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Support change in Iran. Support Maryam Rajavi!

It's like we are talking to a wall.

MEK is a terrorist organization. They were considered as terrorists by both Iran AND Iran's enemy, USA!!

They have killed Iranians in Iran and they have killed our scientists and politicians and they have joined SADDAM HUSSEIN against a war versus Iran!!

If they do good things in their life for the next thousand years, no real Iranian will EVER forgive filth that was willing to join Saddam Hussein in a war against our country, so they could kill Iranian soldiers!!

Now they are willing to do and say ANYTHING so that USA will attack Iran and put them in power.

I know you hate us, fine, so do the Israelis, so does ISIS, so does the Saudis, but please have enough of a decency to know that Rajavi and her terrorist cult are the biggest traitors to their country and have no decency at all.

I and other members have posted information about the group from NON-IRANIAN sources and you still don't seem to care.
nice. Waking up and getting tagged into a flame war :taz:
Well..directly promoting PKK propaganda may cause a permanent ban. We had two guys like that before one being a Kurd. Permanently banned. You should not respond in the same manner if you're complaining about a situation. If this is your way of action. Then go ahead, the skies are all clear.
Not promoting a pkk prog and a . Just suggesting some turks national to be voted instead of Recep tayeb erdogan in the next election .

I taught turkey is a democracy that all the people can be voted into the office if people choose them

Turkey is a democracy which also means you can't vote terrorists into government you dumb, ignorant troll.

What you are saying is equivalent to suggesting Abu-Bakr Al Baghdadi run for President of Iraq.

Turkey is a democracy which also means you can't vote terrorists into government you dumb, ignorant troll.

What you are saying is equivalent to suggesting Abu-Bakr Al Baghdadi run for President of Iraq.
What is the problem if people of Iraq want him . Why not let see Recep tayeb get more vote or him .
Don't forget Nelson Mandela for more than 30 year was considered a dangerous terrorist .
By the way I always have wondered what sort of democracy arrest more than 100 journalist in just one night or sack police officer who were investigating corruption .

And more importantly what about answering question instead of insulting. If you want to see a troll why not look at op.

And let me make it clear for you . It's not like in a democracy you can't vote a terrorist into the office . In a democracy you can do that in theory but he can't get enough vote for that when it's voting time.


You compare Nelson Mandela with Ocalan? Oh you are definitely a dumb troll.

Turkeys democracy may not be perfect but atleast we aren't governed over by a mullah who dictates everything to the population.

but I guess if you have never experienced democracy it's normal not to know anything about it.

You compare Nelson Mandela with Ocalan? Oh you are definitely a dumb troll.

Turkeys democracy may not be perfect but atleast we aren't governed over by a mullah who dictates everything to the population.

but I guess if you have never experienced democracy it's normal not to know anything about it.
In Turkey, Kurds can have political parties. In Iran if Kurds, Azeri, Turkmen, etc ask for democratic rights they would get hanged, in fact they do get hanged even if they even make a proposal.
Ata bahçıvan, you don't worry your precious little head about Maryam Rajavi... You just bring her to us, we will take care of the rest of it... Deal?
In Turkey, Kurds can have political parties. In Iran if Kurds, Azeri, Turkmen, etc ask for democratic rights they would get hanged, in fact they do get hanged even if they even make a proposal.

I know you don't care about truth but maybe other non-biased posters who read these posts will benefit from some honesty.

Above information is incorrect. Iran's political elites are a big mixture of ethnicities. For example, Ayatollah Khameini isn't Persian, he is Azari. Tehran mayor Ghalibaf is a Kurd. Most Iranians don't even know the ethnicity of leaders because being an Iranian is all that matters.

You compare Nelson Mandela with Ocalan? Oh you are definitely a dumb troll.

Turkeys democracy may not be perfect but atleast we aren't governed over by a mullah who dictates everything to the population.

but I guess if you have never experienced democracy it's normal not to know anything about it.
what did he did that Mandela did not do when he was young ?
and I really suggest you go and do a research on that matter.

In Turkey, Kurds can have political parties. In Iran if Kurds, Azeri, Turkmen, etc ask for democratic rights they would get hanged, in fact they do get hanged even if they even make a proposal.
in Iran we even don't have Persian political parties as a matter of fact we don't have any ethnic specific political party, hope you are aware of that.
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