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Syria joins anti-chemical weapons treaty to prevent US strikes


Sep 21, 2011
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Syria has sought to join global anti-chemical weapons treaty as a part of the deal to avoid air strikes threatened by the US. According to Reuters, the United Nations has confirmed receiving a document from Syria on Thursday which is to be an accession document concerning the Chemical Weapons Convention. The documents are being translated, U.N. spokesman told the press. Syria is one of only seven countries not to have joined the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention, which commits members to completely destroying their stockpiles.
The US had declared its intentions to strike Syria for using chemical weapons on civilians on August 21, 2013 which Assad regime blames on the rebels. However, Russian on president’s diplomatic maneuvers, Assad's government agreed to a Russian plan to hand over its chemical arsenal to international control and join the convention.
Syria has taken the initiative in return for the US taking a U-turn and refraining from threatening to attack Syria, RIA news agency quoted President Bashar al-Assad as saying in a television interview. Assad also said that Damascus will begin handing over information on its chemical weapons stockpiles one month after it joins a anti-chemical weapons convention.
It is now clear that given a chance, diplomacy has played an effective role in averting a very serious crisis in the Middle East. It is, however, not clear if the US will continue to arm the rebels. It has separately been reported that American arms are flowing to rebels which are aided in anti-Assad fight by al Qaeda elements.

Syria joins anti-chemical weapons treaty to prevent US strikes
welcome decision by Syria on advice of Russia, US plans now gone up in air
The Russians say the only way to guarantee Syria be disarmed is to let Assad disarm at his own pace and choice. This doesn't sound like a very effective approach, especially given the Assads very long bad-faith record as both promiser and wrecker of international agreements.
Whatever it is I just hope that maggot assad is ousted today or tomorrow. Its just inconcieveable to grasp the fact that such a ****** low life will remain in power after committing such heinous atrocities. The syrian opposition should start interacting with all major powers to remove assad rather than appearing as a western poodle which many of them indeed are. If they agree to upholding major russian interest, I don't think Russia would mind kicking out assad and finding a common ground with US, Turkey & GCC regarding Syria.
If Assad did not have Public support he wont be able to rule syria in this crysis .

initially the people fall into the trap of foreign power and supported the FSA but after seeing their real face they realise their mistake and started going back to SAA and forming their little militia in the command of SAA to protect them self.

Even When all your neighbor supporting your enemy with all the latest weapon and intel they where not able to create libya like launching pad and now on the run and doing what TTP does in pakistan to create panic in the public .
Even with no US striks, Assad will be gone, his future is sealed.

why don't you go and join your fellow terrorists in Syria? They need your help. Sitting here supporting terrorism achieves nothing.
FSA Mistakes
making too many enemy

FSA consist of SALAFI only is syria 100% SALAFI i guess not .If FSA was revolution force then why no minority in that force .
[Bregs];4763413 said:
US plans now gone up in air

trust me, if they want to attack they may find a way/reason to attack sooner or later :whistle:
And your future sealed by proclaiming that you see future or unknown [ Ilm ul Gaib]

Say lā ʾilāha ʾillā l-Lāh, Muḥammadun rasūlu l-Lāh) (in Arabic)
There is no god but God, Muhammad is the messenger of God. (in English)

Even with no US striks, Assad will be gone, his future is sealed.

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