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‘Surgical Strikes’ On Pakistan – China’s Firebrand, State Media Journalist Calls For Action On Pak-Based Rebels

Remember the Mia Channu incident, pakistan’s own NSA is saying they weren’t informed of the malfunction for 2 days

So their response to a first strike weapon landing deep in their territory was entirely organic

What a moronic admission

Pakistanis have botched their response to this SO badly it’s unbelievable. They went ahead and put the PAF account on record- we didn’t intercept, we don’t know what happened. Now their NSA is saying they had no communications

They could’ve shut up, been silent for 2 days and pressured the Indian side to make a public statement and then said we were told about this that’s why we watched the entire sequence but stood down our AD

Bulls eye

yes mian channu per bhi dunya hans rahi hai india per . your stupid AF again fired a stupid missile like fire cracker . go read international defense forums everyone was laughing on you . :rofl:
Getting humiliated from all sides

Buddy the missile traveled almost 250 km + accidental with 90 degree midcourse correction 😁😉😂😆🤣🙌
View attachment 840619
they stupidity of andh bhakts is no matter how you beat them or they do self goal they find out a way to rejoice it .

IAF failed to hit targets / we kill 200
PAF bomb 6 locations / it was nothing
paksitan shot down mig-21 / he is hero pilot
IAF shot down chopper / they were hero
china capture 1200km / its victory
china kill 22 with rods/ they were hero
missile fired by su-30 like stupid / its victory traveled 250km

this is difference between normal humans and andh bhakta they will see victory in everything because they are andh . when you see last time your forces did stupidity ?
they stupidity of andh bhakts is no matter how you beat them or they do self goal they find out a way to rejoice it .

IAF failed to hit targets / we kill 200
PAF bomb 6 locations / it was nothing
paksitan shot down mig-21 / he is hero pilot
IAF shot down chopper / they were hero
china capture 1200km / its victory
china kill 22 with rods/ they were hero
missile fired by su-30 like stupid / its victory traveled 250km

this is difference between normal humans and andh bhakta they will see victory in everything because they are andh . when you see last time your forces did stupidity ?
They are used to getting fu*ked. Sometimes by Pakistan other times by China. The only thing missing is a joint humiliation mission by both Pakistan and China.

🇵🇰 :cheers: 🇨🇳
They are used to getting fu*ked. Sometimes by Pakistan other times by China. The only thing missing is a joint humiliation mission by both Pakistan and China.
if you see japs amercans paksitanis russians biritsh french everyone have failures and govs people politicians admit and recognise the failures . only breed on earth is indian no matter what they find a way to celebrate a victory .you will never see such blind people on earth . ask any indian to count 5 failures of indian military in 72 years he will have nothing to say . ask any paksitani he will start from 1971 and stop on mushrraf . its good for us that indians are such a narrow minds . thier media films oliticians feed then dung day night non stop .
First try to save your soldiers *** from TTP/BLA/SRA from getting slaughtered on daily basis
Do you want me to mention how many Indian soldiers we have slaughtered with our proxies since the 1990s?🤣🤣

You as a Indian should be the last person on earth do talk about soldiers being killed by militant groups. Punjab, Assam, IOK and Nagaland.
See.... Its good that Talibs and BLA is picking up on military targets...

And not wasting resources on killing petty civillians....

Attacking army means

1) killing best fit men of the country
2) damaging military installations and subsequent repairing
3) compensation to killed men plus recruiting and training new one

4) more troop buildup and infra in d terror infested area putting more burden on paltry budget

5) high value targets still to be realised more often r
Rail tracks, ammo depot, fuel depot, air force bases, military HQ, pipelines

That will absolutely break their back....

See.... Its good that Talibs and BLA is picking up on military targets...

And not wasting resources on killing petty civillians....

Attacking army means

1) killing best fit men of the country
2) damaging military installations and subsequent repairing
3) compensation to killed men plus recruiting and training new one

4) more troop buildup and infra in d terror infested area putting more burden on paltry budget

5) high value targets still to be realised more often r
Rail tracks, ammo depot, fuel depot, air force bases, military HQ, pipelines

That will absolutely break their back....
Yeah Pakistanis are honorable people unlike you pajeets. Our proxies don't kill civilians. Only Indian security personnel. Waging a proxy war inside your country for over 30+ years.
So this troll @punch2000 started around 10 AM indian time and his last post is after 2 AM. That is a whopping 16+ hour work shift. Quite a dedicated troll and must be well paid too.
The former editor of China’s state-owned Global Times has called for Beijing to undertake airstrikes against Pakistan-based militants, who have been increasingly targeting Chinese nationals in the country in recent years.

This comes after a suicide attack in Pakistan on April 26 that killed three Chinese citizens while on their way to Confucius Institute in Karachi, a Chinese government-run body. The attack was claimed by the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), a separatist group fighting for the independence of Pakistan’s southwestern Balochistan province, which borders Iran and Afghanistan

This is the latest in a series of attacks on Chinese nationals in Pakistan, who in recent years have been targeted more frequently by the Baloch Separatist militants because of China’s involvement in large infrastructure projects across Pakistan, including the resource-rich Balochistan province

In 2015, China announced the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a project worth $46 billion, which aims to link Pakistan’s southern Gwadar Port on the Arabian Sea, 626 kilometers west of Karachi, to China’s western Xinjiang region via a series of road, rail, and pipelines which pass through Balochistan region that has been for years mired by a violent separatist movement led by the BLA.

Increasing Attacks Against Chinese Nationals

Balochistan is one of the poorest regions in Pakistan and locals have accused China and the Pakistan Army of forcefully taking over their land and resources without sharing the benefits which has prompted the build-up of resistance against the huge Chinese presence that comes with these mega infrastructure projects.

In 2020, 9 Chinese citizens working on a hydro-power plant project site in northern Pakistan were killed in an explosion.

Earlier that year, a luxury hotel in Balochistan’s Quetta, where the Chinese ambassador was reportedly staying, was attacked in which four were killed and dozens injured, however, the ambassador was unhurt in the attack.

In 2018, the BLA attacked a bus ferrying 18 Chinese mining workers and even tried to expand their operations by attacking the Chinese consulate in Karachi, however, the militants failed to enter the compound.

In its statement, the BLA has said that it targeted the Confucius Institute because it is a “symbol of Chinese economic, cultural and political expansionism.”

China’s Foreign Ministry condemned the bombing and demanded that Islamabad punish the elements behind the suicide bombing and protect Chinese citizens by preventing such attacks from repeating

"The blood of the Chinese people should not be shed in vain, and those behind this incident will surely pay the price,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Call For Chinese Airstrikes in Pakistan

Meanwhile, Hu Xijin former editor-in-chief of Global Times suggested, China must take more resolute actions to punish the terrorist forces whose hands are constantly stained with Chinese blood.

Xijin said that China should increase support for Pakistan’s counter-terrorism efforts and that once the terrorists are identified, China could even conduct airstrikes or missile strikes on terrorist camps with the consent of the Pakistani government making it clear to the terrorists that attacks on Chinese targets will be met with a strong response.

According to Xijin, terrorists need to understand that China has had a belief since ancient times that “those who violate the Chinese will be punished even if they are far away.”

Xijin emphasized that the Chinese cannot be allowed to bleed in vain in Pakistan and that China’s great power prestige will be seriously damaged if it cannot even pursue the terrorists in Pakistan.

Beijing’s Growing Frustration With Pakistan

Xijin’s comments may be an indication of Beijing’s growing frustration with Pakistan’s incapacity to curb terrorism in the country which stands to jeopardize the CPEC corridor, which is the flagship program of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Experts suggest that Chinese authorities have been pressuring Islamabad to enhance the protection of Chinese nationals involved in infrastructure projects in Pakistan

"What should be concerning for Beijing is that these deadly attacks of terror continue to play out, even after the Chinese authorities have pressured Islamabad to provide more security,” Michael Kugelman, a South Asia expert at the Washington-based Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars told DW.

“It’s an indication of the limits of Pakistan’s capacity to keep Chinese nationals safe, and this is certainly unsettling for Beijing,” Kugelman added.

Qamar Cheema, an Islamabad-based security analyst, thinks that the change of government in Islamabad may lead to increased efforts against Baloch militants.

“Beijing was uncomfortable with the previous government of Imran Khan for slowing down CPEC and exposing Chinese to militants, but the new government of Shehbaz Sharif may push security agencies to expedite efforts for specific military operations against militant Baloch factions,” Cheema told DW.

“China may slow down their operations, as the BLA is directly targeting Chinese installations and people. China may enhance pressure on Islamabad, primarily Shehbaz, who will likely travel to China soon to discuss Chinese loans,” Cheema added.

BLA has a special unit called the ‘Majeed Brigade’ dedicated to targeted attacks at Chinese nationals and installations in Pakistan. The female suicide bomber who targeted the vehicle carrying Confucius Institute staff members on April 26 was a member of this Majeed Brigade.

One trouble, whom or where will bomb? These people are operating out of universities, schools and civilian homes...
So this troll @punch2000 started around 10 AM indian time and his last post is after 2 AM. That is a whopping 16+ hour work shift. Quite a dedicated troll and must be well paid too.
Must be working overtime to buy those Dosa’s.

Some Indian members need a few tables of Digas:

The former editor of China’s state-owned Global Times has called for Beijing to undertake airstrikes against Pakistan-based militants, who have been increasingly targeting Chinese nationals in the country in recent years.

This comes after a suicide attack in Pakistan on April 26 that killed three Chinese citizens while on their way to Confucius Institute in Karachi, a Chinese government-run body. The attack was claimed by the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), a separatist group fighting for the independence of Pakistan’s southwestern Balochistan province, which borders Iran and Afghanistan

This is the latest in a series of attacks on Chinese nationals in Pakistan, who in recent years have been targeted more frequently by the Baloch Separatist militants because of China’s involvement in large infrastructure projects across Pakistan, including the resource-rich Balochistan province

In 2015, China announced the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), a project worth $46 billion, which aims to link Pakistan’s southern Gwadar Port on the Arabian Sea, 626 kilometers west of Karachi, to China’s western Xinjiang region via a series of road, rail, and pipelines which pass through Balochistan region that has been for years mired by a violent separatist movement led by the BLA.

Increasing Attacks Against Chinese Nationals

Balochistan is one of the poorest regions in Pakistan and locals have accused China and the Pakistan Army of forcefully taking over their land and resources without sharing the benefits which has prompted the build-up of resistance against the huge Chinese presence that comes with these mega infrastructure projects.

In 2020, 9 Chinese citizens working on a hydro-power plant project site in northern Pakistan were killed in an explosion.

Earlier that year, a luxury hotel in Balochistan’s Quetta, where the Chinese ambassador was reportedly staying, was attacked in which four were killed and dozens injured, however, the ambassador was unhurt in the attack.

In 2018, the BLA attacked a bus ferrying 18 Chinese mining workers and even tried to expand their operations by attacking the Chinese consulate in Karachi, however, the militants failed to enter the compound.

In its statement, the BLA has said that it targeted the Confucius Institute because it is a “symbol of Chinese economic, cultural and political expansionism.”

China’s Foreign Ministry condemned the bombing and demanded that Islamabad punish the elements behind the suicide bombing and protect Chinese citizens by preventing such attacks from repeating

"The blood of the Chinese people should not be shed in vain, and those behind this incident will surely pay the price,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Call For Chinese Airstrikes in Pakistan

Meanwhile, Hu Xijin former editor-in-chief of Global Times suggested, China must take more resolute actions to punish the terrorist forces whose hands are constantly stained with Chinese blood.

Xijin said that China should increase support for Pakistan’s counter-terrorism efforts and that once the terrorists are identified, China could even conduct airstrikes or missile strikes on terrorist camps with the consent of the Pakistani government making it clear to the terrorists that attacks on Chinese targets will be met with a strong response.

According to Xijin, terrorists need to understand that China has had a belief since ancient times that “those who violate the Chinese will be punished even if they are far away.”

Xijin emphasized that the Chinese cannot be allowed to bleed in vain in Pakistan and that China’s great power prestige will be seriously damaged if it cannot even pursue the terrorists in Pakistan.

Beijing’s Growing Frustration With Pakistan

Xijin’s comments may be an indication of Beijing’s growing frustration with Pakistan’s incapacity to curb terrorism in the country which stands to jeopardize the CPEC corridor, which is the flagship program of China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Experts suggest that Chinese authorities have been pressuring Islamabad to enhance the protection of Chinese nationals involved in infrastructure projects in Pakistan

"What should be concerning for Beijing is that these deadly attacks of terror continue to play out, even after the Chinese authorities have pressured Islamabad to provide more security,” Michael Kugelman, a South Asia expert at the Washington-based Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars told DW.

“It’s an indication of the limits of Pakistan’s capacity to keep Chinese nationals safe, and this is certainly unsettling for Beijing,” Kugelman added.

Qamar Cheema, an Islamabad-based security analyst, thinks that the change of government in Islamabad may lead to increased efforts against Baloch militants.

“Beijing was uncomfortable with the previous government of Imran Khan for slowing down CPEC and exposing Chinese to militants, but the new government of Shehbaz Sharif may push security agencies to expedite efforts for specific military operations against militant Baloch factions,” Cheema told DW.

“China may slow down their operations, as the BLA is directly targeting Chinese installations and people. China may enhance pressure on Islamabad, primarily Shehbaz, who will likely travel to China soon to discuss Chinese loans,” Cheema added.

BLA has a special unit called the ‘Majeed Brigade’ dedicated to targeted attacks at Chinese nationals and installations in Pakistan. The female suicide bomber who targeted the vehicle carrying Confucius Institute staff members on April 26 was a member of this Majeed Brigade.

If you read the tweet, the person has also conditioned the action to the approval of the Government of Pakistan. Moreover, the BLA separatists have hideouts and camps on Iranian Soil mostly so I wonder if this is a request to allow Pakistan permission to use the Air Space to carry out Air Strikes on the areas bordering Pakistan & Iran.
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