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Syria rebels say they have received new types of arms

Can you back that up
South east Iraq is not under control by any militia or proxy, no Shia or Iranian militia is allowed to operate in Iraq, the mahdi army which was the biggest militia has been disarmed and held a parade when the US left though a parade with no weapons, if they want to do that let them have fun and parade.

Your worry should be South Lebanon not Iraq.

My prediction is that Iraq is not going to survive as a country. It will be partitioned along sectarian and ethnic lines. After the war is over in Syria, the next wars are going to be in Lebanon and Iraq. You have to thank the Iranian Mullah's for this predicament. I have no role in this, just making predictions, that is all.
My prediction is that Iraq is not going to survive as a country. It will be partitioned along sectarian and ethnic lines. After the war is over in Syria, the next wars are going to be in Lebanon and Iraq. You have to thank the Iranian Mullah's for this predicament. I have no role in this, just making predictions, that is all.

Ofcourse, what else would you think after this is all what the media spreads since this is what the west and these Saudis that thanked you want.
Joe biden mentioned this plan + mentioned being a zionist.

There is a chance of KRG taking independence, as for sunni-shia division in Iraq is unlikely.
There is a chance of KRG taking independence, as for sunni-shia division in Iraq is unlikely.

An independent Kurdish republic would be a nightmare for Turkey.

Who's calling the shots in Iraq these days, anyway?
saudia is main cause of problem in Muslim world
1st they destroy Iraq than Libya now Syria just to for the western interest
but this fire one day will coming in their homes
at the name of shia Sunni they are killing Muslim every where

no 1 still know the leader of Syrians rebel
same like Libyan rebels
An independent Kurdish republic would be a nightmare for Turkey.

Who's calling the shots in Iraq these days, anyway?

Turkey is facing some internal problems now, Erdogans plans differ from the Kemalist ideology that they should follow according to law, what KRG is going to do depends on Turkey.
Maliki is the one that makes the decisions,because of democracy decisions are made slow.
saudia is main cause of problem in Muslim world
1st they destroy Iraq than Libya now Syria just to for the western interest
but this fire one day will coming in their homes
at the name of shia Sunni they are killing Muslim every where

no 1 still know the leader of Syrians rebel
same like Libyan rebels

There is no rebels - its just a name given to them by the West. They are group of zionists infiltrating handful of Syrian locals to participate in this bloodshed.

Since the army has took over lots of areas recently, rather than stop the bloodshed the h@rami westerners are now saying they will arm these rebels so bloodhsed can be reduced. How will it be reduced? It will be increased!!!
It's exactly the missile what must be looked if you want to tell difference between HJ-8 and MIRAL ER. Launcher do look very similar.

One fired from rebel launcher, look at the body of missile.


All Milan missiles are not similar to variant ‘Milan ER’. It's just me by deduction who told that it was the ‘MILAN ER’. It's not the missile what must be looked to tell difference between ‘HJ-8’ and ‘MILAN ATGMs’.


Free Syrian Army used


This is not the missile that must be observed. Look ‘the reusable Command & launch unit (CLU)’ - ATGMs MILAN has a curved shape, in front down - and especially the target position of the shooter. To ATGMs MILAN, it is much low.

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