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Suppose 2030 China will reach the same level with US, Now What? Can China imagine new Technology?

You must be a non stemi. Controlled fusion power is sustainable within seconds only and consume more energy than they produced.

The system cost 10n billions or 100n billions.
Yes, my major is cemented carbide. I only know about controlled nuclear fusion and other technologies through the network. If you know more, I am willing to ask for advice and accept criticism.
That sounds like alot but in the grand scheme of today's word it's more like a drop in the bucket.

For instance just the clothes you are now wearing. If it is synthetic it is likely a Western invention. So is the zipper and the snap buttons..the list is ridiculously long. It may take you a year to utter them all.
Like I said arrogance is the mother of failure. I guess Indians are not acquainted with that concept.
We Chinese hope that when the winner of the competition between the two countries is determined. Americans are willing to work with the Chinese people to maintain the order of the world, and sincerely cooperate in the field of aviation and aerospace, so as to shoulder our due responsibilities for the future of human civilization.

Human civilization is still bound by gravity, and we are still just a group of two legged insects imprisoned on the blue planet. We should cooperate, not hurt each other.
And I hope when china gets into a full super power status it won't have any expansionsary ambitions like the US. I hope it won't bring hell to all world like the US did.
Yes, arrogance is the greatest original sin of mankind, the Chinese are no exception.

Looking back at our 5000 years of history, we have always become stronger under the pressure of strong enemies and crises, but we have always gone into decline and division in an environment of defeating enemies and security.

Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival, but arrogance. ------Liu Cixin
Yes that’s why Qing failed so hard. They did not take enemies seriously until it was too late. Arrogance is far more dangerous than ignorance. With ignorance you don’t know, with arrogance you don’t know that you don’t know. Those who don’t learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat it, I’m afraid the Americans are now walking the same path as declining empires before them and our Indian friends are happily following them to the end. Hopefully China this time around recognizes the dangers and plans accordingly.
Personally I believe difficulty of space colonization will inspire new Technologies.

As of current, US is trying hard to surround China. Space colones ensure survival of some descents, which can be seen as a kind of deterance
And I hope when china gets into a full super power status it won't have any expansionsary ambitions like the US. I hope it won't bring hell to all world like the US did.

The world should not have another superpower. It should move towards a multipolar world.

To be honest, if China becomes a unipolar power like the USA, it may not be a good thing. I mean that is may not be good for the Chinese people and the world.

First of all, we can not guarantee that it will still adhere to the road of peace.

Secondly, we can not guarantee that it will not degenerate again because of arrogance, which has many precedents in our history.

Third, we need a large trade deficit to allow other countries to own and use CNY. This is inconsistent with our economic system.

Fourth, if we want to become a trade deficit country, we must expand domestic demand. Once we become a country that drives economic growth through domestic demand, we may become another USA.
Because war is the greatest domestic demand. Countries that rely on foreign trade, such as China, tend to maintain peace, because trade needs peace and stability.

So let's push the world into a multipolar era. Stop pursuing the next superpower.
Like I said arrogance is the mother of failure. I guess Indians are not acquainted with that concept.

I'm quite sure complete stupidity ranks even higher on the failure scale. I'm not Indian...so consider Palestinians now officially acquainted with the failure concept...as if the world didn't already know that.
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Yes that’s why Qing failed so hard. They did not take enemies seriously until it was too late. Arrogance is far more dangerous than ignorance. With ignorance you don’t know, with arrogance you don’t know that you don’t know. Those who don’t learn from their mistakes are doomed to repeat it, I’m afraid the Americans are now walking the same path as declining empires before them and our Indian friends are happily following them to the end. Hopefully China this time around recognizes the dangers and plans accordingly.
Yes, these Westerners don't understand "物极必反,盛极必衰"(Things will develop in the opposite when they become extreme. When a country becomes the strongest, it will decline). We have paid thousands of years of blood for this lesson.

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Yes, arrogance is the greatest original sin of mankind, the Chinese are no exception.

Yes, it seems posting China is #1 at this and that on PDF does not raise any red flag hints of arrogance with the Chinese members...however if we were to state any achievements of the West compared to China those "arrogance" flags suddenly start getting waved really really really quickly. :nono:
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The industrial age and the industrial revolution, starting around 1780 in Great Britain and later spreading to continental europe and north america, was the greatest period of technological advancement in human history. And it was driven principally by the West-advancements in automation, machinery, transportation and other fields such as medicine, communications, energy and many others drove the industrial revolution. It from this period that inventors from the West created the steam engine, the internal combustion engine, radio, television, the automobile, the airplane, the jet plane. I could spend an entire day cataloging the list of world changing inventions made by the West during this period, and this list would be far more comprehensive that all other periods of human history combined.

Since the information age started in the 1970s the rate of technological progress, outside of the IT industry, has slowed significantly. The rate of globalization has increased, which has tended to obscure the downward trend in technological progress.
Yes, it seems posting China is #1 at this and that on PDF does not raise any red flag hints of arrogance with the Chinese members...however if we were to state any achievements of the West compared to China those "arrogance" flags suddenly start getting waved really really really quickly. :nono:
In fact, we only need to see whether China has underestimated USA many times or USA has underestimated China many times. We can know who is really arrogant.
west is not savior of humanity only . china will lead and will lead far better then west
The world should not have another superpower. It should move towards a multipolar world.

To be honest, if China becomes a unipolar power like the USA, it may not be a good thing. I mean that is may not be good for the Chinese people and the world.

First of all, we can not guarantee that it will still adhere to the road of peace.

Secondly, we can not guarantee that it will not degenerate again because of arrogance, which has many precedents in our history.

Third, we need a large trade deficit to allow other countries to own and use CNY. This is inconsistent with our economic system.

Fourth, if we want to become a trade deficit country, we must expand domestic demand. Once we become a country that drives economic growth through domestic demand, we may become another USA.
Because war is the greatest domestic demand. Countries that rely on foreign trade, such as China, tend to maintain peace, because trade needs peace and stability.

So let's push the world into a multipolar era. Stop pursuing the next superpower.
I think the world is going to be multi polar anyway because times have changed.
I've heard ex head of the states and think tanks talking about this.
Possible future multi polar powers are US, China , Russia or possibly India too.

Pretty long list knock yourself out. Periods of great wealth creates periods with great thinkers. Similar periods of enlightenment in the Islamic world as well when they were wealthy. No one leads forever and no one is down forever. Arrogance is the mother of failure.

take the chinese inventions - compass, paper, gunpowder

what good was the knowledge of a compass if you did not navigate around the world ?

What good is paper if you are not compiling libraries of books ? I remember a few Chinese kings burning down every book in land

what good is gunpowder if they do not use it to conquer the world ?

The world should not have another superpower. It should move towards a multipolar world.

To be honest, if China becomes a unipolar power like the USA, it may not be a good thing. I mean that is may not be good for the Chinese people and the world.

First of all, we can not guarantee that it will still adhere to the road of peace.

Secondly, we can not guarantee that it will not degenerate again because of arrogance, which has many precedents in our history.

Third, we need a large trade deficit to allow other countries to own and use CNY. This is inconsistent with our economic system.

Fourth, if we want to become a trade deficit country, we must expand domestic demand. Once we become a country that drives economic growth through domestic demand, we may become another USA.
Because war is the greatest domestic demand. Countries that rely on foreign trade, such as China, tend to maintain peace, because trade needs peace and stability.

So let's push the world into a multipolar era. Stop pursuing the next superpower.

Thanks for the brutal honesty. The probability of China being a sole superpower is high
Theory of evolution is a discovery not an invention.

So what are some of these great inventions normally thought of as Western but have their 'root' in China?

Read some history, even Wiki source.

I've read history since i was a child, as my mother was a history professor in one of the most prestigious universities in Vietnam and normally i find myself surprised to see people so ignorant about basic knowledge.

One example: vaccine. There were other hundreds, if not thousands, which were brought to the West, mostly by the Mongols, then developed there and claimed by the West as their own inventions. (Not totally my idea, but by Nguyen Hien Le in his book "History of China")

Have you ever read Shiji (or the Grand of historical records) by Sima Qian in 2nd century BC, which set the standard for historical record worldwide. If you have not, stop discussing. There are many version of Shiji in Vietnam, translated and explained by various authors. Three versions are in my bookself.
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