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Superstorm Sandy: US rejects Hafiz Saeed's offer of aid


Jan 3, 2010
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Superstorm Sandy: US rejects Hafiz Saeed's offer of aid | NDTV.com

Lahore: The US, which is battling the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, has rejected an offer of help from Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, the man believed to be the mastermind behind the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks.

"We respect the Islamic tradition of help to the needy, but we can't take Hafiz Saeed's offer seriously...Saaed is wanted for suspected involvement in the Mumbai attacks, which killed 166. JuD is a UN&US-designated terrorist org," The US Embassy in Islamabad tweeted today.

Saeed, who heads the Jaamat-ud-Dawa or JuD, believed to be a front for the deadly terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), carries a USD 10 million bounty for information leading to his arrest. He is one of India's most wanted men but roams free in Pakistan. He had said yesterday that his organisation was ready to help Americans affected by the Superstorm Sandy, which has left 45 people dead and more than eight million homeless.

"We are ready to send food items, medicines and doctors to the US for the people affected by the storm," Saeed had said, adding that though the US had put a bounty on his head, it was the duty of Muslims to help fellow human beings, irrespective of their faith, during a natural catastrophe. "It is our Islamic duty and the government of Pakistan should allow us to provide relief goods to the affected people in the US," Saeed said.

Pakistan has so far refused to take action against Saeed on the basis of material provided by India about his alleged role in masterminding the 2008 Mumbai attacks. The US too has said that the assault on Mumbai was carried out by LeT operatives who were trained, financed and controlled by Pakistan-based elements.

Saeed was placed under house arrest for less than six months after the Mumbai attacks, largely due to pressure from the world community.

He was freed in 2009 on the orders of the Lahore High Court.

Though the LeT was banned by the regime of former military ruler Pervez Musharraf, the Pakistan government has not formally outlawed the JuD.

The organisation now carries out its activities through the Falah-e-Insaniyat Foundation, which was created in the wake of the Mumbai attacks

(With inputs from PTI)
Was he serious?? I mean Pakistan gets aid from around the world and now a militant wants to send aid to their biggest aid giver from their day of independence - the irony of it all is ridiculous.
Was he serious?? I mean Pakistan gets aid from around the world and now a militant wants to send aid to their biggest aid giver from their day of independence - the irony of it all is ridiculous.

pakistan recieves more damages from the war then the aid as a compensation

the damage to our economy is priceless

coming to your real answer then, i say pakistan is the most charitable nation in the world, when it comes to donations we give it generously, even a poor pakistani will open his heart to help others in misery and help with what ever his limitations
This is stupid .... really really stupid.

Why can't hafiz sb understand, " don't finger the giant "
There is nothing wrong with the offer. US should have accepted it. Hafiz is not fingering the giant, he is fisting it :devil:
Hafiz Saeed's aid offer to US: Tell me if your tunnels and drains are clogged. I will send some guys to blow and free them up.:sniper:
"We respect the Islamic tradition of help to the needy, but we can't take Hafiz Saeed's offer seriously...Saaed is wanted for suspected involvement in the Mumbai attacks, which killed 166. JuD is a UN&US-designated terrorist org," The US Embassy in Islamabad tweeted today.

Is that an endorsement of Pakistans point of view?- innocence until proved guilty?-
When pakistan will highlight indian RAW add to taliban in balochistan and sindh and tribal belts for their dirty desires since long.
you gotta admit....his ploy was pretty hilarious

how sad that a tiny organization with only some regional sway was able to mobilize and help earthquake victims while American FEMA stood deaf and dumb while flag-waving African Americans in New Orleans were let down by FEMA (a US FEDERAL agency) during their disastrous Hurricane Katrina

tens of thousands of them, some of whom even today are living in decrepit mud-covered shacks with hardly any running water

as for this whole 'aid' thing -- it was a purely symbolic gesture and i doubt he actually thought that the Americans (who funnily enough, placed a bounty on a man who walks freely) would accept anything from an Islamist charity organization

kind of coocko, but certainly gave me a good laugh
Superstorm Sandy: US rejects Hafiz Saeed's offer of aid | NDTV.com

Lahore: The US, which is battling the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, has rejected an offer of help from Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, the man believed to be the mastermind behind the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks.

"We respect the Islamic tradition of help to the needy, but we can't take Hafiz Saeed's offer seriously...Saaed is wanted for suspected involvement in the Mumbai attacks, which killed 166. JuD is a UN&US-designated terrorist org," The US Embassy in Islamabad tweeted today.

Saeed, who heads the Jaamat-ud-Dawa or JuD, believed to be a front for the deadly terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), carries a USD 10 million bounty for information leading to his arrest. He is one of India's most wanted men but roams free in Pakistan. He had said yesterday that his organisation was ready to help Americans affected by the Superstorm Sandy, which has left 45 people dead and more than eight million homeless.

"We are ready to send food items, medicines and doctors to the US for the people affected by the storm," Saeed had said, adding that though the US had put a bounty on his head, it was the duty of Muslims to help fellow human beings, irrespective of their faith, during a natural catastrophe. "It is our Islamic duty and the government of Pakistan should allow us to provide relief goods to the affected people in the US," Saeed said.

Pakistan has so far refused to take action against Saeed on the basis of material provided by India about his alleged role in masterminding the 2008 Mumbai attacks. The US too has said that the assault on Mumbai was carried out by LeT operatives who were trained, financed and controlled by Pakistan-based elements.

Saeed was placed under house arrest for less than six months after the Mumbai attacks, largely due to pressure from the world community.

He was freed in 2009 on the orders of the Lahore High Court.

Though the LeT was banned by the regime of former military ruler Pervez Musharraf, the Pakistan government has not formally outlawed the JuD.

The organisation now carries out its activities through the Falah-e-Insaniyat Foundation, which was created in the wake of the Mumbai attacks

(With inputs from PTI)

a.) "suspected involvement" doesnt mean he is guilty....it means he is suspected only

even you bold-faced the part -- i'm surprised you overlooked it :police:

b.) bounty in order to "obtain damning evidence that would be sufficient to convict him"

c.) HS as you may recall - was placed under house arrest (as a purely 'precautionary' measure) and it was ordered by the Lahore High Court to rescind the order and to free him. Got a problem with that?

we've gone through this so so so so SO many times so i need not delve further.

Am I defending the guy? No. I could care less for him or his organization. I do respcect the fact that JuD brought great relief to earthquake victims, flood victims; they built schools (not just religious schools for the record) and in fact even the minority hindus and Christians have rallid in support of him (google it)

He's a citizen of Pakistan and the courts with jurisdiction are based in Pakistan......india or US have no locus standi on this matter unless and UNTIL sufficient evidence (not marathi poetry and prose) is brought forth
a.) "suspected involvement" doesnt mean he is guilty....it means he is suspected only

even you bold-faced the part -- i'm surprised you overlooked it :police:

b.) bounty in order to "obtain damning evidence that would be sufficient to convict him"

c.) HS as you may recall - was placed under house arrest (as a purely 'precautionary' measure) and it was ordered by the Lahore High Court to rescind the order and to free him. Got a problem with that?

we've gone through this so so so so SO many times so i need not delve further.

Am I defending the guy? No. I could care less for him or his organization. I do respcect the fact that JuD brought great relief to earthquake victims, flood victims; they built schools (not just religious schools for the record) and in fact even the minority hindus and Christians have rallid in support of him (google it)

He's a citizen of Pakistan and the courts with jurisdiction are based in Pakistan......india or US have no locus standi on this matter unless and UNTIL sufficient evidence (not marathi poetry and prose) is brought forth

No disagreement here... However, he is suspected of 26/11 and hence the bounty on evidence leading to his arrest and conviction.. However for a terrorist designation, there is no issue of suspicion. He is a designated terrorist as per United Nations and his organization JuD is listed as a terror outfit.. Again, no confusion there...
Looking at the conviction record of terrorists in Pakistan, for them, Pakistan's POV seems to be innocent till forever :)
but isnt that USA embassy's pov as that statement was us embassy isb:azn:

Is that an endorsement of Pakistans point of view?- innocence until proved guilty?-
Yes its the endorsement but difficult to drill it into pdf indian's thick skull.
but isnt that USA embassy's pov as that statement was us embassy isb:azn:

There is nothing wrong with it.. Unless he is convicted, the right term to be used is "suspected".

Yes its the endorsement but difficult to drill it into pdf indian's thick skull.

Ah! Personal attacks , incompetence ...etc etc.. ;)
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