bloody conflict?

NATO countries just screwed up more money into this pointless war.
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