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Surgeon assaulted after he objects to 'hate' speech against Muslims


Mar 6, 2011
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Surgeon assaulted after he objects to 'hate' speech against Muslims

A day after Dr Jitender Phogat (38), an eye surgeon at the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (PGIMS) here, was assaulted by activists of radical organisations after he objected to their venomous speech against the Muslim community, the police failed to lodge first-information report (FIR) in the case on Friday.

Phogat, who had gone to Power House Chowk on Thursday when Bajrang Dal and other right wing organisations were staging a public protest against the screening of the Aamir Khan-starrer 'PK', had submitted a written complaint at the PGIMS police station.

Talking to HT, Phogat said, "I had gone to the chowk owing to some domestic chore when I heard the right wing activists dubbing the Muslim community a preacher of hatred and terrorism and using other highly objectionable words for them in full public view."

Phogat said as he objected to their utterances by saying that their speech would cause communal tension and divide the country, a group of men holding saffron flags pounced at him.

"They threw 50-60 punches and kicks on me within 5 minutes till the cops on duty intervened," he said.
The police took Phogat to the PGIMS police station, where he submitted a written complaint demanding a strict action against the culprits.

Meanwhile, the saffron flag holding activists reached the police station and tried to put pressure for settling the issue without any legal hassles.

Phogat said they threatened him of dire consequences besides creating obstacles in his government job if he dared to go against them. "I demand justice and action against radicals and I do not fear consequences," he said.

PGIMS police station in-charge sub-inspector MI Khan said they have registered a DDR in the case and would work on getting some clinching evidence like CCTV footage of the incident to register a formal FIR in the case.

Radicals dub Muslim pearl seller a 'spy'
While delivering a speech against the Aamir Khan-starrer film 'PK' at Power House Chowk, the right wing activists caught hold of a Muslim pearl seller who had come to Rohtak to sell his products and handed him over to police dubbing him as 'spy'.

The man identified as Shaukeen (45), son of Kamruddin, a resident of Dilshad garden, New Delhi, who had come to Rohtak to earn his livelihood had nothing objectionable in his possession.

Police sources said he was a poor man, who was targeted by Bajrang Dal activists due to his religious background. The police let him off with a warning that he should not be seen in Rohtak in future.

Surgeon assaulted after he objects to 'hate' speech against Muslims - Hindustan Times

Surgeon assaulted after he objects to 'hate' speech against Muslims

A day after Dr Jitender Phogat (38), an eye surgeon at the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences (PGIMS) here, was assaulted by activists of radical organisations after he objected to their venomous speech against the Muslim community, the police failed to lodge first-information report (FIR) in the case on Friday.

Phogat, who had gone to Power House Chowk on Thursday when Bajrang Dal and other right wing organisations were staging a public protest against the screening of the Aamir Khan-starrer 'PK', had submitted a written complaint at the PGIMS police station.

Talking to HT, Phogat said, "I had gone to the chowk owing to some domestic chore when I heard the right wing activists dubbing the Muslim community a preacher of hatred and terrorism and using other highly objectionable words for them in full public view."

Phogat said as he objected to their utterances by saying that their speech would cause communal tension and divide the country, a group of men holding saffron flags pounced at him.

"They threw 50-60 punches and kicks on me within 5 minutes till the cops on duty intervened," he said.
The police took Phogat to the PGIMS police station, where he submitted a written complaint demanding a strict action against the culprits.

Meanwhile, the saffron flag holding activists reached the police station and tried to put pressure for settling the issue without any legal hassles.

Phogat said they threatened him of dire consequences besides creating obstacles in his government job if he dared to go against them. "I demand justice and action against radicals and I do not fear consequences," he said.

PGIMS police station in-charge sub-inspector MI Khan said they have registered a DDR in the case and would work on getting some clinching evidence like CCTV footage of the incident to register a formal FIR in the case.

Radicals dub Muslim pearl seller a 'spy'
While delivering a speech against the Aamir Khan-starrer film 'PK' at Power House Chowk, the right wing activists caught hold of a Muslim pearl seller who had come to Rohtak to sell his products and handed him over to police dubbing him as 'spy'.

The man identified as Shaukeen (45), son of Kamruddin, a resident of Dilshad garden, New Delhi, who had come to Rohtak to earn his livelihood had nothing objectionable in his possession.

Police sources said he was a poor man, who was targeted by Bajrang Dal activists due to his religious background. The police let him off with a warning that he should not be seen in Rohtak in future.

Surgeon assaulted after he objects to 'hate' speech against Muslims - Hindustan Times

International community and specially UN should declare RSS a terrorist group. Where are all these so called world watchers.
Fortunately most of us aren't secular. Or else we would have been bullied by these napsuk chaddis.

We beat up the police and Hindus at lalbaug when they tried to mess with us. This happened when Chaddis are in power at centre and Maharashtra.

These cowards can only know to bark but we know to bite.
Fortunately most of us aren't secular. Or else we would have been bullied by these napsuk chaddis.

We beat up the police and Hindus at lalbaug when they tried to mess with us. This happened when Chaddis are in power at centre and Maharashtra.

These cowards can only know to bark but we know to bite.

In the end, you are just a dog, and a rabid one at that!!

Hoping against hope communals goons like you and yours brothers from other mothers like Bajrang Dal etc, the Communal filth that pollutes my country are locked together in a dungeon and so that you might tear each other apart.. rid us of your curse upon these lands!!
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Fortunately most of us aren't secular. Or else we would have been bullied by these napsuk chaddis.

We beat up the police and Hindus at lalbaug when they tried to mess with us. This happened when Chaddis are in power at centre and Maharashtra.

These cowards can only know to bark but we know to bite.
Dude... why make equally provocative statements.
Every sane person knows that hate mongering is not what India is about. But if you go around such provocative statements, you will give rise to more extremism on both sides.
Dude... why make equally provocative statements.
Every sane person knows that hate mongering is not what India is about. But if you go around such provocative statements, you will give rise to more extremism on both sides.
Hoping against hope communals goons like you and yours brothers other mothers like Bajrang Dal etc, the Communal filth that pollutes my country are locked together in a dungeon and so that you might tear each other apart.. rid us of your curse upon these lands!!

your opinion on what happened to the doctor?
your opinion on what happened to the doctor?

The very same..these communal goons regardless of which God they pray too are infecting my country. They are a disease they need to be sanitized from this nation.
This is what kind of society you create when you elect a fanatic with blood on his hands like Modi to power

Get off your high horse..you belong Islamic republic of Pakistan,where your constitution doesn't even give equal rights to your minorities, our most right wing party is still more secular than your most secular party.
Get off your high horse..you belong Islamic republic of Pakistan,where your constitution doesn't even give equal rights to your minorities, our most right wing party is still more secular than your most secular party.
What?? Secular?? My foot.
Nothing like gujrat riots has ever happend to minorities in Pakistan its time for you to get off your high horse.
Fortunately most of us aren't secular. Or else we would have been bullied by these napsuk chaddis.

We beat up the police and Hindus at lalbaug when they tried to mess with us. This happened when Chaddis are in power at centre and Maharashtra.

These cowards can only know to bark but we know to bite.

Tu Administrator zaroor banega ! 8-)
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What?? Secular?? My foot.
Nothing like gujrat riots has ever happend to minorities in Pakistan its time for you to get off your high horse.

What minorities? You dont have any left..at the time of independence or soon after independence, your first census, you had more than 22% minority population now you have less than 3%.

You don't need large scale riots to reduce/discriminate minorities, your constitution, blasphemy laws and general intolerance towards those of other religions is enough to either drive them away or convert just so that they can survive.

Your country itself was created on the principles of Hindu -Muslim hatred.
Get off your high horse..you belong Islamic republic of Pakistan,where your constitution doesn't even give equal rights to your minorities, our most right wing party is still more secular than your most secular party.

Modi was elected in part because of his involvement in the slaughter in Gujraat, whether you believe he was involved or not the perception that he slaughtered muslims and was a hindu strong man played a big part in why india elected him

Never have pakistanis voted for or elected extremist parties or individuals into power
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