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'Swiss black money can take India to the top'

Screaming Skull

Mar 12, 2009
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Indian money stashed in the Swiss Bank has become a focal point of debate, especially after the Leader of Opposition and the Bharatiya Janata Party's prime ministerial candidate L K Advani raised the issue on Sunday. If elected, the BJP has vowed to bring the black money back home. Though the Congress dismissed the idea, the Swiss bank issue is slowly becoming a hot election issue.

In fact the BJP also plans to carry out a mock election across the country on April 6 where people will have to cast their vote indicating whether Indian money in Swiss banks should be brought back to India or not.

During his address, Advani said the BJP will form a task force comprising experts to prepare a strategic document for India to recommend ways to get back the national wealth stashed away illegally by corrupt politicians, businessmen and criminal overlords.

One of the names he mentioned in the task force is Professor R Vaidyanathan, Professor of Finance at the Indian Institute of Management, Bengaluru.

In this exclusive interview to rediff.com's Vicky Nanjappa, Vaidyanathan explains in detail the importance of bringing back the ill-gotten wealth and how the money got there in the first place.

Firstly how much Indian money do you think is stashed away in the Swiss Banks?

In 2006, the most recent Global Financial Integrity study, developing countries lost an estimated $858.6 billion (about Rs 43 lakh crore) to $1.06 trillion (abot Rs 51 lakh crore) in illicit financial outflows. Even at the lower end of the range of estimates, the volume of illicit financial flows coming out of developing countries increased at a compound rate of 18.2 percent over the five-year period analysed for the study. On average, for the five-year period of this study, Asia accounts for approximately 50 percent of overall illicit financial flows from all developing countries.

This report shows that the average amount stashed away from India annually during 2002-06 is $27.3 billion (about 136,466 crore). It means that during the five-year period the amount stashed away is 27.3x5=136.5 billion (about 692,328 crore). It is not that all these amounts went to Swiss banks. It has gone to different tax and secret shelters. The share of Swiss banks in dirty money being a third of the global aggregate, some $45 billion out of the 136.5 billion stashed away from India would have been hoarded in these years in Swiss banks.

The important point is that this is only for five years. More amounts were stashed away during the Nehruvian regime. So the loot for 55 years will be several times higher. In fact, in those days the rupee commanded a better value per dollar. So fewer rupee could get more dollars. So the estimation that the Indian money stashed away may be of the order of $1.4 trillion (about Rs 71 lakh crore).

On what basis have you come to this conclusion?

There is a lot of literature available as to how to estimate the illicit financial flow from developing countries. We find out what the nature of the flow is. I have also relied upon the study Illicit Financial Flows from Developing Countries: 2002-2006 Global Finanacial Intergrity authored by Dev Kar and Devon-Cartwright Smith, a project of the Ford Foundation. Financial flows in the context of this report includes the proceeds from both illicit activities such as corruption (bribery and embezzlement of national wealth), criminal activity, and the proceeds of ilicit business that become illicit when transported across borders in contravention of applicable laws and regulatory frameworks (most commonly in order to evade taxes).

Which are the various tax havens, where the ill-gotten wealth of Indian businessmen and politicians are stashed?

There are presumably more than 70 tax havens in the world. Indian wealth could be more in Switzerland and various British /US islands. At least 40 countries market themselves aggressively as tax havens [Source: Internal Revenue Service USA on Abusive Off-shore Tax Avoidance schemes �Talking Points Jan 2008]. The well-known tax havens are Switzerland/ Liechtenstein/Luxemburg/ Channel Islands etc.

Could you elaborate and tell us how the money got there in the first place?

There are several methods/reasons. Under invoicing/over invoicing of exports and imports and getting the balance stored abroad. Kickbacks from major defense/civilian contracts. Not bringing the earnings abroad. In the old days smuggling of gold and illegal money. Transactions done abroad and not reported here. Hawala funds. Funds earned by artists/ entertainment industry /sports people and stashed abroad. When you want to indulge in adharma, hundreds of ways are open!

We would like to know the terror connection. Do you think even terrorists are stashing away cash and using the tax haven route to send across money all over the world, to finance their activities?

M K Narayanan, our National Security Advisor, has spoken about it in Berlin recently.

Advani says that it is important to bring this money back. How can the government go about it and what are the various ways in which India can get its money back?

Put it on the Global Agenda. Put it in G-20. Put it in the International Monetary Fund. Put it in Egmont Group. Also take a lead among all developing countries. Support US /German/French efforts.

If India decides to take the initiative, will the Swiss authorities cooperate?

It is not due to our pressure but that of US which will make them co-operate. When a family is in deep financial crisis then it tries to look at the small amount saved under the sugar jar by grandma. Same way developed economies are desperate for every dollar. Even if we do not act due to their efforts the list of crooks may be out, then we will be in a dangerous social situation since the who's who of India will be there. Instead we should get it and get the funds and decide on the steps to sterilise it. Otherwise, the world will laugh at us.

Politicians sure must be having a lot of money in Swiss Banks. Do you think this factor will deter the government from acting?

Public pressure will make them do it. Plus, the evolving global situation against tax havens. The money belongs to the poor farmers and unorganised workers of India. Also, Indian businessmen have a lot of their ill-gotten gains in these banks. The world situation is such that Indian businessman will want to bring it back now given the attractive returns in India.

Do you think that the Indian government should demand all the Indian black money in Swiss banks?

Of course. India should and must act. We are not a banana republic.

You wrote in your column that the German foreign intelligence agency BND got names of 1,400 clients of the Liechtenstein-based LTG bank who were supposed to be suspected tax evaders. Of the 1,400, 600 were supposed to be Germans. Do you think of the remaining there will be Indians as well? Has the Indian government approached the German government for the list?

Indian names will be there. Our tax evaders and crooks are like the omnipresent Maha Vishnu -- present in all continents and all tax havens. But our government has been lukewarm in this issue. It should have despatched immediately senior officials to get the names.

Isn't it important to tackle the issue of domestic black money?

It is definitely important. At least the domestic black money is used in our economy and to that extent it is productive. But the money kept in Swiss banks is neither useful to India nor does it benefit Indians.

What role should the media play?

The media has a very important role to play. At the moment it seems like most part of the media is more interested in the diet of an actress. Pressure by the media needs to be built up on this issue and remember that a lot of Indians don't just go to Switzerland to ski.

What about the names of these persons?

India must try and get the names. But more importantly should get the money back. It should be top on the agenda and India ought to take a moral lead in this issue.

Will the Indian economy improve if the money is brought back?

It will do phenomenally. India will be in the top five league if all the ill-gotten money is brought back. It will change the Indian scenario and I have been saying this since 1993.

Do you think that these people will now try and pull out the money since this issue has become a hot topic?

I don't think so. If they do then India should create an instrument and regulate frameworks to bring the money back.

What kind of punishment do you suggest for these persons?

Punishment is not the issue now. There is a need to create fear in them and follow what the international community does on this issue.

Lastly do you think this is becoming just another election issue?

The US and Germany took the lead and there is no election there. We should not treat this as an election issue. We have to take up this matter and if we don't then we will become a laughing stock of the entire world.
Well finally this has become a serious election issue. I can clearly see the focus of various national parties changing from caste and religion based politics (though it is far from over!) to developmental issues.

1.4 Trillion USD is humungous by any strech of imagination!!!!! It s almost equal to India's GDP.

Please discuss the impact this will have on Indian economy and development. Also, suggest and discuss innovative ways to bring this money back without creating a national furore.

One possible way is to just bring the money back and just forget about the culprits. Don't reveal their names. This way the job will be done with minimum fuss and opposition.

What say????
Well I wonder if we can really trust BJP with this. How come Congress is not taking up this issue? Which party doesnt wish to see India shine?

Wonder how many of you have noitced. When terrorism, religion, Ram Mandir didnt work, BJP is now talking about money and economy.
Well I wonder if we can really trust BJP with this. How come Congress is not taking up this issue? Which party doesnt wish to see India shine?

Wonder how many of you have noitced. When terrorism, religion, Ram Mandir didnt work, BJP is now talking about money and economy.

Black Money in Swiss bank

Nothing will happen all politicians have a deal between themselves. Why is Advani bringing this up why he didn't address it when BJP was in power?
Well I wonder if we can really trust BJP with this. How come Congress is not taking up this issue? Which party doesnt wish to see India shine?

Wonder how many of you have noitced. When terrorism, religion, Ram Mandir didnt work, BJP is now talking about money and economy.

The point is that change is coming. The fact that 'terrorism, religion, Ram Mandir didnt work' is a collective victory for the whole nation. 2004 general elections was a slap on the face for BJP. Anyway it doesn't matter as to who raises the issue. The issue has been raised and we need to see how far these guys will go to enforce a change that is so badly needed.
Black Money in Swiss bank

Nothing will happen all politicians have a deal between themselves. Why is Advani bringing this up why he didn't address it when BJP was in power?

Nothing more then cheap politics he is just doing this to convince Average joe that rest of politicians are corrupt and i am the bright light.

They didnt ask for the list as politicians asking for the list will have there names on it:rofl:

And i am 100000% sure there pakistani countrparts are there 2 on that list some where:sniper:
But the big question is whether we can risk the future of our country in the hands of BJP at this moment. I am sure they are not even mildly capable of of leading the country the way Manmohan Singh government is. I mean just look at the last five years, they have been phenomenal.

On the contrary we all so what hapened durng the time of NDA, except 2 wars which we won, there was little to no development 'strategy', I remember their manifesto, where they aimed at 7-8% growth in 2003 elections. And congress took it to 9.2%!!!!

Ill be glad if Congress can also assure us of bringing the money from the swiss banks. Noone should vote for a party whose assurances are hypothetical.
Black Money in Swiss bank

Nothing will happen all politicians have a deal between themselves. Why is Advani bringing this up why he didn't address it when BJP was in power?

I agree that bringing back Black money is a good idea.

But the Alibaba report is seriously flawed. The study they quote either does not exist or is made up - the source for that 1.5 Billion figure according to them is the swiss banks groups annual report. I read all the reports from 2000 on and could find nothing there.
The one valid study is http://www.gfip.org/storage/gfip/executive%20- final version 1-5-09.pdf which says that India lost $27Billion in 2006. BJP multiplies this with 5 to get a 5 year total - which I think is incorrect. 2006 was one of the great years industry wise/economy wise. So 2001-2006 outflows would have been smaller (and early 2007 much higher, but after that almost nil).

Another thing they are not considering is that a lot of the money that flows out flows right back in through Benami channels. For example a common strategy in Kerala was to send money to Gulf and then bring it back through remittances by expatriates. Another one (more Mumbai) was for companies to over/under invoice, take money out of the country, channel it through Mauritius and then buy back stocks etc.(back in India, mostly company stock) The maximum you can get back is taxes (30%) plus penalties (30-whatever is left over).

I am not trying to badmouth the idea of bringing money back, but saying that "we will get all the money back" or "once we get that money we will be rich" is over-optimistic.

It also is attacking the wrong part of the problem - We should target the creation of black money i.e. Real estate deals (where people use black money to avoid stamp duty), Politics, Corruption etc. Trying to get the black money back after it is created is like putting the genie back in the bottle.

Again, I love that a major party is thinking about this. I like the good intentions, but I think some of it is based on bad data and may end up being difficult to implement.
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I agree that bringing back Black money is a good idea.

But the Alibaba report is seriously flawed. The study they quote either does not exist or is made up - the source for that 1.5 Billion figure according to them is the swiss banks groups annual report. I read all the reports from 2000 on and could find nothing there.
The one valid study is http://www.gfip.org/storage/gfip/executive - final version 1-5-09.pdf which says that India lost $27Billion in 2006. BJP multiplies this with 5 to get a 5 year total - which I think is incorrect. 2006 was one of the great years industry wise/economy wise. So 2001-2006 outflows would have been smaller (and early 2007 much higher, but after that almost nil).

Another thing they are not considering is that a lot of the money that flows out flows right back in through Benami channels. For example a common strategy in Kerala was to send money to Gulf and then bring it back through remittances by expatriates. Another one (more Mumbai) was for companies to over/under invoice, take money out of the country, channel it through Mauritius and then buy back stocks etc.(back in India, mostly company stock) The maximum you can get back is taxes (30%) plus penalties (30-whatever is left over).

I am not trying to badmouth the idea of bringing money back, but saying that "we will get all the money back" or "once we get that money we will be rich" is over-optimistic.

It also is attacking the wrong part of the problem - We should target the creation of black money i.e. Real estate deals (where people use black money to avoid stamp duty), Politics, Corruption etc. Trying to get the black money back after it is created is like putting the genie back in the bottle.

Again, I love that a major party is thinking about this. I like the good intentions, but I think some of it is based on bad data and may end up being difficult to implement.

Point taken wtf. But what I actually wanted to emphasize here is that slowly major issues like corruption are featuring in the election agenda of major political parties in India. We also saw the 'Right to Information Act' being enforced by the UPA govt. It just shows that parties are taking this issue very seriously. As long as this attitude persists, we can expect change to come. If not now then definitely by 2020.

Whether we are able to bring the money back or not depends on the political will of the ruling party and the public pressure created by the citizens and the media.

Personally I feel it is very difficult if not impossible to bring this money back as the Swiss economy really thrives on this money and will topple overnight if such a huge sum is withdrawn. Therefore there will be huge opposition from the governments of these countries even if some party decides to take the decisive step.

Having said all this, I also feel that there will never be another opportune moment for all the countries of South Asia including Pakistan and Bangladesh to collectively come up with a formula to bring their respective country's wealth back. Countries like USA and Germany are going after the Swiss govt very seriously and it is up to us to join them.

If we miss this opportunity of collectively pressurizing the Swiss govt now with US and other countries during this economic meltdown, I am afraid that we may never be able to do it at another date in the future.

April 08, 2009

Responding to Bharatiya Janata Party leader L K Advani's allegations about black money hoarded in Swiss bank accounts, Jairam Ramesh, the man in charge of the Congress' campaign for the forthcoming Lok Sabha polls, has advised the party's prime ministerial candidate against using 'obscure and unauthenicated Internet sources' to back his claims.

In a curtly worded letter to Advani, Ramesh accuses him of lying on the issue, claiming that the numbers presented by the BJP leader were a 'total hoax'.

This is the letter written by Ramesh to Advani:

Dear Shri Advani,

I have always been amused by the sources you cite in your speeches in Parliament and outside. But your use of some obscure and unauthenicated Internet source to raise the pitch on Indian money stashed away in Swiss banks is really the limit. It is not just amusing. It is shocking, coming from a leader of your purported stature.

To put it bluntly, Shri Advani, you are lying. That your entire edifice of numbers on the black money issue is a total hoax has been demonstrated most convincingly by two of India's most distinguished economists -- Ashok Desai and Bibek Debroy -- who have both been critical of the Congress as well in the past on various issues.

That there are Indians with Swiss bank accounts is incontrovertible -- many of them, incidentally, may well be BJP supporters and part of your election funding may well be coming from these sources. There can also be no dispute on the fact that we must try and get this money back. We have had amnesty schemes in the past -- some have succeeded and some have not. But I would like to ask you a straight question -- in the six years that you were Home Minister, can you tell the country one single step you took to get Indian accounts in Swiss banks made transparent?

Your use of 'ISI' data to claim that poverty has increased during 2004/05-08/09 is another example of complete bogusness. I think you may well be referring to a study done by Inter Services Intelligence of Pakistan and not by our prestigious Indian Statistical Institute. The study of ISI, Kolkata stops at 2004/05 and whatever conclusions you have drawn from that study are completely false. I have already written to your aide Sudheendra Kulkarni on this issue. I attach a copy of the email I have sent him.

Goebbels believed that if you keep repeating a lie several times, people will begin to believe it. Your ideological brotherhood has perfected this dictum.

With regards,

Jairam Ramesh
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