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Swedish Government, Opposition Agree To Boost Defense Budget - Officials


Feb 25, 2014
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The Swedish government, made up of the Swedish Social Democratic Party and Green Party, agreed with opposition forces, specifically the Liberals and the Center Party, to increase the country's defense budget, a joint statement read out at a press conference on Friday said

STOCKHOLM (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 30th August, 2019) The Swedish government, made up of the Swedish Social Democratic Party and Green Party, agreed with opposition forces, specifically the Liberals and the Center Party, to increase the country's defense budget, a joint statement read out at a press conference on Friday said.

"We agreed to increase the budget by five billion krona [$509 million] in 2022, as well as an additional five billion in 2023, another five billion in 2024 and five more billion in 2025," Center Party lawmaker Daniel Backstrom said.

Swedish Defense Minister Peter Hultqvist noted that the budget increase would become a "strong indicator to the country's partners," adding that more detailed information on the budget amounts and their distribution would be announced later this fall.

The boost will help expanding the Swedish defense force from 60,000 to 90,000 personnel (including civilians and the Home Guard), as well as doubling conscripts from 4000 to 8000,more air force bases, expand fleets, enhance weapons systems and upgrade vehicles.
The boost will help expanding the Swedish defense force from 60,000 to 90,000 personnel (including civilians and the Home Guard), as well as doubling conscripts from 4000 to 8000,more air force bases, expand fleets, enhance weapons systems and upgrade vehicles.

But..but..but PDF says Putin is winning over the hearts and minds of Europeans. Why the sudden buildup?

New Swedish government advocates for greater defense spending

“Sweden’s national defense has been neglected for decades. What has happened is shameful. The budget allocated to the armed forces must reflect needs, operational realities and the requirement to replace outdated equipment. The goal should be to raise spending on defense to 2 percent of GDP, the recommended NATO level, inside 10 years,”
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It is a good step by Sweden. European countries are increasing the defence spending because they want to independent of NATO where an orange potato insults them, spies on European citizens and leadership, imposes tariffs and uses them for her own wars..
Sweden to introduce bank tax to fund defense boost

AUGUST 31, 2019

STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - Swedish Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson said on Saturday the center-left coalition government would introduce a bank tax to help fund greater defense spending from 2022.

The Social Democrats and Greens said on Friday they had agreed with the Center and Liberal Parties, which back them in parliament, to boost defense spending by 5 billion Swedish crowns ($520 million) a year from 2022 to 2025.

Sweden has been strengthening its armed forces and is concerned about increasing tensions with Russia in the Baltic region. Last year, Sweden said it would buy the Patriot air defense missile system from U.S. arms manufacturer Raytheon Co (RTN.N) in a 10 billion crown deal.

“The extra (for defense) for 2022 will be financed by an increase in taxes on the financial sector from 2022,” Andersson told reporters.

“The banks make big profits each year and have been big winners from corporate tax cuts in recent years,” she said.

She said the levy would bring in an extra 5 billion crowns per year. Andersson gave no details on how the tax would be constructed.

The Social Democrats have repeatedly raised the idea of a bank tax since taking power in 2014. In 2017 they put such plans on hold after widespread criticism of the way the tax was structured.

Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson repeated her intention for a bank tax in the run up to the election in 2018.

“We will come back with how this tax will be constituted, but it will be different from what has been discussed previously,” Andersson said, adding that the new tax would cover all banks operating in Sweden regardless of where they have their headquarters.

Nordea (NDAFI.HE), the Nordic region’s biggest banking group, recently shifted its headquarters to Finland from Stockholm.

The Swedish government, made up of the Swedish Social Democratic Party and Green Party, agreed with opposition forces, specifically the Liberals and the Center Party, to increase the country's defense budget, a joint statement read out at a press conference on Friday said

STOCKHOLM (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 30th August, 2019) The Swedish government, made up of the Swedish Social Democratic Party and Green Party, agreed with opposition forces, specifically the Liberals and the Center Party, to increase the country's defense budget, a joint statement read out at a press conference on Friday said.

"We agreed to increase the budget by five billion krona [$509 million] in 2022, as well as an additional five billion in 2023, another five billion in 2024 and five more billion in 2025," Center Party lawmaker Daniel Backstrom said.

Swedish Defense Minister Peter Hultqvist noted that the budget increase would become a "strong indicator to the country's partners," adding that more detailed information on the budget amounts and their distribution would be announced later this fall.


Frankly, Sweden needs bigger budget to secure their own country. I was shocked when I saw this some couple of years ago. I always thought Sweden was a safe and peaceful country.

60 Minutes on Sweden's 55 Muslim No Go Zones, Media Attacks & Immigration Crisis

Frankly, Sweden needs bigger budget to secure their own country. I was shocked when I saw this some couple of years ago. I always thought Sweden was a safe and peaceful country.

60 Minutes on Sweden's 55 Muslim No Go Zones, Media Attacks & Immigration Crisis

It was proven to be totally false.
Ok. I did not know that. Was there any retraction from CBS?
Local media denied that. I read that in metro in a printed newspaper. Police investigated and found no truth in the story. CBS did not know that there are cameras all over the place so their claims could not be verified. No camera captured any attack on them.. and CBS itself was reluctant to provide any footage... so the whole thing was cooked up.
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Local media denied that. I read that in metro on a printed newspaper. Police investigated and found no truth in the story. CBS did not know that there are cameras all over the place so their claims could not be verified. No camera captured any attack on them.. and CBS itself was reluctant to provide any footage... so the whole thing was cooked up.

Thanks for the clarification. You should know better as you are on the ground in Sweden. We can only rely on news programs that we get in the US.
But..but..but PDF says Putin is winning over the hearts and minds of Europeans. Why the sudden buildup?

New Swedish government advocates for greater defense spending

“Sweden’s national defense has been neglected for decades. What has happened is shameful. The budget allocated to the armed forces must reflect needs, operational realities and the requirement to replace outdated equipment. The goal should be to raise spending on defense to 2 percent of GDP, the recommended NATO level, inside 10 years,”

Europeans are arming themselves against (you) the US some will tell you. :enjoy:
It was proven to be wrong. She is lying
The Swedish police published a list of vulnerable areas, where poverty and crime rates were higher than normal,
the number of these muslim dominated areas recently went up to 61!

Last week there was an article in a german paper, about the king being worried about public safety, after several explosions in Swedish suburbs...
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