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Surgical strike overhype did not help, says General who oversaw operations

Yeah it did not help but rather embarrassed the whole Indian Administration who were clutching on straws to show some sort of proof that they did those Sir Ji Kal Strikes. lol
Due thus hype he had to make fake Bollywood videos to prove it.
Due to same hype he knows that in future public will expect him to do again and he know how difficult it is to make movies. Afterall he is a soldier not a director.
Good that such a statement has been made. Some worthwhile push-back from at least some section of the military.

Too much politicization is counter-productive for us. Also forces Pak to man the border more effectively as was suggested by @Joe Shearer. Bipin Rawat also unnecessarily listened to his political bosses.

Maybe such a loud proclamation was fine if we had extremely high levels of military superiority over Pakistan which is not the case.

Hooda might have had inputs from his fellow army men, plus there were had many senior military during this interaction session.

Wonder if this statement has anything to to with the relative weakening of the BJP govt at the centre.
Good that such a statement has been made. Some worthwhile push-back from at least some section of the military.

Too much politicization is counter-productive for us. Also forces Pak to man the border more effectively as was suggested by @Joe Shearer. Bipin Rawat also unnecessarily listened to his political bosses.

Maybe such a loud proclamation was fine if we had extremely high levels of military superiority over Pakistan which is not the case.

Hooda might have had inputs from his fellow army men, plus there were had many senior military during this interaction session.

Wonder if this statement has anything to to with the relative weakening of the BJP govt at the centre.
Both armies regularly do cross LOC strikes but Indian army choose (for political gains) dramatized the fictional strikes which not only lower their credibility but also embarrassed the educated class of Indians...
Surgical strikes of what they have said not possible since Pakistan would retaliate it with brute force which would escalate into full war...do India want full scale war with Pakistan?
Some relief to the better class of India after the humiliation that was politicization and james bonding.

The attached tweet in OP is pathetic though.
I said before there are many fiction movies like red dawn in which Soviet Union reunites and conquered USA.:coffee:
Both armies regularly do cross LOC strikes but Indian army choose (for political gains) dramatized the fictional strikes which not only lower their credibility but also embarrassed the educated class of Indians...
Surgical strikes of what they have said not possible since Pakistan would retaliate it with brute force which would escalate into full war...do India want full scale war with Pakistan?
Knowledgeable Indian members say that such a strike happened. So on this side of the border it never lowered the credibility of IA nor did any educated class get embarrassed - i heard of no such embarrassment thing on our side. What you are saying is your perception of what we feel here.

The strike was never showcased as attacking PA army positions, we said that we attacked terrorist camps. So why will you start a war over a surgical strike of this kind? And PA is not in a position to initiate a conventional attack on India - even more so over this issue.

Further, whether we did it or not, PA denied this strike. So how can it launch an attack?
Knowledgeable Indian members say that such a strike happened. So on this side of the border it never lowered the credibility of IA nor did any educated class get embarrassed - i heard of no such embarrassment thing on our side. What you are saying is your perception of what we feel here.

The strike was never showcased as attacking PA army positions, we said that we attacked terrorist camps. So why will you start a war over a surgical strike of this kind? And PA is not in a position to launch a conventional attack on India - even more so over this issue.

Further, whether we did it or not, PA denied this strike. So how can it launch an attack?
You are an ignorant peace of a S@it who don't know how things happen at LOC.....no need to quote me further.
You are an ignorant peace of a S@it who don't know how things happen at LOC.....no need to quote me further.
No need to start abusing when i have not done so. You have not responded to my answer to your statement 'which not only lower their credibility but also embarrassed the educated class of Indians'. Neither have you replied to my statement: The strike was never showcased as attacking PA army positions, we said that we attacked terrorist camps. So why will you start a war over a surgical strike of this kind? And PA is not in a position to initiate a conventional attack on India - even more so over this issue.

Further, whether we did it or not, PA denied this strike. So how can it launch an attack?

Anyway, goodbye.
Knowledgeable Indian members say that such a strike happened. So on this side of the border it never lowered the credibility of IA nor did any educated class get embarrassed - i heard of no such embarrassment thing on our side. What you are saying is your perception of what we feel here.

The strike was never showcased as attacking PA army positions, we said that we attacked terrorist camps. So why will you start a war over a surgical strike of this kind? And PA is not in a position to initiate a conventional attack on India - even more so over this issue.

Further, whether we did it or not, PA denied this strike. So how can it launch an attack?

WHERE is the independent, reliable, honest, genuine and irrefutable evidence that the strikes ACTUALLY happened?
The strike was never showcased as attacking PA army positions, we said that we attacked terrorist camps. .
There is no son of a mother which can even lay his foot on the land of Pakistan .... targeting camps! This is far beyond to your level.
WHERE is the independent, reliable, honest, genuine and irrefutable evidence that the strikes ACTUALLY happened?
This is Bharat and bharatis you are talking about....

The baniya mentality is one of obfuscation, deceit and downright lies. Anything to further their false narrative and hindutva agenda.

Bharat is now in a total transformation to a racist, right wing, anti Muslim state. You only have to listen to their media and the venom and hatred they spew out on a daily basis against Pakistan and Muslims it is toxic and ultra jingoistic. The so called saner voices in their media are conspicuously silent or muzzled whilst these rabid dogs like goswami and his ilk will parrot any bjp/rss/hindutva agenda. They are in cahoots or embedded with the bjp and are mouthpieces or RAW and IB it's no secret.

They will continue to parrot these fake surgical stories and have these delusions of grandeur.

Can take a couple of pointers from these fake strikes.

1. Pakistan need to have a strong and robust response to any adventurism. This fake surgical may be a precursor to an actual attempt.

2. There is no peace with this country Bharat. It will be a perpetual war, always prepare for a war.

3. Put Kashmir and pakistan to one side lSI need to go full throttle on Indian Muslims to stand up on their two feet and start a full scale rebellion to hindutva aggression
Clearly the surgical strikes were fake, lies and rhetoric, no wonder PA kept up the cease fire border violations for over ONE YEAR right AFTER SURGICAL STRIKES.

I mean, ceasefire violations for one straight year always happen with just rhetoric alone being exchanged between India and pakistan, right?:coffee:
surgical strike case was closed when CNN was mocking India for it after sending their reporter to the 5 sites india has claimed to have attacked

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