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Syria militants fighting in southeast Ukraine: Russian source

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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Syria militants fighting in southeast Ukraine: Russian source

Ukrainian mercenaries, who have fought alongside the militants in Syria, are now participating in operations against pro-Russia protesters in southeastern Ukraine, a Russian source says.

A source in the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces told ITAR-TASS news agency on Thursday that about 300 militants who have been fighting against the government of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria were involved in the military operation against pro-Russian protesters in southeastern Ukraine.

Ukraine’s acting President Oleksandr Turchynov launched ongoing military operations in the eastern and southern regions of Ukraine in mid-April in a bid to root out pro-Moscow protests there.

The Russian source added that the militants joined the battalion of Right Sector radicals, who have participated in the offensive. The militants are said to be from the western parts of Ukraine and among them are snipers and soldiers of Special Forces known for their cruelty.

Earlier this week, the head of Russian military’s General Staff, Valery Gerasimov, said private military companies and foreigners are fighting alongside Ukrainian forces in the country’s east.

Earlier this month, German press, including Bild am Sonntag and Der Spiegel, said some 400 elite commandos from Blackwater, a private military contracting firm, were involved in the military operation against the pro-Russia protesters in Ukraine.

In April, Russia’s Foreign Ministry also reported that some 150 US commandos from a private military firm, Greystone, had been deployed to Ukraine to help suppress the protest movement.

On May 22, Ivan Simonovic, the UN assistant secretary general for human rights, said that at least 127 people have been killed in a recent surge of violence in southern and eastern parts of Ukraine.

PressTV - Syria militants fighting in southeast Ukraine: Russian source
Yeah,because the war in Syria is over and they're not needed there anymore.

Another PressTV gem.
Not as bogus as reports about Chechen, Serbian, or South Ossetian militants fighting for Eastern Ukrainians.
lol well it might be true or it might just be russian propaganda.
Yeah,because the war in Syria is over and they're not needed there anymore.

Another PressTV gem.

Not. Colleague of mine today told that their mosque was giving sermons about joining the jihad in Crimea and Donetsk .The mullah claimed that Donetsk kafir russians are oppressing muslims there and harming the business of the caliph Akhmetov of Donetsk,yes they turned him into a caliph. Think about this. The amount of gibberish mullahs can spew is mind blowing .
Not. Colleague of mine today told that their mosque was giving sermons about joining the jihad in Crimea and Donetsk .The mullah claimed that Donetsk kafir russians are oppressing muslims there and harming the business of the caliph Akhmetov of Donetsk,yes they turned him into a caliph. Think about this. The amount of gibberish mullahs can spew is mind blowing .

But those are indigenous ukrainian tatar muslims and they have the right to take sides according to ground realities in ukraine. My ukrainian friend from west ukraine told me that tatar muslims in ukraine dont like interference from russians.
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